Where can i find the most recent version of this?

where can i find the most recent version of this?

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't know who half of those people are.

They are not the heroes we deserve but the ones we need.

Why is the swedish guy asian?

Old versions are the best versions

marion marechal le pen - front national
tony abott - party of australia
geert wilders - dutch freedom party
frauke petry - alternative for germany
viktor orban - notorious hungarian fence builder
jimmie akesson - sweden democrats
hc strache - austrian freedom party
that one polish guy from "law and justice" party, always forget his name

L to R
Marion Le Pen, Tony Abbott, Donald J Trump, Nigel Farage, Geert Wilders, Frauke Petry, Viktor Orban, Vladimir Putin, Jimmy Akkesson, Norbert Hofer, Korwin Mikke

Janusz Korwin-Mikke

Not Hofer, my bad.
hc strache - austrian freedom party

>women in politics

Why Marion Le Pen and not Marine Le Pen?

Is Jimmy Akkesson any good, i'm tired of seeing the swede's get fucked by everyone.

i don`like 80% of what he says but the one-eyed man is the king among the blind i guess

He's good if you want a decent enough nationalist party in power. Popular, calm, collected guy. If you want someone Sup Forums tier then not so much. Swedish Democrats (his party) even denounces Trump to some degree. Not internally, obviously, but in public.

>Not knowing based Korwin
Realisticly, the best chance Poland has of making anime real.


I've got connections within SD, and most of the higher ups wore MAGA hats at work the day of the US election. It's just the absolute top shift that atleast pretend to dislike Trump.

nu-Sup Forums is mostly composed of teenage redditors who think with their dick

I've wondered this forever.


I've seen one with Duterte, I think that's the most recent edition

fucker is a traitour like everyone else

because Marion is cute

What about including our guy?

no. SD has become to liberal

you're an idiot. he's not a traitor in any sense of the word.

plus, his latest comments on Trump were "a blow to everyone who wanted to push globalism". He's based and woke.

dont be a cuck defeatist.

You don't belong here then. Reddit is probably a better fit for you.

I wouldn't put too much faith in them if I were you

yes, i need the one with Abe in a better resolution
get fucked /adv/ no one likes you

A country has the Jews it deserves, remember.

You used the french flag for Netherlands and the dutch flag for France you fucking retard.

Brazil has an average IQ of 87. you're beyond saving.


SD is very much against the dangerous kikes, like Bonniers. There's been several attempts from Sd to shut them down, especially their influence in media. and compared to all the muslims in the middle east, even I prefer Israel over them, so does Trump. Trumps speech at AIPAC was buttlicking of the highest order, yet he's still considered based.

plz elaborate

Isn't that the polock that said that lazy refugees aren't welcome?

it's about white countries in case you haven't noticed monkeyboy

he's a retarded stormfag. ignore that Downie.

Sorry but that's not true

Way too lefty

I want low taxes not this shitty welfare fuckstate we have right now

He is the only one who is correct about immigration however

Who the fuck made this list, a teenage Polish redditor? Get that dirty cuckservative out of there.

>Law and justice

Shouldn't it be Pauline Hanson instead of Tony Abbott?

yep that's him, he called them human trash

Marine panders to socialists and faggots.

Marion is an uncompromising catholic traditionalist like her grandfather.

That's why

>Catholic traditionalist
>follows Vatican II

try again

that woman is a fucking retard. if you actually read the proposal she got kicked out for it says "no ethnicity shall be allowed own more than 5% of businesses in media"
thats an absolutely insane and retarded proposal. how many ethnicites do you think exist in Sweden? We've got the swedes, jews, mudslimes, sami.. thats like 20%. according to her proposal, the other 80% should be distributed to other ethnicites all without any effort required on their part.

do you understand how fucking retarded this is? or are you too retarded aswell? SD wants to sink the Bonnier media empire by fixing the "presstöd" not by Downie-tier proposals that would never ever work in reality.

you're human trash and you disgrace us all

Here you go. This version adds Duterte and Leitch

It's 12 MB so I had to upload it to an external image site


Doesn't she attend SSPX?

små bokstäver gubben

its too big. theres no point of making it if we cant upload it to Sup Forums.

>including Leech

dafuq is that supposed to mean? obivously you're too retarded aswell to contribute

Lazy fucking Swede

Have a lossy jpg

nu lugnar du ner dig

Not saying her proposal is good in any way, but each time someone so much as suggests that jews arent perfect get booted real fast. SD are jew puppets just as much as the other major parties.

And nowhere in sight a single "war criminal" from Serbia.

We started this you pieces of shit.
30 years ago.


The proper version should have putin removed. You're insulting these people by placing the mudslime-loving manlet beside them.


Jävla kapitalisthora

Det perfekta Sverige är en blandning av folkhemmet på 1950-talet och nationalism.
Ut med blattar, zignenare, negrer och mussar.
Stärk försvaret, förstatliga skola och sjukvård igen.
Sverige måste värna om sina egna, genom måttlig socialism och en nära på helt nedstängd immigration.
SD är inte perfekta i det avseendet, men de är de närmaste man kan komma om man inte vill gå "heil hitler ett folks storhet sitter i generna folkmord when?"-NMR

chinky winky no desu

>Kelly Leach
Kill yourself my man

SSPX teaches that non-Catholics can go to Heaven. they're literal cucks

she got booted for the proposal and you get all pissy about it despite supposedly knowing that it was a kamikaze proposal from the get-go. whats up with that?

yes, they cant be open with antisemitism. is that a reason for calling them puppets? its already well known they have many kikehaters in their top leadership, or atleast woke about their extraordinary influence on the politics like Soros, Bonniers etc. SD is certainly more aware of the fact than many other nationalist parties out there.

Dra åt helvette kommunistjävel.

Anledningen till att vi sitter i skiten är just på grund av välfärdsstaten. Ingmar Kamprad lämnade Sverige till Holland (!) eftersom att vi har så jävla höga skatter. Om du inte ser kopplingen mellan välfärdsstat och degeneration är du en första klassens idiot.

Skit ner dig

>The proper version should have putin removed.


Zhirinovsky is where it's at.


vi har haft välfärdsstat och väldigt hög levnadsstandard kombinerat med oerhört bra utveckling för företag i många årtionden innan massinvandringen satte igång. massinvandring+välfärd=kollaps. tar du bort massinvandringen så tjänar Sverige det Svenska folket. så som det ska göra.

Under very specific circumstances that are increasingly rare in the modern world (living according to Christian virtue while never having heard of Jesus)

Nah, unfortunately he's a political prostitute who's changed his proclaimed views multiple times like gloves. Also he's a half-jew, but then again: most our establishment are, including Putin.
(Or were you sarcastic?)

pig disgusting?

>No Canadian hero
That sucks.

Zhirinovsky's real name is Edelstein. He's Jewish.

I think it should be a Russian to represent Russia, not a Jew.

Why the fuck is Kellie Leitch up there.

Do you even pay attention to the Conservative race? She can't debate worth shit, she's useless.

So far our best bet is with Mad Max; or if Kek wills it, Kevin O'leary.

Välfärdsstat =/= degenererat mångkulturellt samhälle

Det var judarna, på början av 60-talet, som har använt Sverige som en breeding ground för liberala och globalistiska ideer. Sen kom Palme och körde allt ner i helvettet ännu mer.

Sverige på 50-talet var perfekt. Ett homogent och välfungerande folk i ett socialistiskt, stabilt samhälle. Ingen (eller åtminstone extremt få) halkade efter eller föll mellan stolarna. Och inga negrer eller blattar.
Det är det samhället vi måste återgå till.

Samtidigt måste uag säga att den socialistiska delen inte är prio 1. Om jag har att välja på ett välfärdssamhälle med mångkultur och moskeer i varje gatuhörn, och ett tvättäkta kapitalistiskt samhälle med bara svenskar, så väljer jag direkt det senare. Välfärdssamhället med nationalistiska inslag är dock det yttersta idealet för Sverige. Drömmen, så att säga.

Vi har det så bra eftersom att vi profiterade på andra världskriget utan egentliga kostnader själva. Vår ekonomi bromsade snabbt upp och har vart i en nedåtgående spiral sen dess. Detta började långt innan massinvandringen.

Våra vägar och våra lägenheter är av katastrofal 90-tals kvalité. Åk runt lite och kolla hur andra länder har det, vi har det verkligen inte särskilt bra jämfört med Schweiz (som har extremt låga skatter) eller tyskarna (som också tagit in jävligt många invandrare)

Läs på lite innan du spär ut vänsterpropaganda

The White Man has defeated the Asians for centuries. We have come to respect your people as our superiors.

If we let our superiors become cucked by the black man, we Asians by extension would also be cucked by the black man.

That is unacceptable

The white man will become great again, whether he wants to or not.

So what you're saying he exactly fits the pattern of those other politicians on the picture ?
Just follow what's popular.

The man has some great insights. for example


(with subs for our english friends)

he's dead on about Russia as a country being a graveyard.
All the monuments are made to dead people, no great people anymore in russia.
It was prison that made dostovesky a great writer.

Suffering in general.

I'd vote for him.

>I think it should be a Russian to represent Russia

No such thing.
Putin is a fingol.

>the dyke's face near the end


Zhirinovsky is kept as a joker. He's allowed to say insightful, shrewd and sometimes truthful things but only in a half-clownish manner and only provided he doesn't get in direct confrontation with the regime.
The only good thing about him is that he hates commies and has never been one.
>No such thing.
Just you wait till next year, you'll see. For now at least you people should remove the manlet from the charts - he is NOT a nationalist and basically not even right-wing. He's a centrist cuck pandering to neo-sovietist sentiment.

Bad picture
Only TRUMP and FARAGE can save this world, not a bunch of yurocucks

Brofist. We are not superiors. But we did accomplish something with English common law tradition and orderly societal institutions that was better than any autistic "just give me more power, I'll fix everything" stuff in millennia of Asian political history.

I don't know.

Are there any Russians in Russia anymore ?

There were a lot of white army emigres in Serbia after WW I, my grand-grand father was one of them.

Does this make me Russian ?
To be honest, no.

Same goes for all the Russia, people mixed too much with fingols, with central asians, with siberian asians, with others...

Also the man is redpilled on women


less than 3% of Russian people have any kind of east asian DNA

Siberian natives aren't numerous enough to have any kind of impact on the Russian gene pool

Finnic peoples are white

>less than 3% of Russian people have any kind of east asian DNA

>Finnic peoples are white

>slavic people are white

memes that need to stop.

Only European haplogroup that existed before any other is I1 and I2.
And only they are white.

>people mixed too much with fingols, with central asians, with siberian asians
Stop repeating that unsubstantiated meme. It's them who have some of our blood, not vice versa.

You do realise that either way means that mixing happened.


det är ju exakt det jag menar. utan massinvandringen hade hundratals miljarder kunnat läggas på försvar, infrastruktur, bostadsbyggande osv. det är massinvandringen som sabbar välfärdssamhället. fram tills 90talet var det verkligen inga sådana problem, och än idag är vi trots, höga skatter är sverige i top 5, hela tiden, i rankings för bästa länder för business, enligt forbes exempelvis, businessinsider osv. våran tredje väg är något som har tjänat sverige och svenskarna väl, och kan fortsätta göra det sålänge vi inte sabbar skiten med massinvandring.

I've always wondered if this image was real

>doesn't know the differnece between genotype and phenotype
So what? It's fringe as fuck and still look upon as a deviation. If you're interested in truth rather than memeing just come to Russia and see for yourself - phenotypically non-white people here are not considered Russians by ethnic Russians. And although we have a fuckload of mudslimes in our cities, you can always easily distinguish them from Russians.
Pic related is 100% Russian with quite a typical phenotype. If that's "non-white" according to you, then show me what is.

None of this matter.

Not only if you have very little of it or much, or it is just fringe, none of it matters.

If your y-dna isn't I1 or I2 and your mtdna isn't X or a U5a1, you're not white.

Admixtures are meaningless everybody knows how blood is kept pure, by looking at the lineage of both mother and father, how they look like is meaningless.

>tfw noone to make spain great
spain will never be great, will it?

>white country

mr 53% shouldnt throw stones in glass houses

>If your y-dna isn't I1 or I2 and your mtdna isn't X or a U5a1, you're not white.
Some eight years ago when I was a teenage fuck like you I also bought into all that haplogroups meme. Although at that time R1a and R1b were considered the "Aryan genes". Guess now the agenda has changed, funny.

Well, anyway - if baseless cherrypicking is what makes you hard - suit yourself.




not the edgy military man pls, it hasn't been many years since we got democracy back.

That image needs Duterte and Assad added to it

Cause we totally need another drunk guy in office