Coming in August

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>biggest entertainment industry
>the tail that wags the dog

The first interesting project from Chaykin in years, to be honest.

Try reading Satellite Sam

prepare for gender issues and women oppression stories

Get a fucking life.

>conmen, clowns, ganefs, gangsters

is he talking about Stan Lee?

Go home Matt, you are drunk

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I think the Clowns was a dig at that one goofy story about Bob Kane.

Except I'm against virtue signalling?

This. I expect cringe.

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What in the christ are you talking about

Cool. It's going to be fun trying to decipher who's who in the stories, although it'll probably be obvious enough.

whats this? liek "manga michi"?

modern kids are busy downloading pirated mangas
dont care to learn history


it wont sell
it wouldve got attention and sold fairly well if it was released before the internet

this is off topic but id like to read artists stories/monologues in comics as to how manga has shocked and bothered them and how theyve struggled with it, made a decision. nobody writes about it it would make anyone think. id rather think like that than learn history all over again that has already been known.


howard chaykin is a MASSIVE sjw

this has potential

it's not actually for kids, that's just the title

>Sup Forums
>not being retarded

I'm skeptical. The only persons I'd trust to make a history of comics comic are Shooter and McCloud

There's a big chance he's gonna spent a good chunk of the book beating the dead horses of "kirby was a victim of stan lee" and "shooter hated creator rights" to please old comic and press friends.

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>buying into the Shooter meme