Looks like we missed a happening Sup Forums

Looks like we missed a happening Sup Forums

The aussies are completely controlled by jews so they blacked it out im assuming

there was a few threads about this yesterday, but yes no further coverage

and i essentially forgot until now

Our cucked media refused to describe attacker.

Hes from burma but likely one of those burmese muslims.

There wasnt too much in the news about it. Our media is entirely left wing and its primary purpose is to push multiculturalism. Anything that puts immigrants or refugees in a bad light is censored.

Thankfully most Australians know how fucked the media is.

The only reason why media doesn't want to air this horrific news is because right wingers will use this as fuel to their fire - racist, bigotry and violence. That's all right wingers literally know, and especially after Trump's victory its not surprise why media doesn't want to air this.

Yes, he's a Muslim Rohingya (i.e. Bengali). He deliberately poured petrol on other peoppe and ran at them to set them alight and burn them. Another Jihad rage attack against the kuffar being covered up by the media.

>He deliberately poured petrol on other peoppe and ran at them to set them alight and burn them.
Your way of wording that is hilariously proper and polite.

>covered up by the media.

What? It was all over 3AW and most of the radio news channels. No one watches TV news anymore.


You may as well count it as a credible source now. Breitbart is quickly becoming a media giant.

>The only reason why media doesn't want to air this horrific news is because right wingers will use this as fuel to their fire - racist, bigotry and violence. That's all right wingers literally know, and especially after Trump's victory its not surprise why media doesn't want to air this.
Is it the same reasoning they let pakis rape over 1400 girls because they were afraid to inflame the situation?

He poured petrol on himself and around the bank and on people, then set himself alight, and then whilst on fire, ran at people and jumped on them to set them on fire too.

Also his name is Nur Islam, so please show respect to the firebomber and call him by his proer name and title: Mr Islam.

Im guessing he was going to something like this. The Islamic version involves running at people though.

Is he an actual representative of Islam?

No, he didn't explode.

>Is he an actual representative of Islam?
>No, he didn't explode.

never gets old

Call him Mr Jihad
Call him Mr Petrol
Call him Mr Flame

He said:
I'm gonna burn this bank!
And cook kuffars now!
72 soon
Cause I'm Mr Islam

Most media covered up the fact that Mr Islam was a Muslim. Coulters law in effect too, his name wasn't released for a few days.

Ah. Surprised people still watch Australian news.

It was in Melbourne so they deserve it, and it looks like a pretty major shitskin suburb. So it seems everyone is pretty kek about it really.