Im still mad

Im still mad

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About what?

She became a lesbian in the last episode for no reason.

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What ever happened to the artist?

> No reason
> Spent first half of season talking to Asami and building a bond with her

His life not going the way he wanted it to.
He's projecting that anger onto cartoon lesbians.

Or, they were both bi from the start.

>the moment her father realised that his family line ends with him

Is this a fan comic or official?

Nothing, she literally posted some art 4 days ago.

What sane couple of parents would ever be thrilled to hear they're never getting grandchildren?
At least not normal ones. It'll be some retarded sperm donor shit and the kid would grow up insane from having dyke moms.
Absolutely disastrous.

Realizing all that time, effort and money as well as concessions and sacrifices made to have a child and pass on your genes, and then they turn out gay. What a slap in the face.

Only psychopaths care about their "family lines"

>being friends with someone of the same sex makes you gay

If I knew that I would have regretted only having 1 children. Maybe my next one could have been the Avatar instead.

How old is your wife's son?

If your greatest accomplishment in life is literally doing the most basic human thing then you've already failed.

dude, come on, it's literally the biological imperative, it's programmed into our genes to procreate and continue your line

It was built up over the season. Everyone with any sense for romance knew what was up when Korra blushed for Asami.

Nick probably didn't let them be as overt as they could've been but Korra works so much better with Asami, they had lots of great moments in Seasons 3&4

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This may come as a shock to you, but most parents find that the child is it's own reward. It's not some first step on the road to grandchildren. It's not about passing on a family line or genes.

It's about that little person you made that you love.

I ain't upset enough to call it mad, but I still find it dumb.
I mean the only things that came close to hinting this was a hug that lasted a little long and an invite to go on vacation together. If that's enough to suggest gay for each other than most comedy movie duos are gay.
Then again I'm behind on my fanfiction. Maybe most people DO ship Chris Farley and David Spade in the movies they're in together.

Everything from Asami looking after Korra, for the season 3 finale, to Korra only sending mail to Asami, to the blush and their time together, at the "we arrested Hitler" party scene was a strong build-up to Korra and Asami being end-game. But, the fact that they couldn't be overt was also why it worked. Bryke are bad with romance, mainly because they hit you over the head with it and try and force drama.

If i was her father i would have raped Korra to make sure that the ancestry line is preserved.

I long ago stopped giving a shit about Korra. It was all downhill after the first season.

Look on the bright side when we get the earthbender we wont need to deal with there kid

Why should I give a shit what happens to my genes?

Just because they are lesbos doesn't mean they magically become sterile user. Back before artificial insemination was a thing carpet munchers would just resort to a one night stand with a dude.

What reason does she have to be straight?

Disgusting! Avatar Korra ruined my life!

Humans are inherently straight. This is why Jewish capitalist gay propaganda is banned in my country.

>has a biological imperative to procreate and continue his line
>shitposts and eats tendies and shitposts about eating tendies
So how's that working out for you?

Answer: You're a failure so you shouldn't. The answer is for the educational benefit of others,

Shit, Korra is the avatar she could just jizzbend the cum out of some guy's nuts, no need to actually fuck him.

> Implying she wasn't bi in the first place
Just because she dated one male, doesn't mean she never batted both ways. Plus, yes, spending time with someone and getting more comfortable with them does actually cause feelings of romance.

Gay Jew here, and that's what you think.

Believe me, we have people in your government fucking little boys right now. Doesn't matter where your government is, we have them. And there's more every year.

I love that Avatar is a universe that contains bisexuals that have god-like powers. It's just like mythology in most polytheistic cultures. Considering that Loki liked to turn into a woman and get pregnant, despite having a wife, that was their for him during the end times, Korra is rather chaste.

> ITT: Kissless virgins who think that Korra and Asami need to be sucking each other's toes all season, otherwise them being romantically involved in the end "makes no sense"
Seriously, the build was fine and the outcome was great and very realistic. Not every romance story ever needs to end with a big face sucking kiss. The built up their relationship slowly and eventually let each other know they had feelings for each other... y'know, like real life?

> B-but she likes men!
She dated Mako and that was it. It's called bisexual.

> B-but they didn't make it obvious she was a lesbian
Oh no! Korra didn't stand there with a massive sandwich board that said "I'm a dyke!" on it.

Enjoy a meaningless death, cuck

The jew fears the chinaman and samurai

Wise words

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>She became a lesbian in the last episode for no reason.
she became a lesbian on twitter

Why would you hate this shitty show for this reason when you can hate it for a 100 more reasons. Reasons which are much more demonstrable and actually caused most of the problems that make this romance ring hollow.

All Avatars are bi, it's a side effect of all the past life memories.

If passing down a legacy is all that matters to you, then these two parents already won the jackpot, as they were parents to an avatar, which means that korra will be pass down her knowledge for countless avatars after her(until someone comes along that is as bad as korra in being an avatar)

>that shit eating grin when he realizes there's going to be two hot women making out in his house every night

how else would you start a thread for an old show nobody cares about?

Yeah because what the fuck is a bisexual. I'm more mad they retconned Sozin into banning gays, doesn't seem like his MO.

Why don't you post the page where Korra gets mad at her parents for being accepting of her new found lesbianism.

Yeah, really. If anything, the Fire Nation in ATLA was more progressive than the Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom.

>Sup Forums spends the entirety of season 4 posting about how gay Korra and Asami are for each other.
>flip shit that Korra blushing at her, "oh my god they're so gay why won't Nick let them be gay?"
>It happens

I really, really want to fuck those two.

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>>Sup Forums spends the entirety of season 4 posting about how gay Korra and Asami are for each other.

I'll take "Shit that never happened" for 500, Alex.

its how they did it that irritates me. You don't jump from first base to third base that fast.
I feel certain fanficcers could have written a better relationship arc.

I guess we must have been in different threads.

I haven't read the comic so I don't know how fast they moved afterwards but I thought the show didn't end with that quick, it ended with two women that had feelings for each other going on an adventure together, to explore an unknown area and maybe explore their feelings as well.

I know the comic shoved it much harder, at least from the panels I've seen Sup Forums complain about.

I think you must not have been on Sup Forums.

Wish it was here, too.

my memory is pretty spotty on the finale, but i do remember feeling the relationship was coming too fast. I can't even remember a single romantic moment between the two before they headed off to the spirit world.
God forbid you call out certain yuri fans and the creator for their shit writing but nope you get labeled a homophobe instead.
And yes comic is worse, although thats not a surprise to me, because the creators haven't learned shit and worse can't take criticism so we end up with garbage all around.

It's the kind of ass-pull a shit show would attempt during its dying throes in an incredibly vile attempt to be remembered for something.
And it worked, people ate that shit right up.

worse part is you cant criticize it because that would seem like an attack on the gay community.

Ask them what they liked apart from the final scene.
Get a completely blank stare or an accusation of homophobia.

oh yeah absolutely, ask them if they like legend of korra in a round about way and they'll admit its pretty average and atla beats it.
Id ask for season 5 to fix the relationship but with how shit the writers are for the last 4seasons/comics included they'll probably fuck that up too.

user, I like Korra and I'm on Sup Forums every other day. I've not once accused haters of attacking the gay community. Even when people have said that you must be retarded or an SJW to like LoK. Some of you, not everybody, need to stop with the persecution complex and generalisations.

>you must be retarded or an SJW to like LoK

They joked about their ex, fought some bandits together and got stuck in a desert.

By that logic Zuko and Sokka fucked after Boiling Rock since they talked about their former girlfriends, fougth Azula together and got stuck in a prison.

Because if she's straight then she needs to have a personality and character traits beyond her sexuality in order to be considered a worthwhile character.

She spent two seasons trying to get a guy's dick.

> Third base is holding hands and going on a trip together

See what I mean? People like you need to learn what double standards mean.

Yeah, it's not like A) Sokka and Zuko are straight and B) They hated each other for ages before eventually becoming friends. But sure, it's exactly the same.

Yeah that's what he said, but in his head he's thinking, I hope this is just a phase and our family doesn't die here, also, I wonder if it's too late to have another child.
How the hell could parents be glad that thier child is gay and killing the family line?
Think about it, you are a result of millions of successfully reproducing beings when the majority of all life has died off but you continued on and just like that it ends, for no good reason, unlike other beings that simply couldn't make it, you end up just willingly dying off.
It's a trip man.

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She posted some porn and her Mommy got scared.

>Sokka and Zuko are straight
So were Korra and Asami before bryke decided they weren't

Sozin did nothing wrong

You’re not really engaged in lok community are you? Tell you what find a random lok community and tell them the series finale sucks and is a soulless attention grabbing stunt I’ll wait.

So? They're bi. Just means that's they've always been bi now.

Lesbians for some reason think getting semen from some rando or a homo friend constitutes a real family. Either that or magical pregnancy. I'm sure that can happen since Korra is the avatar and she can do anything she wants.

Korra existing at all, which to be fair is a very good reason to be mad.

Your instinct to extend the family line comes from the need to preserve the human race. But human race is already dominating and close to overpopulation. There is no need for people to keep the family line and evolution is shaping itself toward homosexuality in order to lower the number of humans on Earth and preserve the ecosystem.

Bryke never confirmed that they were straight. Only that they happen to find Mako attractive to them. None of them ever found the idea of dating another woman as disgusting

Thanks for letting us know, Dr. Goldstein.
Are we going to tell the non-white people to stop having children as well?

>but what about our legacy and our way of life?
>how will our family continue?

Oh right, a bunch of tribals definitely wouldn't care about such base and trifling things.
To shreds with culture! LOVE CONQUERS ALL!

That's just begging for attention and trying to start arguments. If you're really doing that, it's really no wonder that people are saying you're attacking them. Because, you are literally going out of your way to be a pain in the butt.

But, yeah, you have a point, I'm not part of the LOK community. The show ended years ago. Anyone left in the, presumably dwindled, community would be a die-hard fan and how many die-hard fans are willing to sit by and listen to "your show sucks and you are dumb for liking an ending that I don't like."

>Thinking that just because of their experiences they went lesbian to one another

That is not how it works.

Both would have to have the psychological tendencies and physical responses to find females attractive. Probably not acknowledged. Both tried dating boys and probably enjoyed it though both broke up in the end.

Then they spent time together and acknowledged they had feelings and desires for one another and decided to go for it.

Nothing just MAKES you gay. Its a physical and psychological response in your own body.

Besides... have you seen their bodies? Who the fuck wouldn't grow attracted to one or the other of them after spending so much time in their company? Asami's beauty and kissable mouth, Korra's raw sex appeal.

Pussy is gunna be licked, gents.

>the need to preserve the human race
No, it comes form the need to keep your family going, not the whole race, not other tribes, but your own.

>Nothing just MAKES you gay.
Kind of. Believe it or not, early diet is a major contributing factor.
Younger brains are very plastic, and bathing it in, or depriving it of certain chemicals (including hormones) present in and generated from certain foods will permanently impact its growth and behavioral tendencies.

For example, a diet of mostly obsessively progressive agendas is enough to make any cartoon character quite gay. It just can't be helped.

>Being a tribal culture somehow automatically equates to them hating gays

You can easily google information on how some tribal cultures view gender, sexuality, and how it plays into their society and see how different it can be from western Christianity-dipped gay hate but you won't.

Explains everything. But hey, you say its obsessively progressive. Why can't it just be progressive?

Its not like progress and change is fucking terrifying to idiots who can't grasp it and can't embrace the new and wonderful, now is it?

But no, what you feed your baby doesn't make them gay or not gay.

To be honest that whole scene is fuck up. No sane parent is just going to jump on that. They are going to be surprised and taken back. Not "OMG get out!" but when you are hereto and your kid has been dating the opposite sex it's going to be a big "does not compute" when they hear she want's to rub lips with another girl.

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Just fucking say opposition or something

>no sane parent

Let me fix that for you.

>no sane parent from modern american cultural norms

It certainly can't just be regular progressive when there's a corporate push. It's all or nothing with money on the line.
Unicorns and victory or bust!

Really though, if you don't believe that what you feed your baby influences brain development, you should question your parents.
They have wronged you deeply in many ways and I pity you.
but don't let my pity stop you from living a happy, healthy life!

Why? When hate is all they spew. There is a difference between prejudice and actual political opposition. Hate is hate is hate. It is never relevant, it is never right. Anyone using hate as a basis for their arguments is automatically invalid, because there is nothing more then 'Because I irrationally dislike something, it must be wrong'.

People trying to treat those who hate, those who have prejudice, as actual people who deserve political recognition is pathetic.

It sounds better

I've never seen so many people defend this on a Sup Forums thread before.

Hahaha. Of course it matters, and of course what you feed your kid influences brain development. But what you do or do not feed your baby doesn't turn them gay or straight. There is no magic food or chemical or hormone to cause it that is currently identifiable.

Brain development is very much associated with what you consume and what your body converts those building blocks to. But there is no proof or evidence that anything of the sort causes sexuality, proclivities, or anything like that.

Its a genetic roll of the dice, just like everything else.

No, it gives relevance to those who hate. Because opposition gives the connotation of 'political opposition'. While 'Haters' is a bad term, yes, I'd just call them 'prejudiced idiots'.

>Being a tribal culture somehow automatically equates to them hating gays
user, you seem to have read words that didn't exist in my post.
Whereabouts were the words "tribals hate gays" in my post? Or even the implications of it? Really, the greater implication was that tribals tended not to accept other tribes into the mix, gay or not. That is such a curious conclusion, "tribals hate gays".

Note the prominence of the word "culture". That is the word that carries the implications. The word is there, I swear on my mother's grave it's there! Are you perhaps unable to see that word for some reason, but somehow capable of seeing other words that aren't? If you are, could you please read between the lines of this post and tell me more of what I didn't type, I would appreciate more insights into the invisible meanings I weave into my posts.

What about the beginning user, when the series ended and a good number of people called out bryke for the shit ending.
Do you remember how many fans jumped up in arms and called all the detractors homophobic assholes scared of gay people?

It just makes it sound like a 12 year old or someone who never grew up is trying to argue.