Hey guys, I can shrink things like Jimmy Neutron and the guy from "I shrunk the Kids" franchise...

>Hey guys, I can shrink things like Jimmy Neutron and the guy from "I shrunk the Kids" franchise, this means I am one of the smartest characters in fiction.

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> I am one of the smartest characters in fiction.

are there people who argue this? or just weird OP

(you) again?

>are there people who argue this?
Some Marvelfags Sup Forumsmrades believe that Pym is way smarter than Lex Luthor, per example.

Lex Luthor is just a business man who pays people to think for him.

See They really believe that one of the first "genius scientist villain" and canonically the smartest DC character is dumber than Pym because Pym can shrink things.

They believe that "shrinking things" is something that only Pym in all fiction can do.

Oh, yeah.
He's a f***in' genius! Not.

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So is this just Namorfag trying new bait? Because it really feels like the same fag rotating topics

this is so bizarre and specific I feel like it's maybe 3 anons yelling at each other constantly.

>new bait
This is at least the third time he's made this thread

if the guy was smart enough to know how to shrink himself wouldn't he shrink an air tank so he doesn't choke?

it's either shrinking things or the pym slap

ultron is all tony's now

Namorfag right now.

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Cool! Check it out it's a Hank Pym thread.

>ultron is all tony's now

Except that Pym is still the creator in comics.

>screams incompetently at Marvel to keep Trial of Yellowjacket in print

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true but the pym slap still outweighs all the shit comics ultron did for some reason.

>Pymfags are proud because their favorite character created a robot that escaped his control one minute after its creation
This is the "smartest guy in fiction", lads.

He's an expert in robotics, A.I. and insect biology on top of routinely fucking the laws of physics in the ass with Pym Particles.

Even if he isnt the all time smartest he's still a super clever dude.

Still more believable than
>hey guys I stole Iron Man's armor and I can solve basic equations, this means I am one of the smartest characters in fictions

TBF it's not the shrinking things he gets the most credit for, it's the "Father of modern AI" thing with Ultron.

>on top of routinely fucking the laws of physics in the ass with Pym Particles.
Why are "Pym Particles" treated like "the ultimate scientist accomplishment"?

Brainiac can do the same and isn't treated this way. Ray Palmer can do the same and isn't treated this way. Jimmy Neutron, Dexter, Professor Utonium, and other 1000 characters can do the same and aren't treated this way.

I feel like people underrate Pym Particles abilities to do bullshit

He created a robot that escaped his control in one minute and people respect him for that?

He also created Salvation I and Rover, co-created Jocasta and Alkhema, repaired Vision, created the Infinity Mansion with the dimensional doors, co-created Heaven, created The Ultron Virus that evolved to The Diamond (lot of AI), it's considered the God of Modern AI, created a way to communicate and command any insect and a lot of other things but hey! you only know about the Pym Particles and Ultron, congrats for being a casual!

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different methodology, same result.

that and you don't see any of them having x particle name after them?

>He also created Salvation I and Rover, co-created Jocasta and Alkhema, repaired Vision, created the Infinity Mansion with the dimensional doors, co-created Heaven, created The Ultron Virus that evolved to The Diamond (lot of AI), it's considered the God of Modern AI, created a way to communicate and command any insect and a lot of other things but hey! you only know about the Pym Particles and Ultron, congrats for being a casual!
Fucking Jocasta is the only relevant thing in that list. JOCASTA!

Is pic related supposed to be impressive?

Because Hank Pym is not in the same continuity as any of those other characters and it's up to Marvel to decide how important that is in his own universe.

That's how fiction fucking works. You don't have to abide by the laws of other people's fiction, or else we'd be in a constant powerlevelwank ladder in literally everything. Do you also think Samurai Jack is shit because some random Final Fantasy Character can do the same shit with a sword?

Because they're acknowledged as a major science accomplishment in Universe. Since Pym was a founding avenger he gets focus that expands on the significance of his discoveries. Brainiac has the alien science being essentially magic writing quirk, Palmer's a c-lister who gets little attention and the others shrinking is generally a one off thing that isnt acknowledged again.

Explain to me how Pym's methodology is different from the others and how that makes him a cut above the rest.

The fact Ultron had the free will to escape his control shows that he was a true AI. Obviously Pym fucked up with that but it's still a big achievement in a field where previous attempts where around the real world stage of development.

Then how can people say that Pym is "one of the smartest guy in fiction"?

There are people ITT saying that Pym is smarter than the smartest guy in DC.

Literally nobody in this thread has said that but you saying that other people say that

where did i say it makes him a cut above the rest?

people already shit on hank enough that people only remember the slap, are people really that desperate to make it the ONLY thing he's good for?

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That's you.

Except for the fact that that guy isn't me.

Well, if you don't think Pym is one of the smartest characters in fiction, that's fine, but stop creating this stupid thread over and over again, I don't think Moon Girl is the smartest characters in Marvel but I don't create hate-threads like you, just be happy!

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I don't recall anyone every arguing he's one of the smartest guys in fiction, but in the Marvel Universe, he does rank pretty high. Its generally agreed he falls somewhere around 4-6 in terms of the top 10. And its usually not just achievements or fields of expertise that determine things, but how the characters approach situations and solve problems. Pym tends to be more "abstract" in how he does things, as opposed to some who are more straightforward and grounded in their approaches.

Pymforce is a stupider version of Speed Force.

He is.

Pym is basically Good Guy Sivana

Why? Because he can shrink things and he created an AI that escaped his control after one minute?

Do you really think that no character in the DC universe can compete against this sort of intelligence?

Because the Pym Particle can allow you to enter the realm of Abstract Concepts.