Who else / supports boycotting Israel until Palestine is free from river to sea / ?

Who else / supports boycotting Israel until Palestine is free from river to sea / ?

I hate how pol has become filled with Israel worshiping cuckservatives

If you say "muh based israel" you are a cuck. Just cause they hate arabs doesn't mean they aren't literally a country of jews

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I hate Israel but the Palestinians aren't Angels.

I support boycotting Israel until they have their hands pried from control of US politics.

>implying that I care about morality instead of just being mad at how (((they))) have manipulated us foreign policy for their own interest

Let s just say they are not happy having kikes as neighbours .

They're not even Jewish

No way man. Ethno and especially religious states are based af. Just look at Saudi Arabia. Greatest country ever. US should always be a cuck for them and Israel.

>Saudi Arabia
>greatest country ever

I'd rather it be the other way around. Jewish influence is a problem, but all mudslimes are an abomination.

If I had to choose between Palestinians and Jews, I would choose the Jews.

I don't care if Israel pushes every single one of those sand-nigger towelheads into the sea.

ZioKike detected.

I don't give a fffuck about palestinians and their fake arab tragedy, and I don't give a rats ass about rat jews who made a phoney country as a HQ for their bank-fraud pyramid schemes. Fuck both of them. Flood it all.

I'm with you on this. As a victim and survivor of Apartheid I can totally sympathize with the Palestinians.

That's not gonna happen. Trump promised the Jews to move the US embassy to Jerusalem and support them to move their capital there.

And most likely, they will make an offer to the Palestinians that they can't refuse.. but it won't be a good one either.

So, if Israel's capital will move to Jerusalem, what do you think will happen next?

I'll let the strategic prodigies in Trump's team to ponder over that.

nobody cares about your tragedy nigger. Get over it. shit was decades ago. Fix up, look sharp. Go sell drugs and have a jew help you make a rap video about it.

Thanks based south africa

What do you guys think of canada and whites btw ?

>So, if Israel's capital will move to Jerusalem, what do you think will happen next?

All the arab countries will lose their shit and hopeful trump will back down.

>Trump promised the Jews to move the US embassy to Jerusalem and support them to move their capital there.
Probably every presidential candidate in US history has prolly said the same.
>So, if Israel's capital will move to Jerusalem, what do you think will happen next?
No other country in the world would do the same. There would be a shit load of turmoil at the UN and it would backfire spectacularly.

>boycotting Israel until

How about boycotting them for fucking ever. We owe them nothing but contempt.

what is up with these jews samefagging eachother in every thread tonight.
Jew Canada: Hey don't you agree that Israel lives in a ''''tough neighborhood?''''
Jew South Africa: I'm not sure, I know how that goes, perhaps the jews should be more compassionate, but I guess I can understand what they're going through...and the sort of ''''tough decisions'''' they have to make.

So fucking fake.

This. Plus interest.

its a bit late to save them. at this point its easier to just let israel take all of it and then cut them from the global economy and any one who does business with them can face a rate hike for all commodities

while many in america would laugh they probably dont know that palestines bump in status was almost completely supported by any non white nation which was in direct opposition to israel

its so obvious you're a palestinian or leb shitfaggot. i was in quebec earlier this year and its fuckin overrun with you goatfuckers.

Hating Israel is for leftists and SJWs. That's how it is in most of Europe at least.

If this was in the 50's still or maybe even the early 60's you might have a more tenable position. But were at essentially 3 generations of people born in raised in country that consider themselves Isarelis. It is their land now.

Hatred does not even matter in this case. The two-state solution is pretty much dead. Israel is going to have to accept right of return and fully assimilate millions of Palestinians, thereby ending their little religious fantasy of a country.

It's so obvious you're a jew. I watched a movie the other day and I had to turn it off because it was overrun with you starniggers. And then I tried to google something and I realized that it was overrun with you starniggers. And I tried to elect a president but I realized it was overrun with you starniggers. And I tried to eat pizza and I realized it was pedoed out with you starniggers. And I tried to live in peace but your warmongering out out because starnigger. And I tried to drink water but it was floridated out because your dentist are starniggers. And I tried to breathe air but I got chemed up becuase airplanes are chemtrail starniggers. And I tried to spend money but I realized it was printed by starniggers for starniggers.



I hate them both to be honest. There's nothing worse than fake impostors pretending to be jews. Then again there are Muslims. Honestly, the world would be A MUCH better place without Muslims and Nu-Jews.

Thank god. Then we can let them die off of their own accord.

I don't give a fuck about either stupid non-nation.

If it were up to me the Middle East would be a giant field of solar panels.

OG jew detected. Go to hell. Nobody cares about your fake witchcraft shit. They just want a share of the money you've stolen.

give half of Canada to the Indians you hypocritical sjw piece of shit

I personally hate them both but Israel is a huge piece of shit for stealing and destroying Palestine.

Friendship ended with Palestine ever since they befriended Saudi Arabia
Shlomo is my friend now

Go back to brooklyn, kike.

implying Israel isn't the one country where the meaning of 'legitimacy' in the phrase 'international legitimacy' breaks down given the nature of the people who live there.

>Palestine a good boi he dindu nuffin

For an alt-righter to not support a homogeneous country would be hypocritical at the very least. I will boycott them for being in our politics but I will never ask for their disilution not loss of land until and if the final solution.

>I hate how pol has become filled with Israel worshiping cuckservatives

Just like how you hate that we realized libertarianism was fundamentally retarded as well?

He's talking about the white genocide going on right now

same logic applies


Jerusalem IS Israel's capital, you dumb fucking gypsy.

>tfw no embassies are in Jerusalem
>tfw no country in the world recognizes it as ziokike capital
>tfw only dilusional and rabid zionists believe it is their capital
just kys and GTFO JIDF