Let's say Batman is chasing after a criminal and by some freak stroke of luck Batman gets into a situation where he...

Let's say Batman is chasing after a criminal and by some freak stroke of luck Batman gets into a situation where he could die if he isn't saved and this criminal saves Batman instead of escaping and leaving him to die. What would happen?

In fact, how would other superheros react to a criminal saving them?

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He'd probably turn them in, but offer them a job at his company and give them a chance to turn their life around.


If Batman got saved by a criminal he would fuck and then marry them

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Thos. Batman still believes in redemption and second chances. He wouldn't have taken Damian in if he didnt.

>in a rare uncharacteristic second of moral remorse The Penguin saves Batman's life
Uh oh. Now Batman wants to ride his nose.

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Depending on the criminal he might let them go if they promise to go straight. Along with a threat that he'll be watching to make sure they keep it.

More interesting question for me is: Batman chases after a criminal. Throws Batarang. Same time the criminal trips. Batarang ends up in his spine paralyzing him, or something - some kind of lasting physical harm. How would he deal with it? Is it a good villain origin? Was it done before?

>Batman keeps showing up in his room while he sleeps and apologizing for what happened.
Sad and creepy.

New 52 Batman and Robin had an arc about criminals who were deformed by Batman. One guy had a boot branded on his face, a girl had batarang piercings in her arms and back, one fat guy looked like a stack of tires from being tied up, and three guys were fused together in a chemical accident.

Something similar has probably been done before, but it sounds like a good idea

Penguin would never save Batman ever though. He is probably more evil than Joker.
Bruce always lets Selina escape. The pussy power is too strong for even Batman to resist.

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it was a joke to get batman to have sex with his nose

Get some taste.
Though it is true that Batman loves the cat pussy.

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I know I just wanted an excuse to post more BatCat

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Yeah, here's how every Bat Rogue would react. Paraphrased, but:

>You had the chance to kill the Bat and you SAVED HIM?!? You stupid dumbfuck! We're gonna kill you twice for that!

The Joinker would be glad because he shut up boco would want to kill Batman himself.

Joker would save Batmans life because life would be too boring without him.

Wait why does the right half of this panel look so fucking wierd. Im not just seeing things, am I?

Batman is cell shaded. Cat is hand drawn.

>Penguin would never save Batman ever though. He is probably more evil than Joker.
Oswald isn't stupid and he would never pass up a chance to try and have someone owe him a favor, especially Batman. And he never misses an opportunity to play hero just so he can gloat about it afterwards.
I'm pretty sure he's helped Batman or a member of the Batfamily at least once by now.

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Well he does have a fine Roman nose

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He isnt stupid. That's why he knows a criminal can never trust the bat unless she rode his cock.
Penguin would own Gotham if not for Batman

he would give him a quick kiss