Thanks to angry Sup Forums they digging up all the info feminists need to basically advocate castrating men...

Thanks to angry Sup Forums they digging up all the info feminists need to basically advocate castrating men. thanks you guys for twittergate. it means all the progress wee just made with trump will go out the window because now we will be defined by twittergate.

it's over men are done. and we caused it. we are now going to be cucks going forward. if we even disagree with a girl we will be called pedos.

i hate this world full of no chess playing idots who keep getting fooled by feminists

Other urls found in this thread:

Natalie dormer is so qt.

>I'll never wipe that smirk off her face with my penis
why live

>castrating men
Is this how we finally free ourselves from the vaginal jew Sup Forums?
Is this the ultimate redpill?

What the FUCK are you even talking about?


it's not natalie dormer it's a cosplayer

im talking about idiot men researching twittergate. they are ruining everything for us because they are cucks. i bet all of them are subbed to /r/twoxchromosomes like the cucks they are

they have no respect for men and the blowback this is going to cause for us.

men are extinct now. mark my words. i guarantee this will be used to attack men in the USA. it will come out as rape culture. guaranted

So are you trying to say now that some pedos got exposed on twitter women are going to start calling men pedos more often?
Because that shit has been happening since the "stranger danger" movement decades ago. Pedo accusations are nothing new.

you think it's any coincidence stranger danger has coincided with feminisms rise these past few decades.

with pizzagate and twittergate and trumps win women are looking for any reason to take down racist mysogonistic bigots. this is the key.

this is how they do it.

women become dominant and we go to a 1984 survellience society because 0cuckhero or whatever his name is is an angry basement dweller

thanks you cucks for killing the male species just because you could never a get a girl friend. seriously fuck that guy who exposed this. i hope the fbi investigate him anyway

learn how to capitalise your sentences you fuckin degenerate retard

learn to not fuck up the male gender you cuck

your an idiot, women NEED dick

>is this cuck serious

we will be used for breeding but will be lower class citizens

>all this anger

So I'm just going to assume you are an actual pedo and getting dragged into the light like this has your underage panties all in a twist. Are you honestly going to sit there and type that NOW men are going to get accused of being horrible sex monsters? Can't even sit next to unaccompanied children on the plane, a man taking his child to the park runs the very real risk of getting accosted by the police and every single anti-rape campaign is aimed at men being held solely responsible in cases of drunken regret sex, but now, NOW is the final straw.

>Redditor detected
Internet wall when

Lecturing people on grammar when you can't even write the proper "you're"

literally what

literally who

literally no fucks given

>eating the obvious bait

not from around these parts are, you ?

I mean you would have to wipe pretty hard. She's got facial paralysis like Stallone

Where are all of the redditor coming from?
And Based Jackson said:
"Ye tis verily a sad mind prohibitith any deviation in wrote discourse. For becalmed is a man who amounteth to his writing alone, ye masturbators."


not her, Natalie's tits are not that big

natalies tits are soft and droop


>All these pedos afraid of being exposed for liking little boys/girls

Xenia Shelkovskaya

You are beta as fuck.