Really make you think

really make you think

My numbers don't rape my wife and blow up buildings.

really zoops the ol nooper, this one

Your Germany is cucked.

>roach (implying i ever eat kebab)
>soulless dog eaters

Just because I buy shit from them doesn't mean we share the same values or morals. A country is a larger tribe that forms it's constitution on what is best to serve this particular group of people. It doesn't need to exclude others, but fostering yourselves and putting your needs first is not a crime.

Get fucked sauerkraut.


>my car is Japanese
>I dont drink
>Pizza is America is far different than traditional Italian pizza
>I dont eat kebab
>Federal Republic =/= democracy
>Damn right my movies are American
>Tea is for fags
>Latin is relevant, how??

Brazilians didn't invent coffee, and Tamils didn't invent tea.

What a fucking spastic

t. Spastic


>People are the same thing as goods and services

When I buy the honey, I don't want the bees setting up hive in my house too.

whats your point?

My vodka is Russian
My cup is Russian
I'm made from Russia
Everything I eat is Russian cuisine
I live in Russian heavy area

Geh dich bitte aufhängen.

Du und deine linksversiffte Ideologie sind das Problem: wenn's nach euch ginge, gäbe es diese Unterschiede nämlich nicht mal. Dann gäbe es keine Grenzen mehr, keine Kulturen, alles wäre der gleiche Einheitsbrei, wir ihr wollt, dass alle und alles gleich ist.

Wie ich schon gesagt hab, geh dich aufhänge, du dummes Stück Scheiße.


Wow, almost as if nobody gives a shit about the foreign origin of this thing or that, but do care if a person's in the country legally or not

Citation needed. And Hitler was against smoking. What does that say about people who are against smoking?


>my car is a Ford
>don't drink
>US pizza isn't even italian
>I don't eat kebab
>our nation is a republic
>don't drink coffee
>don't drink tea
>Its Bangladeshi
>I have natural gas under my land worth hundreds of thousands, so it's not saudi
>Europeanized Arabic Numerals

Ganz ruhig brauner, Ich bin kein linksversiffter. Nur ist es lächerlich wie Sup Forums alles verallgemeinert also mache ich das gleiche.

>Saudis invented oil


where this pic say they invented it?

Car is Japanese
I don't drink vodka, the beer I drink is primarily from America
My pizza is actually New York-style Pizza, and I live and was born in New York
I don't eat Kebab
No its not, our system is not total democracy and was entirely devised by what were Americans (Colonists were American long before revolution)
Brazil didn't invent coffee
Movies are American
I don't drink tea
my shirt was actually made in CHYNA, but I one several American made shirts
Most of our oil isn't Saudi, a plurality of our oil actually comes from America
Yes but they were designed and invented in America
My numbers and letters may not be invented in America but I speak in the American North dialect with a Hudson Valley accent so my language is fundamentally American.

retarded picture

Yes your kebab is Turkish and it's raping your women Hans, wake the fuck up

The fact every one but that is an invention

Wirklich total schlau und clever von dir. Typisch linksversifft: "Der hat aber, also mach ich das auch."

Kindergarten. Häng dich auf, Junge.


Gee a fpbp

>13 empty red herrings

all of those things are inanimate & do not fuck my quality of life

>Kindergarten. Häng dich auf, Junge.
>Häng dich auf, Junge.

My car is japanes but intellectual property of whites. Also numbers are hindu not arabic. Plenty wrong with the rest but those two are glaring

Häng dich auf. Vermissen wird dich eh keiner.
Tu's einfach.

>my laptop and all the smut on it is japanese
>my car is too
>my guns and boose are all burgernese
>my clothes are made by chinese children
>my penis cage is swedish

Bist du etwa zu fett? Wer hätte das gedacht.
Roll halt vor den Zug.

Folge deinem Führer und gib dir die Kugel.

My electronics are South Korean. Get it right.

really makes you think...

That and the electronics one.

Other than that you're pretty much correct. Though not sure if Greek were literally the first ones to invent democracy so much as be the first ones to invent a way to implement it effrctively on a large scale necessary to sustain a government.

>penis cage
God, you have to be joking.
Or at least be a qt trap.

Get fucked Polskis

>Your wife's bull is African

Ich folge keinem Führer. Ich habe es nur nicht nötig bei Sup Forums zu trollen, um Sup Forums vorzuführen.

Du hast scheinbar ein ziemlich beschissenes Leben und ich will dir nur aufzeigen, dass du es lieber beenden solltest.

Geh ins Bad, schau in den Spiegel und frag das Stück Scheiße, was du dann siehst: habe ich es wirklich verdient am Leben zu sein?

Nein, hast du nicht. Weil du montags abends bei Sup Forums trollst und denkst du bist es. Du bist es nicht. Häng dich auf.

almost forgot
2nd to last sentence is a strawman

and i didnt need to import all those people to get them

checkmate faggot

pretty sure allies + russia did the demolishing

Makes a good point globalisation and culture destroying immigration are linked.

Trade =/= immigration

Bist selber auf Sup Forums, und wünscht anderen Leuten den Tod, kein stück besser.


>you use products gained via globalised trade
>therefore you need to accept foreigners

even with their bullshit premises, their logic is faulty

If you're American, pretty much all of that can come from your own country.

>what is communism

>implying I have a car
>implying I drink alcohol
>implying I eat shitty pizza
>implying I eat nigger food
>implying I like this "all people are of equal worth" bullshit
>implying I drink coffee
>implying I watch Hollywood shit movies
>implying I'm british
>implying I'd wear cheap shit clothes
>implying all oil here isn't from Norway
Proudly using chinese electronics
>implying modern arabs have anything at all to do with the fuckers who made actual scientific progress
Using the latin alphabet is the least we can do to honor the greatest empire of world history

I agree with this, as long as I am allowed to enslave immigrants and own them like I own my coffee and car.

hmmm statistics say diffrent.

Ich wünsche dir nicht den Tod - nicht mal das verstehst du richtig. Ich gebe dir lediglich den Hinweis, dass du eh nichts zu verlieren hast und den Ratschlag, dir das Leben zu nehmen. Ich sitze nicht hier und sage "Ich hoffe du stirbst"

Und ja, ich bin auf Sup Forums, aber nicht um irgendwen "zu ärgern". Vollidiot. Genau aus solchen Gründen, kann man euch linksversiffte Evolutionsverlierer einfach nicht ernst nehmen.

Hau einfach ab. Häng dich auf.

Your rapist is Pakistani.
Your burglar is Gypsy.
Your murderer is African.
Your civilization's destroyer is Jew.

>Your culture is American.

I'm really using Latin letters.

Fuck. Romans welcome, I guess.

erst provozieren dann relativieren, immer das gleiche mit euch rechtsversifften idioten.

My Car is American
I don't drink alcohol like a degenerate
Stuffed crust is American, and my favorite
I don't eat Turkish Kebabs
Not a dirty drug-loving coffee drinker
Jewish, not American
I don't drink the tea-jew
I doubt Indians had a part in my shirt
Ethanol, so mostly American-subsidized corn.
Not for long, and they didn't invent it.
Not Arabic, Persian
Not Latin, English

I don't complain that my neighbor is an immigrant. I complain that illegal immigrants are choking my community by taking all the jobs and not paying taxes. The rule of law needs to be obeyed by all, not just me.

Fun fact, the pizza we eat here in America is nothing like the pizza they eat in Italy, therefore the non-argument is further proved invalid.


My car is American (Ford Mustang).
My bourbon is American (Jim Beam.
My burger is American (Wendy's).
My baked beans are American (Bush's).
My democracy is American (U.S. constitution).
My energy drink is American (5-hour ENERGY).
My oil is American (Lucas Oil).
My gas is American (Sunoco).
My clothing is American (DXL).
My electronics are American (Apple).
My pharmaceuticals are American (Johnson & Johnson).
My moon landing is American (NASA).

And I complain that my neighbor is an >>>ILLEGAL

Es ist nur eine Provokation, für den, der es so auffasst. Ich hatte nie die Absicht zu provozieren - das war dein Ding. Nur deshalb bist du hier.

Und das ist mal gründlich in die Hose gegangen. Viel schlimmer ist eigentlich nur, dass dir dauernd die Argumente fehlen und dann deshalb noch dümmeren Blödsinn schreibst.

Du machst es immer schlimmer. Häng dich endlich auf.

>my car is produced by people of the germanic race, like myself
>don't drink shitty lowtier alcohol
>no such thing as 'italian pizza' here, it's all produced by T*rks and i don't touch that shit
>see above answer
>our constitutional monarchy and democracy is Danish. the concept of democracy developed by greeks is vastly different than the monster we live by today
>dont drink coffee
>don't watch shitty hollyjew produced propaganda movies
>don't drink tee
>whatever oil/gas/energy I consume is Danish and maybe a bit Norwegian
>chinese, japanese, south korean
>nah, our numeral system was actually developed in northern india but it was brought to europe by the arabs who had invaded india and then europe
>Æ(ae) O(oe) Å(aa) motherfucker, can you say it?

>Sony Center

>Viel schlimmer ist eigentlich nur, dass dir dauernd die Argumente fehlen.

Argumente gegen was?

>Und das ist mal gründlich in die Hose gegangen.

sieht nicht so aus kek

>sieht nicht so aus kek


Häng dich auf.

realy make you think

Yeah no, I'm saying fundamentally different and just because we have a lot of imports doesn't mean I don't make my own american pizza myself with homemade ingredients.

Hey I can cherrypick too, doesn't make it correct though.

Get better at making arguments Muhammed

>hurr durr we invented movies
We wuz director

Ich wette, du bist zu 100% ein User bei shortnews.

Du bist so ein dummer Mensch, dass ich hoffe, dass du dich nicht reproduzierst. Aber so einer wie du, der nichts besseres zu tun hat, als montags abends bei Sup Forums zu trollen, ist der lebende Beweis dafür, dass manche Menschen eben doch als Jungfrauen sterben.

Tu es. Häng dich auf. Deine Eltern hassen dich.

Importing goods and commodities from other countries does not mean we should start importing people from other countries.

jetzt haste mich aber

And come Jan 20, it'll all be AMERICAN.

You know, considering how advanced the vikings were socially and how good their craftsmanship and skill at seafaring and trading was, they really aren't the best example for "savages", buddy.


Don't feed the troll.

Gut. Dann tu's endlch. Häng dich auf. Was hast du denn zu verlieren? Dein Smartphone? 'Nen teuren Computer? Das sind nur Dinge.

Die sind ersetzbar. Genau wie du. Häng dich auf.

please continue buying our cars

Du bist auch ersetzbar

>my car is Murica
>don't drink pussy vodka,Kentucky bourbon is the only alcohol I drink
>my pizza is from Chicago
>I only remove kebab
>my democracy is Murica
>Fuck coffee I only drink tea
>my movies are murican
>my tea is from murica
>my clothing is made in murica
>most of the gas in murica is made from murican oil
>my electronics are in fact chink made but chinka makes da best magic pixie devices
>my numbers are murican
>my letters are murican

and just cuz some of the stuff I use comes from a shit hole doesn't mean I want to be surrounded by the filth that made it.

Aber ich benehme mich nicht so absolut saudumm, wie du es tust, und bin auch noch stolz auf mich. Du sitzt da, denkst du bist ein smug motherfucker und trollst hier alle.

Du bist ein absolut armes Würstchen und mit deinem "Du bist auch ersetzbar" zeigst du wieder einmal mehr, dass dir die Argumente fehlen.

Du kannst nicht mal legitimieren warum du lebst. Dann lass es endlich. Häng dich auf. Tu's doch einfach. Niemand wird dich vermissen. Niemand.

If my democracy was greek, why can women vote?


stupid cis white straight person

slide thread

i loled irl

>your car is german
made in bmw factory in america

>vodka is russian
nope it's texan, titos

>pizza is italian.
Pizza is fucking american.

>kebab is turkish
I don't eat that shit.

>democracy is greek
Thats fucking retarded.

>coffee is brazilian.
no, it's starbucks.

>rest are bullshit.

Retarded pic OP, ya faggot.

>Aber ich benehme mich nicht so absolut saudumm
Sehe ich anders

>du hast keine Argumente
Gegen was soll ich den argumentieren ?

>Brazilian coffee
you mean diarrhea
buy Colombian coffee
best in the world

this is a kind of crap you read on fb even the average normie find it ridiculous

My car is American
My vodka is French actually
My pizza is 100% American.
My kebab is actually Greek
I don't like our democracy.
I am American so it doesn't matter.
My tea is actually African
My shirt is actually made in Puerto Rico (technically America)
My oil is Texan
My electronics are Korean.



>leftists can't understand the difference between people and objects/concepts

>Sehe ich anders

Genau das ist ja das verdammte Problem. Ein beschissener Alkoholiker würde auch nie zugeben ein Alkoholiker zu sein. Deshalb sag ich doch: Beende diese Misere und häng dich auf.

Und ein Argument zu haben bedeutet nicht sofort, dass es ein Gegenargument ist. Sag mal, bist du geistig behindert?

Für den Umstand, dass meine Elektronik ausschließlich in China hergestellt wird, ist auch Deine scheißliberale One-World-Ideologie verantwortlich, Du Mistsau.

Ich unterstütze den Vorschlag: Du solltest zum Strick greifen und es beenden.

Außerdem war Deutschland unter Hitler obergeil. Hier, schau mal! Gibsme dat Reich!

You are just pretending to be retarded

my car is italian
i drink wine
actually the kebab i eat is made by an italian family
we're a constitutional republic
my coffee is italian
we also make movies you know?
my tea is british
my shirt is italian
my oil could just as well be texan
my electronics are italian
my numbers are latin, you barbarians, learn proper numerals

I don't have a car
I don't drink vodka
the pizza deliveries are all operated by arabs
you'd hate greek democracy. women, slaves and foreigners weren't allowed to vote
I don't drink coffee
I hate Hollywood
My tea is definitely not tamil and I hardly drink tea.
My shirt is not Indian
I don't actively buy saudi oil
my electronics are chinese and they get paid
my numbers and letters aren't historically germanic? holy shit

I don't complain about immigrants for being immigrants. I complain about letting every analphabetic goatfucker into this country