Alt-right leader: 'Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!'

Spencer legitimately is controlled op at this point.

Fuck this guy. He's just as bad as David Duke.

Will there ever be a right wing collation that doesn't do stupid shit like this?

>The Atlantic magazine, which is recording footage of Spencer for a documentary they're working on, also published a video of the same event showing audience members apparently giving the Nazi salute.

>"Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!" he declared.
His remarks were filled with racist imagery -- including references to "the black political machines" and Latino housekeepers -- as he bashed Hillary Clinton's minority supporters.
>"Her coalition was made up of mutually hostile tribes only united out of a hatred of 'whitey' -- that is to say, out of a hatred of us," Spencer said.

mainstream media is at it again, dont you guys ever learn?

Trump won who cares.

>united out of hatred of whitey

That's not wrong. These groups are taking part in sanctioned hatred of whites.

Trump won who cares.

>the nazi salute
Didn't they claim trump getting saluted by someone in the crowd was the same thing?

Color me suspicious.

>Will there ever be a right wing collation that doesn't do stupid shit like this?

you realize Trump won? Stop being such a pussy. The GOP tried to suck up to SJWs for years and it doesn't work

maybe this news will wake some people up. As long as it's not Trump it doesn't really matter

The goal shouldn't be "Just win one election and stop caring." The goal is complete cultural change. You can't do that shit by associating yourself with someone who is hated. That's why the name "Alt Right" exists and the "White Supremacists"

>including references to "the black political machines" and Latino housekeepers
I told my grandfather about this and he got all nostalgic. Literally Hitler confirmed.

wow all those buzzwords so epic dude im now with her

There is no such thing as an "alt-right leader".

The "alt-right" itself is barely a quasi-movement, it's just a label slapped on anyone who dares to disagree with the liberal narrative. In reality the people who compose the "alt-right" come from a wide swath of the social and political spectrum, races, creeds, and backgrounds.

The way to fight political correctness isn't words or empty sentiment
You fight political correctness by throwing a Roman Salute along with a loud Hail Victory, and telling the lugenpresse/liberals to go fuck themselves when they complain

They are so fucking hot to pin the "leader" tail on the "alt-right" donkey.


Funny that they mention this, considering this just happened

>Hail Trump
What kind of braindead dipshit thinks saying this in front of the media is a good idea? Why are Nazis functionally retarded when it comes to actually trying to get their agenda through.

>at this point

Never heard of that douchebag except in fake news articles quoting him as the "alt right leader" saying something retarded. If you actually follow anything that guy does you are retarded.

>It was a fucking bloodbath


The media has no fucking clue how to comprehend that alt right is not an american white nationalist movement. Anyone in the world can be alt right. Any race, color or creed. We are all on the same team if we are pro ethno nationalist.

The MSM thinks the alt right hates all blacks, latinos, asians, etc but thats simply not the truth. We just don't want to live in their countries. Keep each nation for themselves and make their own country better. We can work together, share information, resources, etc. But only if it benefits our people first.

>america first
>whites first

It can literally be applied to any country. Sup Forums is one of the "homes" of the alt right but its multi cultural/ethnic as fuck and thats okay. Because we don't have to deal with eachother once we get off this fucking mongolian crypto cave painting forum.

>Why are Nazis functionally retarded when it comes to actually trying to get their agenda through.

The neo-Nazi movement is almost as infiltrated as the KKK. Wouldn't buy their shit for a second.

Who is this fucker and why does he think hes the leader?

>but thats simply not the truth.
Well it literally is true and it is what seperates the "alt right" from some sort of cuckservative republican group

>"lying press" to describe reporters, citing "the mainstream media -- or perhaps we should refer to them in the original German, lugenpresse."

why would he say that LOL what a retard its almost like they want the media to paint them as nazi

We need to hold Trump to the fire and make sure he doesn't eat the fruit of compromise. If we don't we will lose our best shot at saving the white race.

>saving the white race

Yeah, he made those campaign promises to expel the 40% of the population that's Hispanic or nonwhite and he'd better stick to them.

I was talking about the alt right as an idea. It's not anti niggers and chinks in an ideological sense. For white alt righters, yes you are right.

>alt-right leader

No, but we need Trump to stop the bleeding by closing immigration. If we do that and start to raise awareness for the Alt-Right we have a chance.

If either of those things fails, we lose. The game is changing.

damned if you do, damned if you don't. they called Zimmerman a nazi ffs.

>why would he say that
Cause he's a fucking idiot who has no idea how to play the long game. His man gets into power and he immediately starts throwing out Nazi salutes and pushing people back toward the left

He is one of the first actual political commentators online who got big and started promoting the Alt-Right. He genuinely is a founding member of our ideological umbrella.


The only controlled opposition here is ((((YOU)))).


>trusting (((THE ATLANTIC))), a far-left gossip rag owned by Iraq war cheerleader (((DAVID FRUM))) and anti-white activist (((JEFFREY GOLDBERG)))

Non-whites can very easily be pro-white too.

Legitimizing their claims by actually being a nazi in public isn't a good idea.

yeah its basically larping at this point

what a faggot

He's the first person to coin the term "Alt Right." In a sense, he spawned all of the meme warfare that happened in the past year

Are you guys still correcting the record?

I don't doubt that Trump will do the right thing on immigration, but the demographic issue is that white people just aren't having enough kids.

You're a FUCKING idiot.

Alt-Right is being taken over by cuckservatives. Gay Jew race mixers like Milo are becoming the face of the Alt-Right. You want that shit? Fuck no.

TRUMP IS IN. The next election isn't until 2018 and it's an easy primary for the Republicans. We win regardless. We need to radicalize the Alt-Right again. Spencer is smart.


nice screenshot, mind if i save it?

a media labeled leader who is doing something stupid
Sure makes me think

>Alt-right leader
The alt-right isn't unified, and it doesn't have a leader.
The only thing binding us together is that we hate the current Leftest system.
I hate Libertarians and an-caps, but much less than Communists and Socialists of the non-national variety.

If we close the border and deport the illegals we should be able to keep the white majority without increasing white birth rates.

That's not a long term solution though, which is why the Alt-Right must grow. Trump is just the beginning.

As if the (((MEDIA))) wasn't calling EVERY Republican, even moderates and small gubmint proponents, literally Hitler at some point. Go fellate a black dildo, PR cuck.

Better save his entire FB and twatter timelines before they purge him.

>Le anonymoose makes us invincible maymay
Is that why Hitler wore a mask and never revealed his face in public? Oh wait, he was loud and proud and vocal. The shadows can only get you so far. Outside of your basement is a whole world waiting for us to conquer.

>muh PR
we like Hitler, who cares. Libs like Mao and Stalin and shit, whatever

fuck you centrist civic cryto-liberals

these ideas and movements are far older than you and your trump-induced 'awakening'. Reactionary traditionalists and, yes, fascists have been railing against the culture you've only recently soured on for the better part of a hundred years, and will have much more to say about the trajectory of the west than wishy-washy 'good guy, totally not racist' alt-light do-nothing bandwagoners.

'yeah but don't we have to stay within the lines of allowed speech if we want to get anything done' which could be said another way as 'don't we still have to abide by every rule and stigma the left has brainwashed into thinking is important'

have some goddamn dignity and stop groveling with this 'what will CNN think of us!' horseshit

I never said the individual ideologies don't have leaders, Tyrone.

This. If we compromise our principles, we lose. At least we have a chance to succeed by staying true.

im pro-white and have huge sympathy for white nationalism. I could see myself voting for a white nat party if we get one.

But if legit nazi shit gets in, im out. And if you lose even people like me, you wont have much left.




Remember when Trump told all the rules to fuck off and won? Stay true. Kek will guide us

Terrible idea, no wonder you retarded Storm weenies havn't accomplished anything. The alt right makes a tremendously successful movement, gets our guy in and you dumb fucks latch on like a tumour and piss away our credibility by acting like fuckwit skinheads in public.

The USA does not like Nazis you moron. Saying Heil fucking Trump is going to erode the movements support

>"""""""""Alt-Right""""""""""" (((Leader)))

Turns out when the minority group tries to subvert and overthrow the majority group, the majority group begins to drift towards authoritarianism and distrust of foreigners (commonly referred to these days as xenophobia). I'm no historian but aren't these factors that helped the Nazis come to power? Wouldn't the solution be to stop antagonizing the majority group?

Trump won. Finally we have a president that truly cares about us. But remember, this was only a narrow victory. And we are far from safe. Do not forget about our real enemies: the architects of our demise, the globalist Jews.

They want you dead. They want your children dead. They want your people and your race exterminated, and they came out openly supporting an extinction of whites in these last months. They have brainwashed millions of people into believing that white men are inherently evil and must be purged from the planet to achieve utopia.

Do you remember how dirty their tricks during the presidential campaign have been? Do you remember how shamelessly they used corruption to their advantage? Do you remember how cruel and dehumanizing they have been to white males in these last months? Do you remember the constant paid shilling on this very board? Do you remember the vicious physical attacks on Trump supporters, the violent protests of shitskins, paid for by anti-white kike globalists, which are still ongoing?

International Jewry has been hit heavily this year, but this isn't the end. They are still in control of Western media. They still decide the narrative in our "academic" circles. They still own the banks. But this our chance. We must rid ourselves of their influence entirely, and forever, otherwise white people will face an even worse crisis than ever before. And that crisis will be the irreversible demographic change: we will become minorities in our own countries. And with all the rabid anti-whites, brainwashed by globalist Jews for their own agenda, we will meet the same fate as whites in Zimbabwe, Haiti and South Africa.

Demographics are destiny, and we cannot forget that this is about our very survival as a race. It's time to get serious now, and it's time to eliminate these kikes who have persecuted us. Do not forget that our enemy is powerful and resourceful, and he has been tirelessly working on our extinction.

Have you seen a single genuine person in this thread say they were leaving the alt-right because of this? When you find me a single white nationalist who left the movement because one dude hailed Trump, I'll concede the point.

Looks like all the Dukeshills found a new guy to parade around as the true leader of the alt-right. Fuck off, the alt-right must remain a decentralized movement if it is to actually succeed.

>alt right


>implying a closeted homo and his gang of autists can get away with shit because the most brilliant salesman of the century did


When did Sup Forums become so politically correct?

This post must go noticed.

Reddit invasion

I like your idea of revolution:

1. have no public face whatsoever, do not associate with those who espouse your ideas
2. deny you hold your ideas to anyone who would inquire
3. throw under the bus those who break the Sup Forums omerta
4. remain as diffuse and silent as possible
5. pretend to be a liberal when push comes to shove
6. do not seek to break anyone out of their preconceived notions about you, in fact don't try to convince anyone of anything, let it happen 'organically'

truly a sure-fire recipe for breaking down the system

Richard is a narcissist, attention whore and Russian shill. He has been tying his name to Trump all year accepting any media interview. His wife( who is currently divorcing him) is a soviet apologist who has brain washed him to worship Russia. He even fucking confirmed him and Stephen Miller brought Peter Brimelow to Duke while they were attending. He just wants to seem edgy and cool.

M8, he literally said hail victory. I am a NatSoc so I'm not against it but that is the English equivalent of sieg heil

Neo Nazis are pro islam, the biggest threat to civilization

Fuck off

>He even fucking confirmed him and Stephen Miller brought Peter Brimelow to Duke while they were attending.

Spencer is either a plant or suffers from NPD.
What good did he think would come from linking a Trump advisor to him.
If Miller weren't Jewish he'd probably be toast.

We can't win this fight with fuck heads who make these kinds of references.

People are too off-put and sour on them.

This does absolutely nothing but feed Trumps enemies.

Now some shit head is going to slickly edit these fucking idiots doing their Hail victory shit into a convincing narrative documentary to send support in the other direction.

THANKS ALOT you fucking nazi larping, zero tact faggots.

>truly a sure-fire recipe for breaking down the system

That's how cancer kills a body, you know.

>Neo Nazis are pro islam
You're fucking retarded, dude.

>le alt-right
>le "leader"
Jesus Christ these fucking honeypots just don't stop. I've never even heard of this faggot