Richard Spencer and a bunch of other people just sperged the fuck out. The media is having a field day with this

Richard Spencer and a bunch of other people just sperged the fuck out. The media is having a field day with this.

Did the alt-right just commit suicide?
Link to vid of the sperg out:

(((Spencer))) just confirmed himself as controlled opposition, beyond any reasonable doubt.

fuck these clowns

This is the exact reason we need to be decentralized.


this, he's another milo.

This another, David Duke

We are decentralized. The only thing we have that could come close to a "leader" would be whoever posts the minutely Trump General thread.
Cucks like ((((((spencer)))))) are just using the label "alt-right" for attention.

He was talking about journalists, not jews. You can go watch the video yourself.

hes right /POL?

who the fuck is dick spencer?

Is everyone who uses their real name and is public about their beleifs controlled opposition?

Damn we have no chance of the jews have that much power and reach

The increasingly nervous man is back

>2:50 in and this giant floating lard walks by symbolizing the people he's advocating.

has anyone noticed there hasnt been any real news in months?

just random bullshit put on tv

I know he was talking about the media. But don't you think if you use the term "luggenpresse" to attack the media the media isn't going to retaliate and make it sound like you were talking about Jews? Especially when they consider your entire movement a threat?
I guarantee more people are watching the CNN coverage than the actual video, which in itself is hard to watch.

He literally just gave the media everything they need to ruin him.

looks like the average american to me

there was an earthquake just today...

this wtf cnn

Who? Also this is why we never claim to be "alt-right", it was always a label with which to attack us even though we don't all share the same beliefs.

So many people have glommed onto Trump, like Mr. Not A. Argument.

...but suddenly the media wants to shower this guy with attention

Wait, you mean the literal racialists within the Alt-Right are controlled opposition?

no wai.

I guess that means that people have to start behaving moderately sanely again.

the media is going to call him a nazi anyway, better to normalize terms like luggenpresse

why does his nose look photoshopped in this pic?
not even kidding

He didn't say anything wrong. It was dumb of some of the audience to sieg heil.

Thank Kek. Now the alt-right meme can die.

No, but Duke and Spenser obviously are. They're smart enough to know that they could only harm Trump, yet they still choose to speak out.

Exactly. Plenty of news but MSM has been broken since the 9th, only able to report on (((news))).

>(((CNN))) and (((THE ATLANTIC))) lies the entire election about Trump
>(((CNN))) and (((THE ATLANTIC))) lies about Spencer
>Sup Forums believes it

Did you idiots learned nothing?

No but they will be on this like flies on shit

The narrative won't stick as trump is going to do great, be glad they are using this now and not 2019/2020

Media is shooting their load as soon as they get an ammo

What the actual fuck. As a natsoc, Spencer is a fucking idiot, or controlled opposition.

At least we've GOT Jared Taylor eh folks

It was at their conference. And he wasn't talking about Jews, he was referring to the media. I've seen the whole video.
This controlled opposition meme is starting to smell like concern trolling.

What lies about spencer???
There is no need to lie about that autist

>alt-right founder

I hate this meem.

literally who?
> MSM trying new propaganda to brand Trump supporters since the war on Pepe fell short.

> Questions if jews are people.
Well, are they?

It's another episode of Mexico can't spot the D&C jew

People falling for this obvious bait

Jared "If it ain't hu'white, it ain't right" Taylor

Oh wait this is about the media.

Absolutely nothing WRONG with that comment

>better to normalize terms like luggenpresse

In the video, thats when I knew for sure he was false-flag. when he said that.

He may not have always been, but someone has certainly bought him off in the last couple weeks and owns him now.

Trump should get rid of him immediately


>Did the alt-right commit suicide

Well, they were always meme nazis, so I don't see how they had anywhere to go but up.

At least he's getting the MSM all riled up. It's a good show.

it was pretty obvious this would happen. These people thought Trump would open the way for them to be accepted in modern society even though he has been pretty much nothing like them

same thing happened with that dipshit David Duke

it's really the fault of the media that these people as well as the SJWs like the people at Hamilton think Trump and Pence will somehow bring back the nazis

>nazi salute
>literally using the word cuck in real life
>we don't exploit other groups

But judenpresse....... fuck this guy is dense

>msm discovered actual alt-right material
Yeah, they're going to get endless hours of sperg material over this. Not any surprise really. The only question is, how do they gin up enough hate over this when negro and jewish advocates have literally called for white extermination since the 70's? This just par for the course. They can only gasp so long before the same double-standards that got them in trouble before are in play again.

Not always, but people who are literal Nazi attention whores and suck the trump dick and do both out in the open with press and everything most likely are.

>look at me I am a nazi and antisemite
>I also looooove trump, I feel we have a lot in common and he really represents me, a literal Nazi antisemite
>please take fotos or better even film everything, so it can be played hours and hours on end on CNN etc. to discredit the guy I pretend to like and his cabinet

If those two guys were clever they would realise that they are poison for Trump and shut up. Eric was right.

>Jewish concept
We are supposed to believe he's not a kike plant reading from a kike script. This is on the level of blood libel but against whites.

>Hail Trump

Goddamn, what a cringe worthy sperg.

They are dense as fuck.

If this continues it ends our movement

95% of the white supremacist movement is plants and feds.

It's like bots trolling bots.

One day the FBI is going to end up arresting the ATF.


>The media is having a field day with this.

People will watchc this video and see two things:

1. He was talking about the media not the Jews.

2. He and his followers are absurd, not dangerous.

The media's hysterics over this will simply further discredit them.

Yeah it's weird.

Nothing on ISIS really. Bits and pieces about Mosul.

The hippies are getting their heads cracked over some Injun pipeline, but it's mostly literal hoax stories like the Trump Swastikas or Kanye West meltdowns.

Kind of weird.

Holy shit, now Trump is going to lose.

Oh wait, we just won. We can say whatever the fuck we want until July 2018, when we need to become nice again for the midterms.





>soulless golem
He is literally just turning around how the jews see us. Golem comes directly from goyim.

Man, the Twitter ban must have him dying for publicity

I the whole alt right is controlled opposition, in fact this thread is controlled opposition. Back to watching Alex Jones and don't forget the tinfoil heads. If you disagree with them do it yourself and do it better

luggenpresse was a term that was really getting under the skin of the MSM and making them cranky.

Him using it just makes it easy to dismiss...But I don't think he was paid off. I just think he's a fucking sperg like pic related.

I wish he'd stop airing our memes in public.



First of all, Spencer was calling the lying press Golems, not all Jews. You still unquestioningly believe CNN for some reason, so you didn't think to watch the rally for yourself.

Second, there's nothing inherently evil about the word "hail", and there's nothing inherently evil about the Roman salute. Stop letting progressives control every single aspect of the narrative.

You must have hated Trump for all his "needlessly divisive" rhetoric. "Why would he say we need to put a ban on all Muslims? Ugh, that's just opening himself up to accusations of racism!"

We've tried living in the shadows. We've tried tiptoeing around race, praying that (((journalists))) don't call us racist. That sort of timid weakness wasn't helping us. It's what lead us into this mess.

If you're made uncomfortable by white people expressing racial identity and solidity (in the face of everyone ELSE doing the same), then join the left in opposing us.

Yes yes I know, gI speak german oke. It was wordplay


Back to stormfront, you stormweenie

Don't be so short sided. If we say whatever we want then it will surely backfire come 2018, no?

Think about how voting normies will be exposed to this and perceive this

short sighted*

But jews aren't people

STOP IT......

Or sthhhop hit


What are they gonna do, stop you from voting.

Fucking kek.

Oh please. The jews are the problem and I myself also question whether the definition of people should be extended to their ilk. The Ashkenazi seem to have genetic psychopathy for example.

Who the fuck are you "people" and what are you doing on Sup Forums? It's as if the whole Trump thing brought over a whole bunch of blue pilled cucks. Babbies first wittle wed pill awww. You're beyond fucking delusional if you don't recognize the jews as the root cause of almost all of our ills and wtf is up with you idiots shilling for Israel. "They're nationalist! Netanyahu is based! Is he our guy? IDF pussies are based and their swarthy jewesses are hot they remove kebab"

Fuck off you can join all the kikes into "the oven"

divide and conquer

kek, that video is the most embarrassing this I've ever seen

This has always been the problem with stormfaggots.
Yes we all want a white ethno-state paradise. We all want the jews to be exterminated. But you can't just go full 14/88 on fucking normies. Now if someone becomes curious about Nationalism they will be turned away by countless articles about the horrible antisemitic alt right
Fuck Richard Spencer and fuck the so called alt right

>To be white is to be a striver, a crusader, an explorer, and a conqueror.
But the greatest crusaders, exploerers, and conquerors are Iberians, who are non-white.

Who cares about this guy? He;s just some normie who took our cause and ideals, labeled it, and said he was a leader of it. It's complete horseshit and he's probably undercover for the MSM.

>this video

Didn't you watch the fucking video?

Yeah but this gets in the way of redpilling
You know how normies are

Thats the point!

yes i have been getting my news from various things posted on Sup Forums because its literally the only place to get international news in america that isn't absolute shit, all they talk about day and night is whether or not trump ordered a steak, and whether or no the chef who cooked it was racist or some shit.

>8% of america trusts the mainstream media
>Thinking anything will come out of this
I HATE people like this "alt-right" dude, they are just sticking their heads out for attention.. nothing else.
But it doesn't matter if CNN reports on this for 4 years or whatever their plan is, the american people doesn't give a shit what a club does.. they care what Trump does. If he's not in the video, then w/e.

Believe me, 95% of america (or europe for that matter) doesn't even know about the "alt-right".
Again, this video is so fucking cringeworthy it's insane. Go be autistic somewhere else you damn alternative faggots.

>Now if someone becomes curious about Nationalism they will be turned away by countless articles about the horrible antisemitic alt right

Only if they're a fucking spineless faggot who fears any sort of challenge to their beliefs.

>Did the alt-right just commit suicide?

How can something that isn't even real commit suicide?

My entire understanding of the alt-right is that there's no system of ideas that are agreed upon, no leadership, and for that matter, no political stance whatsoever. In fact, I'd venture that a lot of ppl who'd even consider them alt-right are or were democrats. I always assumed it was an online movement of internet cultures like you find on Sup Forums and Reddit, who are basically the natural social response to the SJW culture, the counter PC culture.

That Trump is now elected and the media can no longer fear monger Russia, blame him for fake rapes, or whatever else, they're now hoaxing hate crimes and these nazi looking dudes just come the fuck outta nowhere as leaders of the alt-right lobbying in Washington?

Yea this is just liberals brehs.


kill yourselves pussies

Yeah, sort of like how pussy grabbing and mexican rapist call outs would kill Trump?

This guy is an idiot, no doubt. But the people who are attacking them are equally retarded and fucking LOATHED by normies.

People really still don't quite get how much normies fucking hate the media now. They could put up straight up Sup Forums threads on the news, and normies would say;

>They probably made it up

...The media has cried wolf one too many times now to ever earn back their trust.

After the election the NYT said;

>Soz, from now on we promise we'll definitely do our jobs properly. Srs.

A week later they're back to lying and promoting hoax and anti-white hysteria.

SJW's always double, triple, quadruple down. They will never understand what they are doing, and regardless of what attention whores like Spencer do, the left will still always look worse.

Just check the way they are reporting on retarded blatant hoaxes like the swasitkas in NYC, while ignoring all the hate crimes committed against alleged Trump supporters.

Normies DO see that. That's why the new push for "fake news".

Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwite, they are, sort of.

Also A lot of anglo and Dutch explorers, good chap

It's akin to ridiculing the leader of Anonymous, back before they were hijacked by liberal faggots. It's nonsense. Best to just define the Alt-Right similar to Anonymous; "a loosely associated international network of activists".
The Alt-Right aren't nearly as capable as their predecessors though, so I can't see the association being around much longer.

Wow, jesus fucking christ. What a fucking CRINGE fest. I I really can't fucking believe it. Thanks for alerting us of this....CRINGE ALERTTTTT

This. There is literally no convergence between "the alt-right" and anti-semities, at all.

Just because Sup Forums is not alt-right doesn't mean alt-right doesn't exist.

This is so funny. The thing about the "alt right" movement is it has no name, no leaders, no revolutionaries. We are a decentralized movement therefore regular Jew tactics don't work against us. They tried naming us "alt right" now they pay people to represent the movement and say disparaging things. In reality we make logical views based off factual data. I can't wait till we GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW.

>Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwite, they are, sort of.
We're not though.

This!! It's time to take the gloves off. Some of you faggots need to get out of this echo chamber and see what the authoritarian left have been writing in regards to being a continual disruptive force to Trump's agenda.

Or if they were raised in the same propaganda hell that we were raised in and is only just beginning to question the narrative.

>Hail Trump
>Hail our people
>Hail victory

The nazism is clearly implied. Nobody talks like this. The man is control opposition.

Your understanding is wrong.

It's explicitly a white nationalist movement.

This is why Steven Bannon and Milo were fucking retards for trying to appropriate the term, and why it's fucking stupid to identify with it UNLESS you are, you know, a white nationalist. Otherwise you will be tarred with that brush.

Either stop calling yourself that or accept what it means.

If you want to let yourself be labeled, that's your choice. Personally I think it's stupid.