Admit it /pol, it's not about race, it's about culture

Some cultures are objectively better than others.

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Niggers can't maintain a civilization

True. It is about culture not about race.

I agree with this, but race has a lot to do with culture. It may not be the only thing, but it's a big factor.

So you wants to have kids who look like Obama?

No one forces you to have an interracial relationship

uh yes?

"Culture" today is what was historically called race. There was none of this simplistic race-is-skin-color shit. Wogs really did begin at Calais.

If you want to get properly redpilled on race, read the stuff Teddy Roosevelt wrote before he became president.


Sargon, pls go. Some races are also objectively better than others.

>"Culture" today is what was historically called race.

>Some cultures are objectively better than others.

True, but so are races too.

i think humanity should recognize superiority of occidental culture and work together to higher IQ everywhere in the world. Higher IQ would help a lot to improve life quality for every human.


Shiiiieeet boi, I forgot they wuz kangz and shieeet.

muh colonialism held us back,dawg


I feel bad for these guys. Their world view can't handle the reality of Human biodiversity and evolution.

>Rome existed for over 1,000 years
>You managed to miss it

Human biodiversity?

Very little,genetically speaking....niggerism is a learned condition

funny how things have changed

It really isn't. Sub Saharan African peoples have extremely low IQs. Flynn Effect doesn't increase the G factor.

>IQ is a valid measure of anything
>What is public education

But it has nothing to do with genes either.

yeah, because they're made by objectively better races

sure about that?

Culture is a racial construct.

You cannot separate the race from the culture; for example, if I say I prefer the Japanese culture over the Hispanic culture, I am in fact expressing preference for the Japanese race over the Hispanic race.

The latter is incendiary, while the former is not. The alt-right, race realists, whatever have you, recognize this fact and use it to break down the barriers of political correctness.

IQ of groups is what matters not individuals.

what do you know of culture goy

You literally could not have picked a better example. Hispanic is not a race...look at a Castilian queen from the european country of spain, versus the hobbit that cleans your hotel room, tell me they are the same race




how do you determine the IQ of the sub-saharn nigger group, then?

It's not about cultures it's about ideas. Because different people have different understanding of same culture.

>Some cultures are objectively better than others.

>it's not about race
culture is a product of race.

they WUZ genius super intellect till the white man came and stole it.

Research it yourself, the data is out there waiting to be read by you. You can understand who and how they preformed the tests and the results. You can look at twin studies, research about the Head Start program, racial regression to the mean, etc.

>Some cultures are objectively better than others.

This is where some people get hung up.

The point is that it's not about establishing objective superiority. That's trivial; the point is the it's okay to have subjective preference.

I say if a mudskin wants to assimilate into the culture of his country, great.

The problems with niggers in my country is they created their own slave culture instead of assimilating.

race should not be a taboo just because it hurts your feelings

no amount of 'assimilation' will change the physical properties of the mudskin in question, nor will it correct his subhuman IQ.

what is egypt, songhai, ethopian, and mali empires?

there's exceptions to everything. treating all black people like they're niggers is stupid. look at ben carson, raised in a conservative, white washed household and is a neurosurgeon and has a political career.

compare that to white trash hillbillies that act just like nigger because they both subscribe to the same thug culture.

sure the majority of white people are smarter than the majority of black people. but there's differences in intelligence inside races too. not every white person is 100+ iq. so to act like every black person is

It just so happens that the worst cultures are created by non-whites.

it isn't even only IQ by the way. chinks have a different mindset than whites, than blacks.

Egyptians were not niggers....we don't know their race

I agree. Treat people as individuals and not groups? Check, we should already be doing that.

Group IQ is different than individual IQ obviously.

Nobody is saying that literally every african has a 70 IQ.

race is the foundation of culture, kys

they are not: the cleaner has in all likelihood native and negro genes in her.

you realize aristotle would've been refering to the goths and visigoths as the northerners, and to the arabs as the asians in context, right?

Not black
Meme tier
I'll give you that one
Meme tier

>what is egypt

Not Sub Saharan

>songhai, ethopian, and mali empires

Shit civilisations that amounted to nothing in the end.

Define better. If you mean any more 'true' than others, then no. Metaphysically all cultures and ideologies are the same. But, some can be more or less useful than others at accomplishing specific goals.

No, it's about race. Niggers should get killed.

He's referring to the Assyrians.

is there a video of her getting BLACKED anywhere?

i keep hearing katy perry is a coal burner

Yeah, cultures that accept blacks and kikes are always inferior to others.

No one knew or cared about arabs then. They were too busy fucking sheep to be noticed.

>Some cultures have better substance in particular fields than others, thus allowing for a process in which some peoples excel in their most commonly culturally correlating fields.


"Amounted to nothing in the end"

What is your metric of success in regards to a civilization? Relevance to Europe?

the 'Wogs begin at Calais" originated as a jestful jab at Winston Churchill in Parliament. It is supposed to be a tongue in cheek statement on the oft-parochial 'Little Britain' attitude.

Race and culture are related but not inseparable. Some cultures are better than others. But all cultures have some degree virtue- it just depends on the degree. The most virtuous cultures are the best.

There are racial differences between humans just like there are dog breeds- every breed has specific temperaments. But no dog breed is inherently superior and no human of any race is superior or inferior- just different.

Also, people have been migrating into Europe for thousands of years- the difference was there was a strong culture of Christendom to absorb invading populations (Avars, Magyars, Berbers) and repel conflicting cultures which aimed to eradicate the existing culture (Ottoman Turks)

I don't mind having small numbers of minorities here and there as long as they're vetted.

However I'm sick of giving an inch because they always take a fucking mile

Yes we do. They're almost all entirely semitic Caucasoid (I.E. classic jews/arabs) until the ptolemaic dynasties where there was plenty of Greek admixture, followed by some roman.

One dyeasty was Nubian, which consisted of East african and semitic caucasold from the Arabian peninsula admixture.

The bantu blacks of West Africa of which the vast majority of American blacks descend have nothing to do with Ancient Egypt.

Culture is the flower and race is the soil


>Shit civilisations that amounted to nothing in the end.

what qualifies as amounting to something in the end? all civilizations, including us, will die out and amount to nothing in the end.

Egyptians were Jews/Arabs

>whew lad

At least we still have hope.


Contributions all throughout history until the modern world, through science, technology, philosophy and medicine.


Why does everyone have to be a racist bigot here jk

Nope its about race

For every 5 point loss in IQ due to dysgenics your economy shrinks by 15%.

We came up with an Amazing solution (on paper) to this problem. But it failed

You know how comcast bundles all of the channels together so the less popular channels still get funding?

If they let people buy only the channels they want, most networks wouldn't have enough subscribers to stay in business. So they make everyone buy every basic channel when they sign up.

That was the plan with our economy. In order to get lower IQ people into homes and into cars they bundle all the loans together to mitigate the risk..They thought they could keep the people of america housed, with transportation and a middle class life...We all know how that worked out

Our economy will shrink 30% from what it was before mass immigration from the third world.... and there is nothing you can do about it because our average IQ is 95 not 105.

Accomplishments. Technology. Literature. Science. Art.

90% of the technology you use today or the culture/ideas you have came from a western civilization. This legacy will probably exist as long as mankind exist.

What is the legacy of these shitty nigger """civilizations"""? Voodoo? Rain dancing?

They were. Their genetic on remains testing show they come from the same stock as Jews of antiquity (not ashkenazi) and arabs.

You are from a back water country
So be quiet

so the only civilizations that qualify are the greeks, arabs, and maybe the ancient chinese? all other civilizations are to be discarded because they had no interaction with europeans?

Burgers have no culture.

>all other civilizations are to be discarded


I think he's talking about the unending advancement from the greeks to our current Technology, literature,Science etc..that Europeans provide the world

what happened here

Arabs were nobodies then. He was most likely referring to the Persians and Medes.

True. Races are different but are irrelevant in how we have to shape our society.

Or at least the people they ruled.

>ancient chinese
>interaction with Europeans

>the only civilizations that qualify are the greeks, arabs, and maybe the ancient chinese
Try having a little more knowledge of history and geography than the average middle schooler before tying to debate about it.

It's not irrelevant.

99666034 isis I think

>what is the silk road


discarded is the wrong word.
I'd say integrated. After all, Modern Western Civilisation is an integration of Greek, Roman, Jewish, Celtic and Germanic cultures.

And in the future it will incorporate more. Cuisine is an example. The arabic numeral system was superior to the roman numeral system and hence it was adopted in the west and improved. But the arabic laws on the treatment of women were not superior and hence discarded.

Point in case is Western Civilisation is unique in that is has taken the bad elements of cultures it has interacted with- cuisine, music, clothing- and discarded the barbaric elements - honour killing, human sacrifice, oppression of women.
Western civilisation is the least racist culture out there.

Integration has carried western civilisation forward and multi-culturalism is killing it.

Of course it's true.

But the pendulum is swinging and we may just have to put up with the fact that a lot of actual moron racists are along for the ride.

It gives you something to distance yourself from, at any rate. To sound more mainstream.

Ethnicity is the most fundamental pillar of culture. Anything else is simply a foundation built on air. I would know... I'm Canadian.

If you want to transition to be a woman, live in an Arab or Chinese or Mexican country, go right a fucking head.

>muh uncle tom
>muh blank slate

Outliars are the exception to the rule, learn how to statistics. related.

We've know that all along, douchebag.

Sand nigga please, not your place to talk fake jew. You have sch a hard on for whites that your race stole white genes to bleach yourselves

>any merchants traveling the entire silk road during "Ancient China"
Marco Polo wasn't until the 13th century AD.

People are the basis on how to shape society.
race is the people.

culture is the accretion of many generations of people living out their genetic impulse.

culture is important, but it's superficial and symptomatic compared to the genetic code.

there is such a thing as epigenetics, the chromosomes will express differently given different environmental stimuli, and so there is always room for intentional improvement.

but humanity will be continually failing itself until we begin to take charge of our genetic code and condition our lineages to produce an ideal.

i'm not suggesting genocide but there's no denying that nothing would be truly lost if all niggers vanished. their genome can be recorded for future reference, a control group can be maintained, but, that's not really a conclusion you can rationally avoid.