Congratulations South Park. You've effectively trivialized any statement that begins with "remember when...

Congratulations South Park. You've effectively trivialized any statement that begins with "remember when...?" and permanently turned nostalgia as a concept into something to be ridiculed.

Other urls found in this thread:

Congratulations, you give a shit about a cartoon show.

who cares what SP does

You copied this from a thread on Sup Forums.

I didn't read it past the first few posts because I assume it devolved into a bunch of Sup Forumsmblrites moaning on about Trump.

you need to be 18 to post on this site

that's because nostalgia is fucking retarded and golden past thinking is regressive as fuck for everyone

Pretty sure this is all just subliminal advertising for Pepperidge Farm.

I keep saying member I think I'm a normie


Congratulations! You just now realized that a cartoon that is way past its expiration date is still running.

Yeah, those damn historians.

>implying nostaglia isnt the one thing that keeps you going in the later years of life

south park never was and never will be funny and i hope gen x rots

South Park is irrelevant now anyway.

>claims to be unbiased and objective
>literally had to scramble to make an episode because they didn't think Trump was going to win

The era of South Park being culturally relevant is over. They've officially entered into the same tier as The Simpsons.

Alt right chocking hard on member berries.

This is honestly the only place I've seen anything from south park referenced. None of my friends still watch it, normie boards I look at aren't full of people memespewing jokes from the latest episodes... It's pretty much totally dead except for the vidya in my slice of reality

They talked shit about Daisy's movie and so were punished with the presidential election going to the guy they claimed they wouldn't care if he won because both candidates are bad, but they actually really REALLY didn't want him to win and made it so obvious in their last two seasons.



>2016 [Current Year]
>Caring about South Park

Time for the nursing home grandpa

>people still watching jew park
>not laughing at their cucked creators

Pedogirgitsch farm remembers...

Ecclesiastes 7:10

Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not inquire wisely concerning this.

Poor babby can't get enough witchcraft

What bothers me the most is that SP acts as if new is better, when it rarely is. Fucking kikes

i used to be the biggest south park fan. now i fucking hate it. funny how things change

What is wrong with the son? Did Tyrone rape his wife?

remember when south park was good

Relevant Sopranos

I think they were joking about it, poking fun at safe spaces and shit. Still the same show that says jew every other episode.

>You've effectively trivialized any statement that begins with "remember when...?" and permanently turned nostalgia as a concept into something to be ridiculed.

Did anyone doubt that was their goal with this shitty season? I had to stop watching after the 3rd episode, fuck that nonsense, never again.

The method of liberal progressivism to take root relies on making a mockery of the past and convincing you that the "new future" the progressives promise will be infinitely better...and then they fuck you over time and time again while telling you you're an evil racist cis-hetero privileged white male for noticing that they're fucking you over.

Fuck those two mudsharks who make that crap, won't watch it ever again.

The problem isn't nostalgia. It's nostalgia being used as an excuse to pump out shitty retreads of old classics by creatively bankrupt studios.

Are you sure? I had the impression that it was directed at constitutional conservatives. Leftists always argue that their policies are 'out of date'.

That above all else.

>Implying I watched this kike show

Worst season by far. So fucking disappointed.

This wouldn't be an issue but for Disney's finagling copyright laws so studios can keep milking decades old properties forever and ever.


There is literally no good reason to be using a bible that speaks in outdated forgotten english in the current year

Remember when South Park was funny? That's right, it never was.

Jokes are funny until you're the butt of them, cuckboy.

>Learning from the mistakes and successes of the past made over the course of your life or even before to right current wrongs is regressive.
Wew lad. Yeah, if it's ever happened before it's not progressive enough, in 10 years that 9001 gender we have now will be old and anyone pining after them is regressive as fuck, 2026 is the year of nullosexuals, everyone just cuts their sexual organs out and fixes a sculpture of a unicorn in their place. NEVER BEEN DONE, SO PROGRESSIVE!

You just didnt get it, did you. Poor you.

how the fuck a monkey can use a computer? are you using a vpn?

Why are you calling Trump's platform retarded?

Seriously? They're shitting all over trump voters, not cucks.

I bet that's gonna happen, and conservatards are gonna complain about it while secretly having a dozen tabs of nullosexual porn opened.