How are jews the root of evil?

How are jews the root of evil?

By providing us with everything that makes life worth living.

they destabilized midle east

They are very good people goy

jewess's are evil
jews root evil

aussies root roos

well, there the dick and child mutilation

thats a good starting point

Alright, next question. How did the Jews start WW2?

They wield power over an economy and blackmail governments and the media to do as they want. In Britain the Jew represents 0.25% of the population, but thanks to them, people like Soros can bankrupt us, as he tried to do after brexit. Remember the jew always has 99.75% of the population working on his knife edge

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kiwis root sheep

by being more relevant than they should in the global economy, even though being a minority worldwide.


How is this off-topic?

sheep are a fuckin sick root, kangaroos cant even doggy style

Among other things.

>How are jews the root of evil?

Read the rules on the front page m8.
>Red pill me on X (with no other input of your own)
This is exactly that but worded in another way.

Fuck, man, how are they not?


So they work in factories then?