When you realize that Sup Forums actually had nothing to do with Trumps election...

>When you realize that Sup Forums actually had nothing to do with Trumps election, and that he won solely because the DNC failed to appeal to disenfranchised, middle class, white, americans.

Who cares if it happened or not? If I was the leader of Germany I would have interned all the inbred rats at the first sign of conflict. Don't forget during WWI they refused to fight and then almost succeeded in subjugating the entire country after it was ground down by half a decade of trench warfare. 90% of the German communist revoultion leaders were Jewish and Hitler also watched Jew NKVD head Yagoda kill some 7,000,000 european christians only a stonesthrow away as well. He feared for his people and rightfully so in my opinion.

Also just look at the USA, they let the Jews in with open arms and it took less than two generations for the majority to completely turn on them.

even /r/thedonald had more impact than we did.

You literally copy-pasted that.

Doh, the people here are self-deluded and brainwashed nazis, who think they magically decided an election by worshipping a meme.

Most voters are not aware of all this stuff, they never saw these memes.


Correlation != causation, we didn't do SHIT.

Sup Forums didn't win the election for Trump, but let's not pretend like it didn't have an impact. It was obvious that Eric/whoever it was came here because he recognized that Sup Forums was host to a surprisingly influential grassroots movement that supported Trump; r/TheDonald was the same.

People that delude themselves into thinking that either had no impact on the election are as bad as the people who think meme magic is real and the reason Trump won.

They went here just as they went to countless other boards, because a couple hours work will cement a couple hundred/low thousand votes.

Sup Forums is not influential outside of it's own regular viewers. Do you think fishermen are special? Both parties went down to fisheries.

Trumps win was manipulated by the TFK by taking out a few strategic illuminati hot spots on election day. Nothing more, they just couldn't cheat as much

Realize that the left were trolled into only being able to talk about racism and nothing else. They were triggered to the point of being inept.

>heretics still doubting the power of Kek


Sup Forums seems to have awfully lot

>white vote saw the least gain since 2012 election

Why does nobody even bother to look shit up anymore? Why?

Why is there any reason to think people were "more accountable" before the Internet?
They probably still lied or omitted and there was just no way to check, period.

>(((they're scared)))

The most rational response in the thread. The virtual world doesn't quite make it, it's real life and actually being out with people who are alive that makes the difference, like the hundreds of rallies Trump held, not some shitposting on a Serbian dog fighting club


If meme magic isn't real then how do you explain my digits?

Sup Forums received millions of unique visitors over the course of the entire election. Let that sink in for a moment, and you begin to grasp just how much influence this place had over tens of thousands of potential voters, and how much influence some thousands of devout shitposters had over twitter and other various social media outlets.

Grassroots movements matter. r/thedonald and Sup Forums both contributed to Trump's campaign in ways that cannot even be measured, and given how close the race was, it is not entirely unreasonable to say that the two made the tiniest bit of difference that it took to win Trump the election.

Even something as small as the proposal floating around here weeks before ED to bus the amish to the polls probably made a significant impact.

It is seriously disingenuous to say that Sup Forums's influence didn't matter, and you have to really fall for the meme that Sup Forums is a few thousand 400 pound hackers and shitposters to believe that.

I saw exact same post yesterday. fuck off shill

Trump won because niggers were too lazy to vote for a non-nigger candidate.

It's weird this board has like thousands of posts a day just people telling us how ineffectual we are. If we don't matter than leave and ignore us, no skin off our backs

There are atleast a few hundred people being literally paid to shill here and yet you keep telling us we don't matter and are having no effect