Eta Numeris Code

eta numeris

sin topper

project runway

7FG final request

fall of cassandra

The other is here ___ The burden is now on the ___ To find a ___ His letter r __ The DAC targets Noth Pacific ___ C ER N standstill ___ Remember never update the milkman milk ___ The reason the majority of the N and the Z ___ The FCC is here when I h d ___ Bad update is here now ___ A b c d evil ___ All of the Parliament against Gus R

Other urls found in this thread:




Nobody is fucking getting it on reddit. It was in another language. I need help making corrections.


Which language?


Probably chosen to obscure it. I don't think they were a native speaker but trying to utilize google translate to mask the message.


Go to google translate and set the first language to Urdu.

Copy and paste: f all of ca ssand ra

Congrats we broke the code on 'eta numeris'

Also we are massively fucked if the message is true.

I don't get it

Slide it

I need answers




If only the posters here were as smart and mathlike as you OP.

We'd all be able to make circadas threads.


This is all fake. Please close your tab and go to sleep. Drink your ovaltine.

Who is Gus R, op?
Wtf I'm with him now

someone explain to me wtf is going on and I'll send whoever replies correctly $7.22 I have on steam to you.

Banjammer Fishbones is my ban gone yet?!?

What does it mean? How are we fucked?

-f all of ca ssand ra-
from Urdu language into English translates as
-all of parliament is against Gus R-

Gimme shekels

>october 21th


The other is here ___ The burden is now on the ___ To find a ___ His letter r __ The DAC targets Noth Pacific ___ C ER N standstill ___ Remember never update the milkman milk ___ The reason the majority of the N and the Z ___ The FCC is here when I h d ___ Bad update is here now ___ A b c d evil ___ All of the Parliament against Gus R

the other is here [files released] the burden is now on the hivemind to find assange. his letter [countries] rendition was DAC. from north pacific to swizerland remember never use the dns. the reason the majority of us are fucked is the fcc is spying on us all with energy weapons. bad news because UN is evil and wont acknowledge sonic energy weapons / resonant / full spectrum weapons exist. all of the parliment is against the republicanism form of government.

all the dumped files are crackable. get crackin.


Bump this shit faggots

stop this fucking gay roleplaying shit

Does anyone have the keys? I'm not knowledgable enough to crack the files and don't have the time to learn.

Bump for those smarter than me

enjoy your ban fag

Role playing faggot Kys.



If this is for real, stoked.

Let me clarify. This does not seem like a method that wikileaks would use. I am currently leaning towards the message being unrelated or faked.

If it were true we would be in trouble because it's indicating a potential backdoor in some technology (likely phones) and CERN standstill would be an alarming phrase. However I posted this looking for people to try the same method. I cannot say that all of my translations are correct. I simply want people to test the method.


I've heard the original insurance files are vulnerable to heartbleed

It will come from Pakistan.

All the more reason to keep this thread up. If it doesn't lead anywhere than so be it. No reason to let it die because it could be something.

How did you get to that?


Wwhat have you done user

Interesting. Post your method.

We literally don't know how to test it

these days, [people who release info have to run their release statement through a few translators to break up their emoji analysis



h ttps://

Set the first language to Urdu second English

Enter this:


DCCCCFCBDEF sin topper


CFCCECDAEECEB 7FG final request

BDAEAEDEBACBDABDB fall of cassandra

Begin adding spaces. Just do it randomly and see.

Waiting on autism to show up.




Or Afghanistan


I think the creator was trying to specifically exploit google translate. I'm looking for a potential key so we can determine the correct message. What I posted is a probable.

Not getting anything to translate that makes any sense

It took me some time to figure out how to slide the letters around. Not everything will work.

I've been swapping spaces for a while, do you think the lowercase words are meant to be preserved? like, they're english anchors for the translation?



I don't know. Possibly, I had noticed capitalization is a factor in this.

ever decreasing circles

Maybe there is some numerical function?

Does the "random" string before each phrase have something to do with the encoding?

I'm working the angle that it's just the spaces and the lowercase words are meant to be preserved in the translation, but it's slow going

I'm gonna try some other languages too

The update has been filled


Where are the B's?


damn b this shit cray

>remember the milk


I'm sorry coding is not my specialty. I was working this whole thing as a cipher just because I knew a 29 character string made no sense for aes256

I haven't had any luck with other languages. Let me know if there's another potential.

I meant encoding as in the encoding of the cypher.

like a relationship between the string and the phrase to let you know how to add spaces

Holy Fuck Sup Forums this is some intense shit,just tell me what to do

Urdu gives you so many different results. I think there's something missing.

>Sup Forums

read reddit thread. jiggle letters/spaces
>save the world from the NWO

bump for sweet justice

Can you please explain why "CERN standstill" would be an alarming phrase? What is it and what is its significance?

wow they really are scrapping the bottom of the barrel...

I misunderstood. Something must indicate the placement of the spaces. I did also remove all of the numbers so I'm not sure how they may work into a potential key.

Well might as well take it from the top and try

a=1 space b=2space

^ for the lowercase.

the LHC? the city of geneva? the border of france/swits?

whoa what

stay where you are paco

I know what CERN is. I'm talking about the significance of that phrase. What is a standstill with regards to CERN and why would that alone be an alarming phrase?

CERN is a very important device in (((humanity's))) communication and connection with the spirit realm/aliens.
It is essential in opening an interdimensional portal at the hyperdimensional hexagon in the core of saturn

I dreamt a field of war, and woke to find myself upon it.

lul what

I was going to say die, but the satanic tie-in deserves a meh.

that's so fuckin leet having a blockchain deadman switch. i heard they did and am happy someone posted info. i'm too lazy to digg.
thanks user.

Holy molly



the horned nature god overlapping with Oan and Saran.

It's a portal to the 4th dimension.

You should listen to the sound given off by saturn by xray radiation

Have a bump, threads like these are max comfy

Don't need to tell us that post was fake. Only a retard would violate a gag order with potentially catastrophic consequences BEFORE executing the operation.


When you convert it to sound, how does it sound?

I tried the a=1 for the lower case method a few ways forwards and backwards cycling back to the start.

D b i remember seeing Bob ETA nmrs

The low B in the ETA nmrs

That doesn't make much sense. I'll have to go back to the removed numbers but for now I'm taking a break. Call me if someone figures it out.