So what causes the massive number of Asian immigrants in the west huge left wingers...

So what causes the massive number of Asian immigrants in the west huge left wingers? I'm a Chink immigrant with British Citizenship currently studying in Canada and I'm absolutely disgusted at the chiggers and how they are all on the side of the muslims and niggers.

I took a look at the /r/AsianMasculinity on reddit and it was fucking horrendous.

So what is causing this? Left wing education institution brainwashing? I think I'm glad Sup Forums redpilled me 4 years ago

Pic unrelated

they're too sissy to be masculine
so they fit in where they can??

fuck margarine and fuck asian people

desu it takes some balls to be conservative in the public while you're young. you have to constantly stand up for your beliefs, or keep quiet. I can imagine most young people just go along with the left to fit in and not go against the stream too much.

>Respect asians, never had any sort of bad experience with them
>Absolutely terrified of them because I think they all know martial arts even though I know they don't?

Is Asianphobia racist?

Did they?

I've been acting progessively more conservative IRL and I live in vancouver. But I'm also asian so I don't get FUCKING WHITE MALE'd

That's probably the gayest thing I've seen in a while.

No at least not to me. I don't find muh martial arts or muh maths offensive at all.

>Studying history in canadian University

I'm open about my Conservative/Nationalist views and I get bashed every week by lecturers and students alike.

They try really hard to convert me by throwing tons of race baiting shit by Shaun King every week.

>They try really hard to convert me by throwing tons of race baiting shit by Shaun King every week.
Basically what I do is lift and exercise so they can't say I'm just a loser who hates the world. I do hate the world/most people, but because everyone is incompetent as fuck at relatively simple tasks. I'm german in my efficiency.

Also helps to completely own every one of your opinions and always be joking around.

I lift 4-5 times a week so i'm pretty fit, I usually just ignore them but it's obvious the environment is pretty hostile so I'm hoping to switch to doing business or something.

i must confess:

one of my favorite things to do is larp as a bitter asian guy on alt-right sites

then i get everyone to hate on asian men and pinning the blame on asian masculinity

i get 2 groups to counter-react to each other, the actual asian males who starts to defend themselves and the yellow fever fags that argues with the actual asian dudes.

Honestly Yellow fever guys are just hypocrites.

But the asian in your pic is even more cringey, I've not met a single one in real life yet. Almost all the Asians I've met my age are bigger losers than me.

that's why it works

I'm still perplexed by how islam made their way to the top of the oppression pecking order when they are largely socially right wing as fuck.

Asians are not really human. They have no soul. They just join the hive mentally and instinctively avoid any controversial thoughts or behavior.

ugh. cause your degenerate chink ancestors fucked like rabbits for decades and over populated their countries so they are forced to leave their "muh hounorabre sacred rand" and go to "the next best thing"

>I'm a chink
>A Fucking LEAF

Of course

good banter, he can have her desu

They really identify with the oppressed minority crowd because they go to the most liberal brainwashing schools their are and these people don't critically think half the time

Honestly if you're asian it doesn't matter if you're left or right since you're our enemy either way