TYT confirming stun grenade shot at Standing Rock protectors

Aparently that picture of a mangled arm is legit.

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Sure whatever you say Shlomo

is this the new ctr bot shit?

>Cucks getting BTFO literally


pics or it didn't' happen, shitbag.

Gonna say the same about Lavoy Finicum?

play stupid games win stupid prizes



yes. I've seen it word for word in two other threads. sage it just like all the other botposts polluting this board.

The apparent arm injury

Looks like someone tried to hide a roast in a sleeping bag to me I don't see it

And of course, protesters are lying about the grenade. According to LA Times


They should go build a fucking numale teepee somewhere else then.

play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Of course. Branch Davidians at Waco spontaneously combusted, and sometimes arms just explode. Natural causes.

Read the article you fuck

The Bundy Ranch bullshit was a 100% hoax as well.


Spare us your platitudes, native, your lectures on the evils of colonization and cultural appropriation. Spare us your pity and petty anger, your stories of woe and white guilt.

You talk about your great culture, your harmony with nature, your way of life. Yet where has it gotten you? Where are your feats of engineering, your voyages of discovery? Where are your scientific advances, your technological wonders, your insight into the nature of Creation?

Even at our basest, when we dressed as you do, hunted as you do, lived as you do, we did more then merely survive. We built wonders. We forged epics. We established monuments in God's name. We carved our names in stone and secured our place in history. You did not.

We came to America in search of land, resources and religious freedom. Whether you had welcomed us (as you did) or driven us off, the result would have been the same. And in a thousand years you would have not have changed from your contact with the white man. We would return once again more advanced and enlightened, to still find you living in your huts, hunting with bows and spears, communing with your "Great spirit"; a sad parody of civilization, lacking that special spark to become something more.

Because you refused to advance, to adapt, to improve, you yourselves doomed your "culture" to a painful death. To blame us for your demise is as useful as blaming the sea for washing away a sandcastle.

You had the run of this land for thousands of years, and because you wasted that time, this land has been taken from you. And above your graves we push forward, ever improving, ever expanding, constantly reaching for a higher plain of existence.


Natives had civiliations and cities, fucktard. The wilder people further North were harder to deal with and survived.

>higher plain of existence

is this the new copypasta?

HAHAHA “Aside from a couple water protectors throwing water bottles and live tear gas canisters back at the police, almost everything I saw was peaceful,”

So it's peaceful if police throw tear gas at protesters, but not if they pick it up and throw it back

They hop fences to assault workers. They break the law and pose a threat to innocent people. Then they use the rightful self-defense of the guards/workers to try and get sympathy.

You know, maybe she'll learn not to fuck with people who are just trying to do their damn jobs. And, you know, maybe don't challenge armed dudes to a fight.

Can't read it right now. But I imagine that dis dumb bitch wanted to play a hero and picked it up.
Too bad somebody was taught to time it.

Confirmed legit on the pics. According to reports police were throwing concussion grenades. Apparently an officer threw a grenade right at her, which seems consistent given her injuries. It seems if the grenade was thrown right at her, it probably landed on her arm before exploding or she caught it around her arm before exploding. While concussion grenades cause very minimal fragmentation, they do "explode". Not an explosion like a fragmentation grenade, but still an explosion meant to concuss. Doctors are saying best case scenario is 10-20% mobility restored and no pain.

>blatantly misinterpreting information

>'But a Morton County, N.D., Sheriff’s Department spokeswoman said police had not used any concussion grenades during a clash with pipeline protesters on Sunday, contradicting several reports from activists. “It wasn’t from our law enforcement, because we didn’t deploy anything that should have caused that type of damage to her arm,” said sheriff’s spokeswoman Maxine Herr, who said medical officials first encountered the injured woman away from the action, at a nearby casino. “We’re not sure how her injury was sustained.”'

All in the article you Ignorant slit

Other sources are even claiming seeing protesters trying to roll propane tanks at the bridge


This is just that cringey Avatar copypasta remixed to make fun of white people

shitskin detected.

>guys i got this, i've seen band of bro.. FUCK WHERE HAVE MY FINGERS GONE

Who cares, fuck hippies

So basically they were trying to blow up the bridge and it backfired and maimed people.

Yeah, the exploding propane tank theory is not something I'm going to grace with an answer.

Everyone who's ever expected me to accept that level of ignorance about physics and ballistics has been a black hole of stupidity.

"Herr suggested that the woman may have been injured while protesters were “rigging up their own explosives” — propane bottles to be thrown at police. None of those propane bottles exploded, and “the only explosion the officers heard was on the protesters’ side,” Herr said."

The TYT is just this gay man ranting about how the goverment is fucking people's lives up and acting like trump is worse than King Nigger.

They talk about the actual protest incident for less than 3 minutes


According to investgators, yes. Here's an article

>Willed Ignorance

No, they want to clear the bridge because dead vehicles are blocking their supply road.

what a waste of clean water

Well they should go straight from the hospital and to prison, since making homemade bombs is a felony.

>>Willed Ignorance

No. It's wisdom gained from experience.
Attention parasites will do anything to waste time.

One of them even stooped as low as . . .

"He's in front of her in that picture and behind her in that one, it must be fake"
"That's two different camera angles"
"Yes I know it's two different camera angles, but he's in front of her in that one and behind her in that one"

I don't know how common that level of retardation is, but it would be easy for a shill to fake it anyway.

Yeah, sorry, no one cares about the protests. There's much more dangerous, frightening and scary things going on in America.

Some sperg said Hail Trump.

Riot Police are government employees of peace.


>Some sperg said Hail Trump.

Oh no, that's terrible

It's a Sup Forums meme CULTURALLY APPROPRIATED BY Sup Forums.

An avulsion that big would have killed him pretty quick just form blood loss.

>what is a logical fallacy
And Experience from what, blowing up propane tanks? You don't have to be dumb or smart to believe what investigators say. It's just what was reported. Protestors may have been stupid, but their stupidity isn't grounds to reject other accounts of how this 'protectors' injury occured

And what are thelse fucking quotes? Where are you pulling them from? And with no real context, they make no sense.

>quote from warhammer/avatar fanfic
that's at least 50% /tg/

Experience of degenerates like you, fucktard.

Propane is a flammable liquid that boils when the pressure's released. It doesn't explode like a fucking grenade.

and, if you don't know what I'm quoting because you didn't read the link that you're commenting on, that's not my problem, asshole.

The blue gloves in the pictures makes me think they're already with a medic.

>Experience of degenerates like you, fucktard.

And the articles I linked said they were attempting to rig them to explode, MEANING something could have gone wrong to cause an unintentional explosion, you fuck. Your talk of boiling points and shit is irrelevant in this case.

And both the articles I linked did not contain the quotes you mentioned you sperg.

The following is an example of the kind of stupidity that you're doing now.
I've seen it before, I was right about you (and the other quotes are in the links).

"He's in front of her in that picture and behind her in that one, it must be fake"
"That's two different camera angles"
"Yes I know it's two different camera angles, but he's in front of her in that one and behind her in that one"

>attacking my character to disregard the legitimacy of what I said
>what is an ad hominem

I have nothing more to say to you. All of what I said holds true and your only argument is that I'm stupid. Congrats guy

Also ctrl + f both articles I linked with what you just now quoted. They are jon existant. Fuck off faggot

Youre fucking retarded

It doesn't look like puncturing a 1 lb propane tank at below zero centigrade to me . . .

""It was at this time an explosion occurred and several protesters ran to the area, pulled a female from under the burned vehicle, and fled the scene," the patrol said.

Officials defend using water hoses on Dakota pipeline protesters in 20-degree weather
Officials defend using water hoses on Dakota pipeline protesters in 20-degree weather
Officers who investigated found 1-pound propane tanks "including one that appeared to be intentionally punctured," the agency statement said."


oops, bad copy pasting

>muh poor natives
>muh ebil pipeline

there is literally nothing wrong with throwing grenades at left wing extremists who interfere with important infrastructure projects

finicum was a ted kaczynski-tier schizo with half the IQ, got himself killed and nearly got his family killed

>puncturing a 1lb propane tank is the same as trying to rig it to explode

A puncture doesn't mean that's what caused the explosion. It could've been an artifact of trying to rig it to do something it wasn't supposed to do, like trying to rig it to explode. Which the same article you linked mentions

blood vessels tense up from explosions.

oh ffs, if they 'rigged' it by adding an explosive then the explosive could have done it.

Now go away. You don't want to talk to me, remember?

>damage control

>The TYT is just this gay man ranting about how the goverment is fucking people's lives up
While shilling for more government at the same time. These people are purely delusional.

There's no way a flashbang could "blow" someone's arm off, either. They can cause burns if you fucking hold it against your skin as it goes off, but there's no real explosion going on. The reaction produces noise and light, and must be used indoors to maximize effectiveness. No one trained to use flashbangs would even bring them to an outdoor protest, much less use one.

oh fuck yessssss

blow those redskins away

>that picture of a mangled arm is legit.
according to who?

Just a reminder that this is what Soros had planned months ago in advance. Next up will be a few deaths of protesters, also done "by the police". Then, large scale riots and an attempted coup.