This man's comedy reminds me of Australian shit posting

This man's comedy reminds me of Australian shit posting.

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Well those digits tell me I should check it out.

That guy is not funny.

98% cuck

He's right, he's not funny.

Sorry for assuming your gender.


He is an idiot.

not Sup Forums related and hes a mainstream blue pilled comedian

I apologize for this retarded freedom hating cuckold on behalf of all shitposters

I saw him not too long ago.
He was funny for a while then he went on a long unfunny rant about how much he hates Trump so I yelled out "TELL A FUCKING JOKE!" he replied "What? Getting a bit real for you?" So I yelled back "NO JUST A BIT RETARDED!" and left.

Dude is a racemixer cunt.

This man does not represent us

i say this often on Sup Forums

Jim motherfucking Jefferies is not a representative of Australia. he is a soft cock cuck.

My country pushes fucking back if you fuck with us.

>An Australian shit posting in real life.

not only that, he hates guns.

What the actual fuck? Australia loves guns and hunting, just because the government tried to take them away doesn't mean shit here, we just dug holes and hid them.

I absolutely hate this guy. The reason australians on Sup Forums are able to channel those shit posts so well is because those kinds of retarded anti gun, anti religion arguments run rampant in australian youth, media and education.

Shut up faggot aussies make this board especially at this time

Dude just shits on everything. It's funny. It's like you guys. You guys shit on everyone and everything. If any poo should find the loo, it's you.

>Shitskins break into Jim's house with machetes and threaten to rape his girlfriend
>Still glad he didn't have a gun
>This is part of his standup


worse entertainment cuck in a long time.

"Some guy said a thing I don't like"

Shut up. Laugh and get over it. He isn't a shill. He makes funny dick jokes and shits on the second amndment for good reason.

You know people who are really into guns? He thinks they're just into guns. if society doesn't fall apart, you don't need 12 ARs. It's a hobby to have them until it isn't.

"You really only have one argument for guns. It's not much, but it's what you have.

(Australian Accent AF)
'I like guns!'

That's not much. But it's all you got. And there's nothing wrong with it!"

He probably doesn't get living in a place where you need them. So to him, having some guy break into your house to murder your family at night is the only thing he thinks of. Cause he's Australian. A culture where fighting Emus is harder than genocing the indigenous population. What do they have to know of frear. All he have to be worried about is wallabies n shit. He doesn't imagine Feral niggers taking your shit. He doesn't imagine the government having shit to do but babysit.

The audience would've Americlapped for you if you were in the USA.

Are you supporting him, or agreeing with me? Your post is confusing as all fuck.

Many australians do understand the need for castle doctrine. However cucks like him do not. He is one of those, "if someone breaks into your house just let them take your valuables because stealing is not as bad as murder" types.

There's lots of them around. You are arguing shitty memes in the end but what you don't understand is a lot of australians think the world of gunfights they see in movies is representative of america and they believe guns automatically mean everyone will just start shooting each other like the old west.

They ignore facts and when you bring up the need for guns to protect from criminals they declare that you wouldn't have to fear gun toting criminals if guns are illegal. Which is nonsense and complete ignorance of illegal guns and all the shooting that have occurred since gun bans.

They ignore that making guns illegal only takes guns from people who obey the law and they ignore that criminals would not be allowed to obtain guns legally due to background checks.

They have this cartoon version of the gun owner which is a crazy man hugging a gun and just waiting for their opportunity to shoot someone.

There are many good arguments for why guns should be legal but they ignore them all. We could easily reverse that argument and say there is no good reason to make guns illegal except that you don't like them.

i like jim jefferies and I think he is funny despite disagreeing with him

because I do not base whether or not I enjoy a comedian based on their political opinion

Dude is a legit mouthpiece. was funny in the beginning most would have called him based or at least one of the boys, then he figured out what you need to talk about and how you need to talk about it to get big and went to town like a faggot

I enjoyed his comedy until he came out against guns.

I also read every australian post in his voice.

"oi, ya Americans are sooo fookin stoopid"

Guns aren't in your blood like they're in ours. It's part religion over here if you go to the right areas. That's funny. It's something worth laughing about.

You could take them from Australia and not have the same effect. Im sure to anyone from bigger cities in Australia, it's hilarious and retarded to need a gun. Cuz they don't. So they don't understand needing to.

Oi cunt don't associate us decent Aussies with that logically inept cuck faggot!

>Hurr durr guns are stupid
"Yeah but I bet you wish you had a gun when muzzies invaded your home with a machete in London"
>Yeah but I was in my underwear so I wouldn't have had a gun on me anyway so there! Guns are stupid

(yep he really is that stupid)

>This guy gets it

I fucking love that video
>Can you believe she's only 15
fucking JB hifi right there

Yea. Exactly. It's funny to him always being at the ready in case that shit happens. To him, that is a complete abnormality, and not every day life. That'll never happen again and certainly not a third time. And hell, it probably won't. He just makes fun of those "end of the world" people. Cuz he doesn't give a fuck. Like Australian Shitposts.

>Guns aren't in your blood like they're in ours. It's part religion over here if you go to the right areas
Yeah and you are lucky to have that. Everyone should have that and for the same reason that america does.

>You could take them from Australia and not have the same effect. Im sure to anyone from bigger cities in Australia, it's hilarious and retarded to need a gun. Cuz they don't. So they don't understand needing to.
That's how it was sure, because we were a mostly homogeneous society. That need is growing very strongly though due to immigration, particularly when you look at the muslim community in australia who completely run organised crime, have access to guns and also support ISIS. Paired with that we have a police state which has consistently increased it's powers over the people and the people have no way to resist should they actively suppress the people.

Also, we have the very real threat of foreign invasion. Having a population of men who know how to shoot and have access to weapons is massive deterrence to this threat, a population of suburban numales who hang out at coffee shops, and make excuses for immigrants who commit acts of violence is easy pickings for the likes of china and that is what we are becoming.

Nah mate. The dude literally shits on Yanks for wanting guns to defend themselves, then fate smites him with perfect irony and rather than re-evaluate his point of view and think:
>"Oh shit, maybe guns are useful after all"
He comes up with some lame excuse as to why a gun wouldn't have been useful anyway -even though it would have.

His cognitive dissonance is above liberal tier and his logic completely inconsistent, it pains me to watch people like that.

Gonna be honest here, do not see a need for guns in true first world countries like Aus, Can, NZ, UK etc.

USA is understandable, literally overrun with niggers and spics.

But if you live in Australia, you should just learn how to fight. It is exceedingly unlikely you will even encounter a knife in a fight/robbery, let alone a gun. I can't help but feel most castle doctrine fans and gun fans are fat betas who can't fight and want to use it as a penis extension for their tiny cocks.

Absolutely. It's a right to fight for. I'm with you there.

But if you aren't fighting oppressive regimes aren't in an area you really need a gun for detourance

Just wait until the bull imports more of those Apex niggers or worse yet - there's talk of bringing in south Americans. You'll wish you had a gun you dumb faggot.

Good luck with those Chinese faggots

Shitty bait even from a chink like you

Absolutely. It's a right to fight for. I'm with you there.

But if you aren't fighting oppressive regimes aren't in an area you really need a gun for detourance*you effectively keep an interest in guns cuz "I like guns"

Which can get kinda downsey, which is funny. I agree with Jim Jefferies in humor. He made me laugh. A nigga can talk about fucking up big banks and crushing Jewish media and w/e, but if you aren't making me laugh, I'm not listening to you comedy. You dig?

I liked when he was on Opie and Anthony, but I never cared for his standup.

Chinese couldn't bother me less, I'm sure they're involved in drugs and other shit but not openly. Openly they are respectful and keep to themselves, ideal really. No issues whatsoever.

Seriously? this is the Apex Gang, hardly fucking threatening, look like the sorts of kids who hang out at train stations at night. They're nothing to concern yourself with, even less so if you know how to fight, lad.

Never seen it. Is that some show he did with his friends?

its a double edged sword when everyone's the funny cunt

Chinks are like Jews in that they are shifty. They don't tell you what they doing. They do it. They'll buy half the country if you don't look out. That's why I'm hell down with Trump. We were close to selling our major cities to China. They moving in hella fast too, and they don't try hemoginizing. Over here, all the Chinese stick together. Hang out every weekend, go back home a lot. Rich AF.

Yeah that's cool until you get Jim Jeffried and a couple of them climb through your window at night with machetes.

And that is a bad thing? you should replace your spics/niggers/poor whites with Chinese. Rich AF.

Chinks are like Jews in that they are shifty. They don't tell you what they doing. They do it. They'll buy half the country if you don't look out. That's why I'm hella down with Trump. We were close to selling our major cities to China. They moving in hella fast too, and they don't try hemoginizing. Over here, all the Chinese stick together. Hang out every weekend, go back home a lot. Rich AF. All my Chinese friends are traveling the world while I'm working going to college. They're still Chinese in the mindset until the 3rd generation. That's when Chinese get bad at math n shit too and become American. Because they stay here and lose the connections to China. Till then; they aren't full blooded American.

Give them whatever they want, its only property and I have insurance for that shit. Not about to turn my living room into a fucking battlefield over my shitty AKAI TV.



I hate the cunt so much. He's not funny and my cuck friends love him and always go on about him.

Hurr I'm a rugged alcoholic degenerate who doesn't give a fuck but also don't be racist or homophobic you bigots

I didn't read your post but fuck off

Comment right below ya. Niggas are so so American. We made our slaves entertainment stars. That's pretty dope. And the hustling in the hood will probably translate to money for real shit eventually. Especially if we legalize it and let people sell it like they were. Like, just don't police weed. The market will flood with everyone trying to deal and some will stay in and some won't. They could rebuild the hood with they let niggas drive into the burbs and sell. Go door to door. Billion dollar industry no doubt.

Comedy Central pls go

get fucked ya poofter

>when you assume someone says something you don't like so you stick your head up your own ass

His stuff before he went sobber and met his gf is great. He only started the family bullshit a nd politics after that although his religious rants can get old

Did someone say 'Aussie Comedy' without inviting me?
I don't bloomin' think Sharia allows that, you racist dicks!

If you jeffries make you laugh you have a very shallow sense of humor.

He's a dog shit comedian who appeals to edgy 14 year olds.

After reading this shit are you in fact a 14 year old wigger?

You suck fucking dick if you're an adult and you actually speak like this.

It's such a show of how bleak and empty the australian comedy scene is when this unfunny faggot is able to be a part of it.


Jim even mentioned that they were looking at his girlfriend and that he was worried they were going to rape her......

What would you do about that you leftist pinko faggot? Ask them nicely not to?
>implying you have a gf worth raping