Am I missing something

Sup Forums, what the fuck is this? I see this being passed around kikebook and I don't understand it

"White heritage is just a skin tone because it's broken down to individual European nations, racist"

"Well yeah, black heritage is just lumping together every black country and celebrating being kangz and queens"

"Yeah everybody knows that the entire continent of Asia shares the same culture and heritage"

What in the actual fuck? Are they just fucking with me now or are theyou actually this retarded

Other urls found in this thread:

They're right, except it's fucking dumb that blacks get to call their pride "black pride" instead of "African pride" and we can't.

Simple fact is the notion of "White Pride" has been historically been antagonistic to other groups of people in the US. Black Pride GENERALLY(look at this word fucktards) has been used for peace, love, acceptance and all that fun stuff(see MLK and the Civil Rights movement).

You faggots did this to yourselves.

black pride has literally never been any of that, ever. you're extremely susceptible to marketing campaigns it seems.

>asian pride
is that a thing?
no one hates asians more than other asians

I guess in lefty feel good circles all Asians are the same

Who gives a fuck? We won the election.
Let them bitch and moan for 3 years.

We will return in 2019 and BTFO them again.

>US. Black Pride GENERALLY(look at this word fucktards) has been used for peace, love, acceptance

>African culture and heritage

Is it because a lot of white nationalists are averse to other races?

how is black pride a celebration of black culture?
this is suggesting all black people come from a monolithic monoculture, when Africa is just as diverse as the Europeans he wants to divide and conquer by putting them in their own little boxes.

Retards confusing nationaliy and race.

If only people could understand that
>Nationality =/= Race
>Immigrany =/= Black person

They are always basing their arguments with broken facts.

Its like saying 4 + 4 is 10 because 2+3 is 4.

>inb4 plebbit

To me, this just supports the claim that Democrats are low-key racist and view minority groups as "pets" that they need to take care of

"All blacks are the same. All Asians are the same. White people are racist!"

Implying that the two largest continents in the world, with more than 75 unique countries located between the two of them, share 2 cultures and heritages is just dismissing the identities of the smaller countries, no?

Because it only works whites. Arabs have enslaved more people than whites by a massive amount. Yet no one tries the reparation or to guilt them about it.

It's getting harder and harder to tell who's trolling and who's actually some tumblr/antifafag that came here to destroy the evil Nazis. Everyone has the repetitive libshit arguments pretty well memorized at this point.

>You cant have black pride, you must have Congo Pride, Kenya pride etc etc

Whites are mixed, idiot.

>You cant have asian pride, you must have Chinese pride, or malaysian pride

Said no on ever.

Correct response is a smack in the mouth for hating white people openly.

Treat that man as if you were black, and he called you a nigger.

Also, this guy is clearly just a fucking scumbag. No really, look:

black=african culture and heritage
asian = culture and heritage
white = proud of skin tone

Thats what he said, in the OP.

If someone said that to my face Itd be lights out, clearly being proud of your culture and heritage isnt possible as a white person, according to him.. well fuck that, we dont need people like him around, they are holding humanity back.

Are you that Iranian faggot who thinks he's Swedish?

Ok Stormfag please tell me how the first guy is objectively wrong? You fuckers know you put other groups down when you meme your white pride while like said the CRM brought people together. Pull your head outta your ass, fix this, and then maybe you can walk down the street screaming "MUH WHITE PRIDE" without getting sideways looks.

There is a reason why most whites fall over themselves to not be lumped in with you autists.

Call them out on exactly what you just said, and point out they are the bias anti-white hateful racists who are openly discriminating against whites in ways they wouldnt treat anyone else.

Those people are the types who should be getting smacked in the mouth for being racist, youre black, and they just called you a nigger and spit in your face, and this is Africa, your own country.

What are you gonna do to them?



Mandela time.

>what is necklacing?

Mandela is a hero, go look up his history and see what whites are justified in doing to the people who would take their political power away in their own country.

Youre going to get done like South African whites, except this time its our country, and youre the invaders.

He is a racist for lumping together all Asian races like Japan, Korea and China. They each have dramatically different cultures and they fucking hate each other.

The same goes for Muslims, they have a bunch of sects branching off from three main ones, only some of them blow up and most of them hate each other. You're not going to lump together all Christians with the Westboro Baptist Church, are you?

He's not necessarily wrong (but still a retarded hypocrite) that you shouldn't conceive of "white pride" even if all of the other races generalize white skin in the VERY SAME WAY except as a derogatory term.
If it is okay to generalize "asian pride" or "black pride" because those are just fucking general skin colors, not one nation, then fuck you, white folks can generically take pride in their skin color too.

You should take pride in your specific nation and its native people, however the current global climate has outsiders come in and NOT adapt to the local culture. Instead they come in, don't speak the language, don't learn the local customs, cause disorder, acting as though they can keep living by rules from another land.

No that little cuck faggot is wrong and they would still call you a racist if you said European pride.

This is idiotic. Asian pride includes Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Korean, Thai, Malaysian, Indonesian.....lumping them all together as "Asian" but assuming that whites are special is absurdly racist. It's the kind of thing you'd expect to see from Sup Forums.

It's fun when the SJWs go full circle and become worse than most of you are.

Somebody needs to realize that neither asians, nor muslims are a homogenous group with a shared heritage.
Nigs don't have much, heritage to begin with, but spicy food, so I'll let those pass.

It only works on whites because we have been infected with white-looking kikes.

Robert ((((Gonzales))))

The Pan-Asian identity was pretty much an idea created by the Japanese to justify their occupation of Southeast Asia in advance of the Americans

The point is that whites are the exception, not the rule.

So if Asians and Muslims and Blacks and Browns(mestizo or hispanic or mullatto, whatever you want to call them) are all allowed pride in their collective heritage, we are too.

Its reversed roles, America is South Africa. Whites are blacks.

Take your country back, whites. Do as Mandela did, whites. Mandela is a hero.

Go read about his history. World leaders are all of the opinion he was a good man, read what he did to take back South Africa.

Treat those who would deny you the same rights as them, the right to even be proud about our heritage.. Treat THEM as if they were the whites in South Africa, and you were the blacks.

What happens when a white guy calls a black guy a nigger, and the black guy puts him in the hospital?

The black guy gets cheered.

Youre now the black guy.

He called you a nigger.

azn pride has been around since at least the 90s, I used to see that shit on starcraft 1 all the time from koreans and japanese.

I understand that you were talking about ww2 also, but I mean, people have adopted it and its not about ww2.

How is "Asian pride" any different from "white pride" in this context?

man they fucking got you hook line and sinker, whos a good goy? you are!

Someone posted this on kikebook the other night and I pretty much btfo'd that dumb cunt.

Explain this to whoever posts it as:

Then why are black people allowed to say they love their skin color, their hair, their bodies, yet when a white person says "I love being white" they're deemed a racist?

Average Black American has no ties to the Africa. They also have no idea if they really came from Africa or not. (Throw in the slave trade went to many places, not just Africa).

Also point out Africa ISN'T A COUNTRY, but a continent that has countries in it, all with varying degrees of cultures and beliefs within that very country. Lumping all blacks together based on skin color is in itself racist.

There are Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, etc being lumped together in what group simply because of their looks.

Mexican heritage IS a thing, but a lot of the people we assume are Mexican simply for speaking a form of Spanish also hail from Puerto Rico, Brazil, etc.

Finish off the post saying something like "this post is actually more racist while simultaneously telling us that whites are racist".

It's 4 years man

Black and Asian must be nations now.

There is so much wrong with this post I don't even know where to start. You keep cleaning those guns Dylan Roof.

Actually just hurry and get the preemptive strike before those scary negroes take away your freedom.

By his own logic, black pride and asian pride are also racist. Why a religion was stuck in the race list is retarded as well. By his own logic then they should have Kenyan pride, Mali pride etc. Asians similar.

Also, point out Muslims aren't a race of people, but a group of people practicing a religion.

So if they're allowed to have pride in their religion of choice, people can't shit on Christians for having pride in theirs.

We have to prepare from 2019 itself for the 2020 election. Until then, they can bitch and moan all they want.

Also breaking it down further within the US: Southern black culture, Creoles, Northern blacks, etc. All different cultures

40% of german children are immigrant non white, white children under 5 in America are the minority as of 2014.

The demographic problem must be solved, or whites will be justified in protecting themselves from losing their countries, and their races, and their cultures etc.

That meme needs a third box where the 3 hang 2/6 of the other guys and then the fourth white guy rejoins them.

Black = "African"
Not Somali, Sudanese, Kenyan, etc
Ya dun goofed, into the bin.

Allow me to break it down for you. In order to diminish the racial identity of whites they say that white people have no culture. In instances where whites clearly do have a distinct culture, it is dismissed as class-based racial oppression. It's very plain to see in their academics, such as with this professor who describes the "perilous whiteness" of pumpkins.

Yeah, point out that there are 200 million muslims living in Indonesia, which actually makes it the most islamic country in the world

Yeah man we need a Final Solution to the non-white problem! Go ahead and start now. Take back your country. Get that gun out!

I think all prides are so fucking dumb

Sweden has become a parody of itself. Jesus.

Got the (you)


So by deduction, logic and reasoning Black Pride is Racist and there is. O black pride
>Somali pride, Ethiopian pride etc are ok

And it's funny how ((Jews)) say race is just a social construct but they only consider themselves ((((Jew)))) if it's in the Mothers lineage

I got what you meant after responding

You have no pride do you? Cucks have no pride.