Does Sup Forums believe in climate change?

Does Sup Forums believe in climate change?

If so, do you believe it's man made, natural, or combination of both?

I blame you

I believe in it and i believe we are dealing it completely the wrong way.

climate change has happened countless times before and were solved by migrating.

We have the money and knowledge to prepare ourselves for new climates yet we pour billions into trying to slow it down.

It's mostly africa that's going to be fucked up hard by draughts.

the cause might be natural but the co2 is speeding the process definitely up and ignoring this might turn out pretty bad

Climate change is obviously real.

Man-made influence is also likely. I just don't care.

The world has always changed and humans have adapted. Maybe a lot of people die, maybe they don't. Either people figure it out or they don't. Whether we make it or not, the world isn't going to give a shit.

I also can't see it being pushed so hard as a desperate grab for federal and global power.

*can't help but

this might have effects on europe too especially you (rising waterlevels)

we had barely snow over the last year
if this continues i wont be able to go skiing in 10years

It's both, but humans have significantly contributed to the natural processes that are now becoming more and more powerful with or without our help.

I think that the effects of Global warming have been overstated due to a lack of scientific understanding in the original models and also by some for political gain:

1. The increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has massively increased plant growth. Plants have absorbed a ton more carbon than we expected, causing a delay in the effects.

2. People focus so much on carbon, when a very large chunk of the harm humans are doing is unrelated to it, such as excessive land usage, pollution of other actually directly harmful chemicals (Sulfur Dioxide and methane)

3. The earth's natural processes are greatly stronger than we realized, the planet has inertia that we would be hard pressed to overcome, however we shouldn't try to do so

4. The climate data we have is over such a short timeframe that predictions are often inaccurate

However, it is very simple math: Carbon dioxide traps heat. We are putting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than was there. Obviously, more heat will be trapped. Not even Sup Forums can deny extremely basic science. The question isn't whether it is occuring, the question is of magnitude.


Natural, it is out of control for humanity, forget changing the climate change. It is just green/red shit.

Yes, climate change is real. Denying this is retarded.

Yes, it is a natural process. However, that doesn't mean we need to contribute to it at the rate we are.

Fossil fuels are going to be around for a while, and we still have probably 200 years of oil left. We don't need to suddenly demolish everything powered by fossil fuel as some tards want. But we do need to be making a gradual shift towards renewable energy.

>(((global))) warming

Yes of course its real silly goyim, trust NASA they would never lie to you!

We've always conquered the water, if the sealevel truely gets out of control we will just think of something to protect us.

>le carbon dioxide causes the earth to be warmer meme

Still never been proven. Still a hoax, still a jewish lie.

>inb4 muh six gorillion tons of CO2

Plants love it. Doesn't cause any warming. The sun will take care of the temperature of our flat, motionless earth. You may think you're so smart with your (((science))) but this is the real truth.

Come gather around people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone

If the free market dictates that co2 pollution is the most efficient option who are we to stop it, the invisible hand means that rich nations will be able to combat any effects of global warming

>if the sealevel truly gets out of control we will just think of something to protect us

I hate statements like this. Let's apply this principle to other Sup Forums approved things:

>if the immigration crisis truly gets out of control, we will just think of something to protect us

What, so we should just ignore problems because 'le smart elon musk man' will dream up a solution?

Climate change exists, it's a natural phenomenon. Humans contribute to it.

The renewable energy, electric cars, recycling and bio shit is just hardcore lobbying and shilling.

The only true answer is to limit wasting resources at a REASONABLE level and to start adapting.

Saying someone is making his corner of the planet hotter/colder by using energy inneficient lightbulbs, so he must use the twice as expensive eco bulbs is also stupid. Especially when it hides some massive issues like the actual need to preserve drinking water supplies, which will soon screw over so many developed countries and cause massive chaos.

great song tbqh

>renewable energy

Not always a meme. Hydropower is pretty effective, as are things like wave generators and wind. Solar is a MASSIVE subsidy sink though, and it actually causes more pollution to make a solar panel than is saved by using them.

>electric cars

Absolute, 100% trash. Their batteries are the most toxic, destructive things on the planet. Like solar panels they are also so destructive to create that they are actually worse than regular cars. Cars are by definition inefficient, the only places where everybody should be using cars consistently are rural areas.


Least retarded thing on here, but the simpler thing is to reduce consumption in the first place.

>bio shit

Agreed, big ol' meme. The real enemy is plastics and a culture of disposability in which everything and everyone is just an object to use and then get rid of.

I don't know if I believe in climate change, but I do support being a good steward of the Earth. Humans really can fuck up their quality of life with air pollution and trash, just look at China. I have no problem with alternative energies like solar and wind, but at the same time I'm not going to whine about offshore drilling as long as the companies are following regulations and not acting like greedy kikes.

It's stupid to think about it in the first place. What matters is that big corporation start to get worried. If me and you, user, start shitting our pants about it, all that changes is hopefully our underwear

deep and anal

Yes, renewable energy is valid, but grants, mass replacement and insane amounts of money on it are fucking stupid. Electric cars are a meme insofar as pushing them into the mainstream.

Electric cars are not a meme as the future in development. IMO electric hypercars like the McLaren and Porsche 918 are brilliant, because they are a technological exercise that pushes a technology with lots of potential. Like for example the technology of recycling wasted energy of braking and such.

we are so fucked its too the point of global dimming

>Does Sup Forums believe in climate change?
>If so, do you believe it's man made, natural, or combination of both?
Probably both but mostly natural, I don't believe that human influence is responsible for big climate changes and natural disasters.

Who cares whether or not the few degree are man made or not.
We see our influense way more clearly in the changed surfice of the earth if we rode too much forest and plantless megacities.
We are doing way too less in planting things.

Climate change is almost all natural. The earth has always gone through cycles of heating and cooling, we have been in a warming cycle since the last ice age. Humans add to it by their activities, but only have a very small effect. The warmists have exaggerated both the degree of warming, and man's impact, because their research grants depend upon finding - actually, CREATING - a climate crisis, as a pretext for increased taxation.

The earth goes through eras of glaciation and interglacial periods (ice ages). We are coming out of an ice age from tens of thousands of years ago. Conditions expected would be small increase in global temperatures causing melting of polar ice and receeding of ice accumulation. No need to come up with additional unproven Boogeyman to explain this process which has been occurring for milennia

>Plants love it. Doesn't cause any warming.

Its actually the methane that's the biggest green house gas driving climate change.

On a side note firearms are also a leading cause of climate change, prior to the first usage of firearms there was no evidence of global warming. Now that they are being used so frequently we can see the temperatures are rising. This correlation is obviously a self evident fact, and I think everybody should hand over their guns to the government.

dumb and dumber