Why did boomers choose to ruin America's future?

Why did boomers choose to ruin America's future?

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>pull yourself up by your bootstraps

>kids these days are so lazy

>Waged degenerate culture war in 60's
>Go into emotional depression in 70's
>Become decadent and materialistic in 80's
>Ignored their kids in the 90's
>Said fuck it and sold off their country and children's futures in the 2000's
They are a fucked up bunch from the start. The WW2 generation had hopes that they would save the world but these shit heads rebelled and turned out to be the destroyers of civilization


>Why did boomers choose to ruin America's future?
Personal gain.

I am very split on this issue. Mainly because both sides are fucking dipshits. Try not majoring in worthless degrees and stacking up debt.

The real problem is that "back in the day" you could decide to go into a good paying manufacturing job or go to college.

Now everyone goes to college. There is only room for so many professionals in worthwhile degrees and so many other degrees are worthless. Not everyone is cut out for college.

I think it's hard to argue that baby boomers were gifted the ideal economy in the 1970's. Most of us can't comprehend paying cash for a new car or putting half down on a house.


Boomers voted for Trump

Blaming boomers is a Liberal meme

Boomers pushed college on everyone so hard, if you didn't go to college you were a failure. They then cemented this position by allowing the govt to pay for everyone's schooling regardless of standing.
If gov had never started supplying loan money college would be fine

>blaming global economic change on any one group
You're as retarded as they are.

They were handed the world from our grandparents. They pissed it all a way because they wanted to be different

Because they thought God would save them in the end.

It's quite literally not, society has been on downfall since 60's

And I agree that much. It's just that a lot of millennial have decided that what they would do with their lemons is make a shit shake. They have compounded their already fucked up bad hand.

I am going on 33 soon and I get what you all are saying. There was never an alternative but college according to essentially every single adult and worse yet they would rarely tell you about all the great vocational careers you could also go in.

Everyone was an intelligent snowflake that could be a doctor or lawyer.

Why do people think that standards of living can increase forever? Failure of US manufacturers to make good products is as much to blame for manufacturing job losses as foreign competition- look at the failure of GM and Ford vs. Toyota.

Where does the idea that you are owed health care and a retirement come from? Even with a good manufacturing job in the 70's you'd fucking die if you got cancer.

>yet they would rarely tell you about all the great vocational careers you could also go in.
as in?
I'm currently going to college and its fucking garbage, its going nowhere and I fucking hate it. I'm living with my mom, and while we do get along well and I help her out a lot, I feel like a leech, shielding myself from reality.
I honestly, truely do not know what to do with myself because all that ever existed was "go to college", and it turns out that it sucks just as much as school did.

No idea about Germany but in the U.S. you can pay a fraction of the price and go into HVAC, welding, carpentry, auto-mechanics, etc etc

You will be in less debt and make more money than 90% of all of the liberal arts majors. If you really have some balls you can start your own business with these skills and do way better than even STEM majors.

I don't understand, is it obligatory to borrow money? People are literally forced into debt?

I hear this discussed very often. Is it really that good of a job? Seems like it pays very well as long as you're good at it.

I'll probably have to go for one of those professions, my biggest worry is that it simply doesn't pay enough or that I'm not tough enough for that kind of labor.

Do you have 10k a year for tuition?

They won't retire because they don't know what to do with themselves other then work. Plus they love the power!

>People are literally forced into debt?
Who pays of the debt our polis accumulate?

No, just whiney faggots bitching that they signed a contract and that they actually have to keep their end of the deal.

Private colleges in Hueland charge you for a monthly fee, public colleges are funded by taxes.

I'm not sure if understand your question, don't good parent save money for their children colleges?

polis? I don't even know that word Straya bro

No because boomers fucked gen x.

>The WW2 generation had hopes that they would save the world but these shit heads rebelled and turned out to be the destroyers of civilization
The WWII generation and their parents are the ones that really fucked things up

So boomers didn't save money for the gen X college? Is that your complaint?

It can pay well in the states. Machinists as well.

I majored in IT and have a pretty cozy job with good pay and benefits but I would be lying if I said I don't regret learning a trade and starting my own business.

No, well they didn't, but they fucked gen x and the future by jacking up tuition prices because they made a law allowing the gov to give money to anyone who wants to go.
If they hadn't, college would still be affordable

The everyone needs to go to college meme started with the GI bill

So you have a problem with educational inflation? Basically credit expansion for education is a problem, and somehow the boomers caused this problems...

I'm starting to understand you user, but not quite sure yet

Sounds good, thanks for giving me some perspective.
In a dream scenario I'd learn my trade, then move to Trumps america and start working there.

It's basically the same thing as credit card companies giving loans to people they know won't be able to pay them back. You can be going to a community college for any retarded thing and get approved for a student loan, they pay out far more than it actually costs to enroll and buy books for 'living expenses.' It's common practice for nig nogs to get approved, show up for the first 2 weeks, and then drop out once the check rolls in.

When will one of these sissy libs actually grow a pair and off their parents in a political statement? lol never

So it's possible to enroll on this kind of debt, get money, and never even attend one day of college? The students get the money and can do literally anything with this money?

President and congress control the deficit

Pick a major that is needed. Not "basket weaving with native grasses"

Most people can't just pay for non-state college, but unshockingly enough most people are stupid enough to go to colleges they can't afford

When boomers went to college they could pay for their tuition and fees by a simple summer job between school years.
Keep in mind most boomers went to college so they could dodge the draft in Vietnam.

In 2016 your only hope is to join the military for the GI Bill or you will be in debt for the next 20 years

Even if you kill yourself the debt will go to your family. Even death can't escape student loans!

Once you stop going you stop getting paid, you have to go for a couple weeks to get the check.

Ive known ppl who just take the lightest load of classes possible so they can live off the student loan money and rake up years of debt.

>When boomers went to college they could pay for their tuition and fees by a simple summer job between school years.
you can still do this if you go to community college or trade school

The boomers spoiled the millennials. The millenials were raised by the boomers to believe that they were entitled to whatever they wanted, and to throw tantrums is denied, until their desires were met. They were taught by boomers that there would be no consequences for their actions, just indulgence. Now, we have a worthless, entitled younger generation who will not be able to maintain America's advanced and wealthy civilization. Thanks a lot for the millennial trash you created, Boomers.


>Ive known ppl who just take the lightest load of classes possible so they can live off the student loan money and rake up years of debt.

Jesus that's so stupid it's hard to believe anyone would do that

It is customary these days. Kids go to the most expensive colleges, take the easiest classes, get the most useless degrees, and do it with 100% borrowed money. Although any idiot can see that borrowing $200,000 to get a degree in womyns studies is a very bad idea, they do it anyway.

And then transfer to a 4 year university where you'll pay just as much?

Not everyone wants to become a plumber. Trade school is only good for the trades.

Boomers would get a degree in underwater basket weaving to avoid the draft, and then you still could pay off your tuition in a summer and immediately get an middle class job.

Sorry but an AA isn't worth much. What if you want to become an Teacher, Doctor, Lawyer etc etc

All of these essential jobs need a minimum 4 year degree + graduate degree.

Thanks to everyone who replied to me, I learned a bit

That's why Occupy Wall Street faggots wanted all student loan debt forgiven. They got out of college with a useless degree and over $50k worth of debt and decided that it was unfair that they be expected to pay those loans back because they can't find a good paying job.

Is it possible to get a job after high school, save up some money, and then enroll in a college? Or is it obligatory to go to college immediately after high school?

>And then transfer to a 4 year university where you'll pay just as much?

If you do 2 years at a community college and work part time to pay for it then you will end up with around half the debt load that you would've had if you started out at the 4 year university.

It's possible. Most that go work will join the military. Even if you want to be a police officer or fire fighter they want you to have a college degree.

My sister went to a Jesuit school where every single student went immediately to college, except for 1-5 that joined the Army so they could get free college.

Most go to college, even if they have no money and no prospects. People will go to college without knowing what they want to study.

The universities are unreasonably priced. Look at Harvard university, the greatest university in the world. The estimated cost to attended Harvard for only ONE year is $72,00. That's insane.

Guess what Harvard's endowment is? 37.6 BILLION dollars. Why are they charging so much if they have so much money?

That's probably more money than every single university in Brazil combined.

Sure, it's possible but there is immense pressure on high school students in the US to enroll in college immediately after high school. During your final year of high school that is all your teachers, guidance counselors, parents, and other mentors really talk to you about. You're looked down on if you choose to enter the workforce right out of high school, it is seen as a low class path to take. Similarly, those who choose to enter trades or professions only requiring a 2 year degree are also looked down on... Experienced plumbers, electricians, and machinists in my area all make more than $75k a year and their jobs are in high demand but high school kids are actively discouraged from pursuing those careers by pretty much everyone they look to for advice.


Do you believe that this problem is caused more because of the mindset of the people or because of the current laws?

If you had to choose:

>change the laws
>change the curret mindset of people

What would be the "ideal" solution in your point of view?

Feel free to add other options/solutions.

It's both.
I would change the laws.

Harvard has more than enough money to give every student free tuition. The US government should stop giving universities BILLIONS of dollars if they continue to charge more and more.

College should be reasonable. They tell you our universities are so expensive because they need the money, but that's a lie. US universities have a larger endowment than every European university, yet Europeans have free/reasonable prices to their universities.

If you go to any American university you will see it's filled with foreigners, most likely Chinese.
Go to UC Berkeley and you will think you're attending a Chinese university.

Americans can't afford the tuition, so they accept rich foreigners who are willing to pay.

>Keep letting immigrants in so they can depress your wages and take your jobs

>Bitch some more about how its your parents fault when youre voting for the money bleeding dems that oppress you

Millenial logic

This is largely because of stupid kids going for stupid liberal arts and philosophy degrees and expecting 6 figures out the door. Worst part is they didnt take the reality check and enhance their marketable skills, they just lived in denial of their shit decisions.

There are several problems that I see.. High school kids are encouraged to enroll at expensive 4 year universities even if they have no idea what they want to major in, this is ridiculous. When I graduated high school in 2006 I remember many, MANY people saying things along the lines of "Just go to college and get your degree, it doesn't matter what you get it in as long as you have a degree, it just opens so many doors for you." Bullshit advice like that needs to be purged because it's very misleading. Assistant managers working at Target (large retail store) are required to have a 4 year degree yet they only make ~$23k starting out. Oh yeah, that was a great door to open by wasting 4 years and $60k on a shitty degree wasn't it?

Community colleges are significantly cheaper than 4 year universities and you can generally knock out your first 2 years of general courses required for a 4 year degree at a community college and then transfer to a 4 year university to finish your bachelor's degree. This is a smart economic move but, again, high schoolers are discouraged from enrolling at a community college if they're able to get into a "real" university because community colleges are seen as places for failures and less intelligent people to attend. My cousin did 2 years at a community college in her hometown while living at home with her parents before transferring to a state university to get her pre-med degree. She went on to attend a prestigious medical school and is now a pediatrician making over $250k/yr salary...

Many kids (and adults) in the US have very poor personal finance skills. People buy cars based on how much the monthly payment will be, not how much they'll actually end up paying for it, they rack up credit card debt and then make minimum payments on it for years, we buy everything on credit and it's seen as a normal thing to have loads of debt throughout your entire life. We need to change how we approach personal finance on all levels IMO.

Boomers did everything Bernie Sanders wants to do, and they forwarded the costs to their grandchildren, like Bernies wants us to do to our grandchildren.

Sins of a Big Government empire.

>complain about boomers, lack of jobs, low and stagnated wages, lack of affordable housing
>promote open borders at the same time
>more people = devaluates jobs, drives down wages and increases competition for housing

millennials in a nutshell, literally the dumbest generation in human history

It is not obligatory. People can graduate debt-free with two years of community college and two years of state school.

But colleges are prestige-o-mats here so people can't resist.

>go to the best college!!!

Fuck that, I'm just trying to be a cop. I'm not spending 6 figures.

I'll go to community college, then go to a cheap state 4 year

You're talking about burgers here.

Kids nowadays don't even know what the American dream is.

Also, many colleges spend tens, or hundreds of millions of dollars on sports and athletics... Even state schools are running their universities like they're a professional sports team first and an academic institution second. Texas A&M and University of Texas both bring in over $150 million / year of REVENUE from their various sports programs, most of it related to college football. They've spent tens of millions of dollars renovating the football stadium at A&M even since I attended yet the engineering building has missing floor tiles and dirty walls in need of new paint / wallpaper in some areas.

Colleges in the US are no longer really for learning, they're just degree mills that suck up money from any available source and pump out kids with degrees by the thousands. College degrees have become the new high school diploma -- now that everyone's expected to have one to get almost any job they're losing their value. Having a college degree nowadays merely gets you up to par, it doesn't make you stand out or make your any more qualified than anyone else in the workforce.

>Buy shitty $2000 beat up car to go to work and school
>Go to college
>Can only afford 2 classes per semester
>Everyone age 20-25 has modern 2014+ cars
>Ask myself How is this possible
>1) Their families are either wealthy
>2) They dug themselves into massive debt

Am i doing college correctly or is there something im doing wrong?

>b-but the illegals are only going to take unskilled manual labor jobs that college graduates such as myself aren't going to do

It's an important topic, but you had to use a literal reddit may may

you didnt get a job after college?

if that's your truck you're doing everything right

You're doing good not getting into debt but I'd try for more than just 2 classes per semester. At least try to knock out some extras over summer and winter mini-mesters.

why cant you get a scholarship

He's a working WHITE MALE

They don't give scholarships to part time students.

Is Poli Sci a meme degree?

>supplying loan money
And now is when you can look too the banks.

This is nothing new in society. The devaluation of money is only cause by ignorance of a generation (i.e. BOOMERS).

Once the FED is gone and we have a free market, we can live like kings.



t. Poli Sci major

while I do generally agree with you the point people make by saying that is that you're better off with a degree still today. It's not as much as a benefit as it was, but ask any hiring manager and they will tell you they'll take someone with a degree over someone without one any day (unless of course the one with no degree has a ton of experience).

A degree, in anything thats not fucking art bullshit, shows you can commit to long term goals and can better yourself.

I have a computer science degree but have gotten interviews for a bunch of random, non-tech/computer related jobs because people know if you got a degree, you probably are good at learning new things.

Good luck. We have enough immigrants as is, stay in your own fucking country.

Unless you want to work for mcdonalds

I know youre being sarcastic but for most boomers, those paperboy jobs got them their first car.

>muh liberal arts degrees

Why is this argument allowed?

>Boomers pushed college on everyone so hard, if you didn't go to college you were a failure.

As a kid I was told that I needed to go to college or else I'd wind up flipping burgers. I graduated six months ago and am about to give up on finding a job in my field out of necessity to go flip a burger. If you're not in STEM, drop out and learn a trade. Take it from one of many, many people with worthless degrees.

>ask any hiring manager and they will tell you they'll take someone with a degree over someone without one any day (unless of course the one with no degree has a ton of experience)

That's kind of my point.. That is why we now have part time / temporary positions paying under $13/hr that require 4 year degrees. College degrees are devalued to the point that they're viewed the same way high school diplomas were a couple generations ago. Bullshit entry level positions with shit pay and minimal benefits now require 4 year degrees and there are plenty of desperate college graduates out there with useless degrees who will take those jobs because they have no other alternative.

I also know several people with master's degrees who are waiting tables, working as bartenders, one who works night shift at the gas station down the street from me, and another who is a trainer at a gym. Telling people to "just go get a degree" is bad advice if they then go out and get women's studies, journalism, or philosophy degrees.

Thank you for the insight, very interesting topic to debate

That's a beat up car?

Your reply hit me hard user, hear this story

>be around 13 years old
>get a ride to school with a friend's father sometimes
>he's car is old and dirty and a mess
>as we enter the car my friend shamefully apoligizes for the fucked up car "s-sorry about the cars anons"
>the father who is driving is having none of this
>he explains to us how it's better to have a fucked up car and ALL your bills and debts paid on day, than to have a overpriced garbage to pretend you are high class to others

That day changed my mindset forever, I will never forget it.

>Taking out a loan that you know you will never be able to pay back.
>Going to school that you can't afford for a degree that won't gaureentee a high paying job.

I have no sympathy for people with student loans. I put myself through a state school for mechanical engineering. It cost me about 6k a year going part time, and I never took out a loan. My job pays well enough that even if I did have debt, it would not be crippling and I could pay it back in a few years.

How about you stop supporting the "higher education" racket?

It's not going to change if you don't. They have no reason to change if you're paying them.

>tfw white upper middleclass upbringing
>father sat me down when I turned 13
>"Son, never buy anything you can't pay in full right now and always consider how much use you get out of it"

And in the 14 years after he told me that I never bought anything that requires payments and neither does my wife.

He may not be around anymore but I hope financial responsiblity would make him proud.

I'm a freshman at uni and fell for the Jewish tricks. Should I drop out and enroll in trade school before the costs get too high? Grants cover my tuition but I still have to use loans to pay for housing.

They were short-sighted dipshits. A lot of them couldn't think more than one or two steps ahead of any given situation. One way you can tell is from their parenting. Boomers told their kids ridiculous lies to get them to do what they wanted, without giving so much as a single thought to what kind of beliefs and decisions those lies would metastasize into later on down the line. The textbook example is college.
>"It doesn't matter what you do as long as you go to college. If you don't go to college you'll be flipping burgers for the rest of your life."
>I don't know if that's a great idea, I really don't know what the hell I want to do with the rest of my life and I don't think it's a great idea to rack up debt while I try to figure it out.
>"Just go to college and everything will magically fall into place. If you don't go to college we're kicking you out. Good luck making it on your own in this economy!"
>Uh... okay. I guess I'll get a degree in liberal arts or something.
I guarantee you that this is what happened to 90% of the faggots at Occupy.


Because its the goto degree for undecided college students

My friend went to a state school for electrical engineering and came out with somewhere around $35k in debt. His sister went to a state school for dance and came out with around $60k in debt. My friend works at a power plant making over $100k a year and paid off his student loans on his own within 5 years of graduating college. His sister is now a stay at home mom and hasn't worked in years while her parents and husband are still making monthly payments on her student loans.

What degree are you going for and do you think you'll be able to finish with a decent GPA?

Honestly, how hard is it for people to look up the US bureau of labor statistics website to see if their chosen fields are expanding before they waste their student loans on uncertain degrees?


Source: Poli Sci major who now runs a mid size IT business

Boomers didn't really do shit. They just lived in better conditions.

Boomer politicians and boomer top tier businessmen fucked people over and let their entire generation take the blame. The same thing will happen to Millenials

Immigration always goes up during Republican administrations, that is a fact, you can look it up yourself.

Fact is Obama deported nearly double the number of beaners than Bush did, yet the fact-free right wing wants to call him soft on that issue.

The reality is a wall won't stop them, until the lure of jlow-skill obs goes away, the immigrants will keep coming.

It was by kek's will.