Han civilization is superior

The Han (Chinese) civilization is superior in every way and they are the only ones fit to save the world from western degeneracy and their indoeuropean caste system, jewish evilness, indian fecalism, negro savagery and islam.

They have the perfectly organized society. They take only what is useful and don't care about anything. The chinese keep expanding and assimilate every people they encounter both with their culture and via marriage. They are even deleting africans with this measure. Confucianist order, superior taoist spirituality, 4000 years of superior wisdom, and much more.

Chinese civilization will unite all the world and humanity will finally prosper.

Are you ready to welcome the saviours of humanity, Sup Forums?

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Are these the same people who boil dogs alive and eat them because they think it's good for their erectile dysfunction?

Yeah, and eat eggs cured in child urine!


>Chinese will save western degeneracy
>posts a picture of a degenerate Chinese


You might have been right about 150 years ago. But the current Chinese people are all brainwashed by the communists. The great Chinese culture died when Mao took over. That whole civilization vanished at the hands of communism. They should all commit suicide


Choose, /pol

BTW, this qualifies as entertainment in China :


Percentage-wise, very few Chinese actually eat dogs.

>shit and piss in public
>eat dogs
>run over children with cars and just keep driving
>steal, cheat, and kill their way to the top of society
Okay Chang.

it never made sense to eat dog when you have other options for meat available. they have much more value as utility animals than they do as food animals

You forgot about Taiwan. They're mostly Han.


You mean, they have superior and benevolent government that grants its citizens unprecedented growth in wealth, while the Chinese themselves are replacing local cucks in Canada as well as mudslims in Indonesia?

>we failed to persuade people that we're white
>maybe we should pretend to be yellow then

>The chinese keep expanding
This is the great paradox of our time.

Expanding seems to be the rational, natural thing to do, but in actuality it is a major threat to humanity's continued survival.

Very few in the west understand this. And almost no one in the East does.

I suspect that most Chinese are just shameless thieves. They have no moral centre. They just cheat and don't give a shit about anyone outside their immediate family, and often not even that much.

Their only value is in making niggers miserable.

how can Han be the superior civilization if Manchu are objectively superior in every way?

Yeah, i don't think it actually happens that often. There's a town in China where they have an annual dog eating festival, but it's not like dog is a common Chinese dish or something.

Also, the Chicomms really seem to hate muslims. They forced kids in school to eat watermelon on ramadan. Usually that would bother me, but Islam is the shittiest ideology of all time.

Well the Manchu have all but been completely assimilated into the dominant Han ethnicity.
So there's that.

>Islam is the shittiest ideology of all time.
>not liberalism

I think a lot of their negative reputation is because their government is contesting the US for power. The same way that all of Russia is evil, until you realize that's just propaganda, and that while Russia is fairly shitty, it has potential.

China actually has great history, and is one of the few civilizations that was/is worth something. They have had great philosophers, great inventors, and they helped the west grow as well (many people argue that the west/east is like a pendulum, and that it goes back and forth with who was technologically superior as they would trade techs with each other).

Yeah, there's a lot of bad stuff that happens in China, and their government is horribly evil, but that doesn't mean the Chinese people like it. They've shown a lot of support for US companies who tried to fight against the commie internet rules (back when google wasn't shit tier, the Chinese were bringing them gifts to show their appreciation for defying the commies).

They also have kickass history. They probably could have conquered much of the world if they would have stopped fighting each other. Their whole history is basically dynasties warring against each other, which I guess is sort of bound to happen in such a large country.

You think it's worse because you don't have to deal with Islam right now. It's so bad that even insanely, retardedly leftist Europeans are starting to push back against it. Liberalism is awful, but it's not as bad as Islam.

Whatever makes you sleep at night.


good you dont know monetary theory

And that's another thing:

Asians are hot as hell. Smart, have decent civilizations, and super cute. I've never understood why some people on here disliked asians.