Your hurting the black mans feeling

Your hurting the black mans feeling.

No Trump hats at the Table.

what do you say?

Why is there a nigger at the table

I say hey hey, are you ready to play, it's time to come and play with the Tweenies

>why is the slave eating with us?

What the hell does wearing a MAGA hat have to do with hating black people?

Can you not use that word here? I know it feels edgy to say it but this board is civic nationalist. Go to b or storefront if you want to be immature. Not even baiting

Who let the dogs in?

Silly black man, white people don't wear hats indoors, especially not before prayer in the presence of God.

Fuck off nigger

Those are the exact words I was thinking when I entered the thread.

>wearing any hat at the dinner table, especially on Thanksgiving

First post, best post.

Literally absolutely nothing. For some reason some have convinced themselves otherwise, though.

who let that animal in here?

No WASPs actually degrade themselves to dating blacks unless they're like 300+ lbs.

Get that greazy nigger out of here. This is turkey not fried chicken! ooga booga nigger! OOGA BOOGA!!!!

Just fucking look at Sup Forums

>and then the black guy admits hes also a Trump supporter and tells them to relax
What do?

>pol is one person meme

Came to post this.

>thanksgiving rape

>Dad: DaShawn will you be spending the night?
>Daughter w/ Associate's Degree in Freebleeding: DaAAddy I tollld you he was
>Negro: Yee she done told me i cud nawmean
>Dad: Alright, DaShawn. But I do need to let you know that in this house we have one very important rule. Before you sleep with my daughter...
>>pull DaShawns faggot zirconium stud earring out
>>Put faggot zurconium in my own ear
>>begin to unscrew lipstick cap
>Dad: You got to fuck through me.
>Wife: I love you, honey.

I don't care about his feelings.

I care about the survival of my Nation, my History, my Heritage, my Ethicinity, my Race, my Culture and my Civilization.

What kind of uncivilized shitskin wears any hat at the dinner table? I wasn't raised in a barn.

you're not supposed to wear hats at the table anyway

Ive been working on some MAGAesthetic gear that resembles the best vintage 90's POLO SPORT and Ralph Lauren jackets etc. I need fashion people who can help me do this. I also have other good ideas.

They have feelings? I'm serious though

Dw I'll go get the rope

My god woman! You've cremated the turkey, served me red wine with poultry, left the nigger out, invited your fat, whore friend to a family dinner, and now you think I'm an uncouth commoner who would wear a hat indoors.
I will be forced to cut your allowance off and suspend all bedroom activities until reality has returned.

"Where are my manners? Should never wear hats at the table"

I find it amusing that they're so racist they don't even make an attempt to learn the guy's name and refers to him as "the black man". Point that out and state he should be more offended at them that obviously considers him a token minority to virtue signal to others about how tolerant they are.