Its another reddit admin admits that he can shadow edit user comments without leaving behind any evidence of doing so...

>its another reddit admin admits that he can shadow edit user comments without leaving behind any evidence of doing so episode

Other urls found in this thread:

FUCK /u/spez

Those two aren't mutually exclusive. You've lost sight of the forest from the trees.

We don't care. Fuck off.

>low energy
>top kek
...why do these people try so hard to be us?

>people with control over a site's source code have absolute power over that site and can fuck with things at will

Who would have imagined?

Honestly reddit is such a shitty site, you're better off using cripplechan to host niche communities at this point

Ah nice, now that he made things right all you faggots can go back.

Sieg Heil !


Because the user crossover is about 90%

the_Donald is the normie version of Sup Forums

Yes you do, now reply again to show how much you care a second time.

what's a normie?

Fuck u/spez

>implying the_donald and Sup Forums aren't the same userbase

really makes you think

>admits that he uses leddit


lowkey he just fucked reddit so hard. He could resign over this. Users will constantly bring into question the validity of any comment posted on the whole fucking website

>low energy
>top kek
Are they just saying memes?

Who the fuck is spez and why should we care?

And theres the proof.

I second this question, this whole thing makes no sense to me

A normal fag to new fags who don't know they're new fags and normal fags

>>implying the_donald and Sup Forums aren't the same userbase
they're not they are redditors who have appropriated our culture and pretend to be us, we have nothing in common they are cucks in Sup Forums clothing


It's what you get when your nice aunt finds reddits trump sub and tries to fit in.


>being a plebbitor

Leave reee

I think he's like their m00t

The_Donald is a Sup Forums colony.

It's the normie outreach program.

so can Sup Forums mods

I've had a Sup Forums mod auto fill one of my response windows with greentext before because they were worried about me escalating a discussion
when I tried to point out that I wasn't mad about anything to do with the discussion, but that the moderator action really pissed me off, the mod just shrugged it off
I think most Sup Forums mods are reddit mods who hate Sup Forums

>The_Donald is a Sup Forums colony.
was until (((they))) wanted to be apart of it, which started like 5 months after it started and right about the time this board was filled with reddit posts

No the important question is how you got the tripcode to say sage


You should be proud, considering you'll never have a real child of your own.

The_Donald is a Sup Forums colony like Nigeria was a British colony. We tried to teach us our culture and ways, and they basterdized it and now want to come here and fuck us up.

That's literally all they do. The entire board is just shitposting. Often misusing memes, CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL, huge ass & boldened text, and autists being as obnoxious as humanly possible in general. They are pure, concentrated cancer.

>you use Reddit
>you fucking use Reddit
>get the fuck off of pol

>reddit is just another msm propaganda device
we know user
normies don't
go tell them

>going to reddit

No it's not. People here can actually had discussions mixed with jokes. There, it's regurgitated joke after joke with no actual discussion. It's a popularity contest between losers.

moot of reddit.

Soon to suffer same fate.

Don't act like you're part of Sup Forums, no one is.
This isn't a community, just a bunch of anonymous people discussing shit.

I have never seen a plebbit faggot so passively aggressively devastated anally in my life, congrats

>Reddit is trying to be us again

Are you new?

>why do these people try so hard to be us?
They ARE us, and we are them. Faggot.

Reddit's CEO.

Unless you own stock in Conde Nast, or use reddit, no reason to care, Just another example of controlled narative.

It's 99% memes, while Sup Forums is 50% discussion and 50% memes.

At least it's shifting the overton window further rightward.

Nice bait.

>tfw shadow banned irl

>public forum where mods can edit your posts

why the fuck would anyone use a site that admits to doing something like that, how fucking retarded can you be

it completely undermines the very reason discussion forums exist

>4chin on leddit

Holy shit we (inb4 muh sekrit club) are colonizing even the most cancerous parts of cyberspace now. What a time to be alive.

This must be similar to how the British felt in India

No it's not.Reddit might be decent to get some info dumps but there is no actual discussion taking place on that site.

>It`s another faggot crying about reddit on Sup Forums
Nobody cares, now fuck off cancer.

it's interesting to see how far down the depths of censorship they go.
first they ban discussion about john podesta's pedophilia, now they ban people talking about the admins, it's hilarious

thedonald is like the little brother that desperately wants validation from the older brother but he clearly just reeks of immaturity and groupthink

any server administrator can totally do whatever he wants, including your isp

People crying FREEDOM OF SPEECH over a privately-owned site with a lengthy ToS is always good for a laugh.

why is RMS so memeable?

because thedonald was made by someone from infinity pol as normie outreach

Who give two flying fucks about Reddit?

yet those cucks wont do fuck all about it, reddit fucking sucks lmao

lol this is medium spicy 7/10 bait, bretty gud

>leddit is cancer
wow really i didn't know that already wow

pls ignore, just testing

No kidding. a decade ago lowtax would edit peoples posts to call themselves faggots and you know what they did? Mocked him back about mangosteen, barefoot merlot and ambien.

Hurt feelings reports itt

that could totally have been child porn

>long week
>its fucking wendsday
fucking kek

probably why you cann't post here anonmysly

>I hate Reddit so much that I don't care about information that could be used to ruin the site financially

You kids understand that this can destroy their ad revenue and AMA shill deals right? At least drop it Macy's status.

It's not that they had the obvious ability to manipulate posts, it's that they admitted to doing it.

If you actually hate Reddit you should meme this. Also check my digits and Reddit spacing.

so, aside from my obsession with child porn, which i have, i'm obsessed with it, i fantasize it all the time, why do i need to be targeted ?



The first is an archive of a Washington Post article linking to the r/the_donald announcement about the r/pizzagate shutdown. The second is an archive from 20 minutes later of the same thread, showing that the names had been been edited some time around then. Did u/spez collude with the Washington Post on this?


lol, she looks like shes from northern europe. jews are from the levant,they look different than her.

Kill yourself.

> northern Europe

90% of the mods are Sup Forumsacks

Sup Forums stuck it's dick in Reddit and that what came out.


I hate the donald. We should gore post that shit hole. Anyone want to?


>reddit implodes

>trump wins presidency

what a time to be alive