

I want to believe this pizza shit, but this is just too much. they can't really be doing all this shit, right? I can see the evidence, I just can't believe it. I know Hillary and everyone related to her is a corrupt liar, but this just seems too far.

Is it real? Please say no. Please.

Other urls found in this thread:

it's real
everything will be made public soon
gallows & ropes ready

It's the state of the world we live in. You know how there's lots of Horror Media. Think about reality allowing that. What basis did these works of fiction have in Man's thoughts. I wonder why.

I'm getting close to just leaving everything and living alone in the wilderness. Too much corruption too much blatant lies and deception. A while populations brainwashed and endless wars because we trapped hostage in a foreign policy with the devil. Above all, we can't even talk about it. It's fake news.

Was it always this nihilistic?

Why do you think there is no point after you chose to lay down and die.

It's real

>i can see the evidence
such as what?

Please be real. Knock the fucking bottom out of this atrocity Sup Forums we need to once again use our powers for the good of civilization.

Praise kek

Its real and has been happening for ALONG time.

That is the great thing about the internet, they couldn't control it no matter how hard they tried.
But because it was convenient for them they used it as a tool for bragging about their sick acts and now for the first time ever they don't have direct control over the evidence because they don't control the internet like they do everything else.

Can someone give me a tldr version on this pizzagate thing

The world is a dark place, user. It's real.

user, I...

wait Solomon?

Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

As much as I would enjoy that, I really hope its fake for the sake of those children. If we hold one thing sacred in this world why not let it be childhood? The thought of it actually makes me tear up.

Every single government and news source in the Western world is trying to suppress this



Pic related, we need to organize an army to take over Washington. It's justified because they are LITERALLY ENABLING CHILD TRAFFICKING

The more evidence emerges the more enraged I become. I am inclined to agree. We need an all out investigation ASAP

Some mod from /r/pizzagate, Molly, talked to the FBI about this. She gave them all the evidence and names and accounts etc

They literally told her that they "weren't interested". The highest levels of our government are corrupt. The media is a propaganda machine. Normies are brainwashed and passive.

This cannot be solved from within. The elites will threaten to assassinate Trump if he doesn't do what they want.

Remember the French Revolution? We can do this. We can take back our government.

It's entirely possible. people do horrible shit like this all the time.

that's the problem with it being fronted by Sup Forums and infowars.

once you have an idea backed by places full of conspiracy theorists, holocaust deniers and people posting swastikas everywhere, anyone trying to defend them from claims of guilt can use ad hominems to discredit often valid arguments.

yes, it's entirely possible.

>doing my bait
Kek. Has that always been part of the copypasta and I just never noticed?

they didn't have predator drones in the french revolution...

Droning your own citizens would be a great way to rouse passive normans to fight against you Forums-uncovered-sick-world-washingtons-occult-elite/
Hmmm.... Yeah.

some group attempted to discredit wikileaks by drawing wild conclusions based on extremely weak evidence

idiots caught it and ran with it. here we are.

see also: the alien/ufo podesta emails. same attempt but it never caught on


> implying the military itself isn't the most based single demographic in the US

I find it hard to believe a conspiracy of this scale would not get busted a long time ago. The evidence has to be bulletproof and as ar as I can see it is not, so keep watching.

There's definitely *something* there, particularly around Podesta, Comet Ping Pong and various super-creepy instagram accounts.

However there have been MANY massive jumps to conclusions based on no real evidence. Anons and ledditors are viewing everything through the prism of a vast, possibly Satanic, pedo conspiracy and when you do that you inevitably lose objectivity particularly because the subject promotes emotional thinking. In a way, people WANT to see new evidence - whether it's really there or not - so they can have the satisfaction of bringing it to light, and that's one of the most difficult cognitive biases to deal with.

Sometimes they do get "busted", but mysteriously the investigation gets constantly bungled / obstructed / shut down and then nobody of consequence goes to jail.