Reddit sends salt to the New York Times

Brainstorm: how can we beat this?


Yes, I agree, send lots of salt, but be sure to send it via Amazon™ prime

This will surely show the globalists.

we already have, many times over

the decapitated head of a feminist, some user has to take one for the team and give the NYT ptsd

>NYT HQ doesn't have to buy its own salt this winter
>Literally giving assets to (((Them)))

op is a faggot, do something edgy instead.
send several goatse pics to nyt.
also send a fucking ton of false histories too.



>how can we beat this?
Send tampons to Reddit.
Preferably used.

lmao, ledditors get themselves arrested and/or put on watchlists... i think they've beaten themselves

rock salt and dinner salt are two different things

Send them easily disproven fake news in favor of hillary in the hopes that they use it.

Call them pedo-enablers. That's what they are.

send them pizza

The only difference is grain size and purity. Table salt will melt ice just fine if you wanna waste money and rock salt will season your food just as well, if you dont mind a bit of grit. Certain blends of de-icer contain other chemicals besides salt though.

>the only difference between those 2 things are these things that makes them different

tone down your autism

We mail them pizza.


>le return of le nazi frog


We mail them bricks so they can help Trump with the wall

but the original implication that he was responding to was that salt cannot be used for melting ice