Decided to start reading more actual books instead of just reading internet articles like the braindead millennial I am

Decided to start reading more actual books instead of just reading internet articles like the braindead millennial I am.

What are some Sup Forums approved books? Both non fiction and novels welcome.

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Bump for thirst for knowledge

the best democracy money can buy - greg palast

illuminatus trilogy

shadow of the wind

red rising trilogy. shows the strengths and weaknesses of fascism quite nicely. sci fi also if your into that.

atlas shrugged

The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith


War with Russia by General Shirreff is basically Hillary's Presidency: The Book.

I will tell you what not to read. Dont let any Sup Forumsster tell you to tead Julius Evolia. Hes not white

Currently halfway through atlas, fuck me is it long.

Donald Trump - The Art of the Deal


the 300 committee

the art of war


You know they arent wgite

cloud atlas


Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

Count of Monte Cristo.


Forgot I had these so here you go



Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith you cucks! How is this not in the first post? Its America's version of the communist manifesto and one of A. Jacksons favorite books


Lonesome Dove

it has nothing to do with Sup Forums, it's just a novel that i like

Battlefield Earth
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
A Door Into Summer

The Blank Slate - Steven Pinker

Anarchy, State and Utopia - Robert Nozick

anything by Roger Scruton

If you can find translations, Henry de Montherlant, Jean Cau, Alain de Benoist Just click on the bong flag for english texts



Thank me later bro.!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg


I'm almost done with Herodotus, great book. I'm planning on going to Thucydides next, thanks for posting this, I'll have to read some of them


Oh and anything by Ernst Junger, especially Storms on Steel. Great memoir on WW1

Confessions of a Crap Artist
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

The Futurological Congresss by Stanislaw Lem. I guarantee you will enjoy. It's short too, and pretty funny. Libre Novus (The Red Book) by Jung.

reading is for dummies.

trump never read a book. that book of hitler's speeches he was given he mistook for being mein kampf because he never even bothered to read to title.

follow trump's example and just read a stack of newspapers every day instead.


puts a Orwell's memebook so high
gun germs and steel instead of guns sails and empires

If you want fiction here's some good fantasy:

-Wheel of Time (probably the best shit in the world, you should seriously try to finish all 14 beautiful mutherfucking books they are all wonderful

de Montherlant was a boyfucker

holey shet awesome thread bumpin

well fuck me, thanks.


Real talk: read Anthem by Ayn Rand. It's 105 pages.