American healthcare cost

If the U.S. has privatized healthcare, why do they spend 17% gdp on it and per person, nearly double the U.K. a country where everything is free?

They double size everything.

We have 5x the population size for starters.

>America prospers
>wahh its bad
>america gets shittier
>wow way to be progressive

If we just say everyone over 250 lbs gets purged in 2 years we'd be fine. Also our healthcare costs rise in proportion to the number of beaners(Mexico is now fattest country) so once they all go back we'all be fine.

Incessant Greed

fuck rockefeller allopathy


So if a person without insurance goes to hospital, do they just get sent a bill? And if so, what if they dont pay?

anglosphere needs to get its shit together

Too many fat people and smokers. If you remove them the costs are the same.

I think they have to pay before you leave in that case but idk

Yeah but u.s. obesity rate isnt much higher than the u.k. yet per person cost is almost double.

why would we want something like the NHS

they can't imprison you
they get your info and hand your info to a collection agency I imagine

or maybe they harvest your organs I don't know I live in socialist retard land

The obesity rate is like 50%.

Insurance companies charge 4 times more for everything here

While USA keeps feminism you will have double the demand for jobs meaning lower wages and double the unemployment. Women are forced to work and have less freedom than they used to since they are now wage slaves too. The breakdown of the family unit is destroying everything. Women are more unhappy and so are men. Post natal depression is at an all time high because working has destroyed community support that used to exist.

Now everyone just works like a bunch of good little slaves.

we don't have privatized health care
geezers go on Medicare
poorfags go on Medicaid

I want a donut now.

Nothing if they are poor

Our government healthcare costs are already more per capita than the UK.

They just get sent a bill.

The hospital will typically attempt to collect on the bill, and if unsuccessful they will sell the debt to a third party debt collector. If that party is unsuccessful as well, it becomes part of the reason why many hospitals were in financial trouble prior to implementation of the ACA. There were(and still are) health care deserts out there, places were you may have to travel a long distance to get any care at all.

John Oliver did a stunt a while back based on this. He bought uncollected medical debt for pennies on the dollar by masquerading as a debt collection company, then blew up the debt obligations on his show. A stunt, but it did have some meaning.

Well thats my point. I was under the assumption that most of you had health insurance, yet you still spend 17% of your gdp on health and nearly double the amount per person compared to the u.k. i though the cost would be less as the insurance companies pay instead of the government?

Not always. Some debt collection agencies can really fuck your life up if you run afoul of them. TRW and Experian is more inclined to listen to them instead of a lowly citizen like you.

We have a lot of old bags and poors, that's why.

Ok. So the poor still get free health. How poor do you have to be. And isnt that what obamacare was for?

That 17% includes insurance companies you fucking retard, and probably half of it goes towards useless beaucracy created by them. Insurance companies are a huge fucking scam, only like 30% of premiums goes towards claims, the other 70% goes towards paying people to push papers around.

Problem with Murican healthcare is that .gov in the early 70s required third parties between patients and doctors, which has led to system overutilization

Doctors will run every possible test and bill medicare, the insurance company, etc etc

TINSTAAFL. All Obamacare did was force you to have insurance, it did not just "give" it to you. The rates and quality sucked from day one, and once the insurance companies required service period expired they got the fuck out of dodge. The point here is, you can either have universal health care or private on demand care. Period. All the links in the health care chain are there to make money, not make sure that some useless waste of a cumshot can live a day longer on the public dole.

As it sits right now the price of Healthcare is drastically inflated by limitations on who can practice, patent laws, and insurance companies working with the state to bolster the amount of money avaliable to be spent on health care.

>We have 5x the population size for starters.
Which should lower the cost as the economy of scale happens.

The USA also has far more people fighting over and chasing down bills to be paid.

For example the nation of Canada employs the same number of health administrators as the state of New Hampshire, while having 30 times the population.

It's simply cheaper to provide an averaged consumption of material than it is to bill every single item.

That is if a hospital uses on average 4567 units of something you give the hospital 4567 units and they can go over or under that average as the units are consumed. Rather than sending 4571 individual bills out to people and insurance companies to look over and make sure that each use was justified.

It's like cutlery; need a fork? Take a fork. Don't file an application to get the form to request the use of a fork, then get into a fight over if the request form was filled out properly, just take a fucking fork.

>The obesity rate is like 50%.
That's highly similar to the UK.

Blaming fat people for the cost of US care is wrong. The overwhelming cause of the cost is administration and overhead; which is required in for profit operations.

The US military provides health care service to it's active duty members for about half the cost of the general population because they act almost exactly like a single payer UHC rather than the abomination of public and private overlapping coverages and systems that is the US general health care system.

>the reason a pill costs 5 times as much here as somewhere else is because we've got more fat people


Because it's broken. Completely fucked. Healthcare is, at least in part, a free-market failure. It's often non-competitive. In the event of a medical emergency, a patient does not have the opportunity to shop around. Demand is inflexible for other reasons too, and the prevalence (and now requirement) of health insurance exascerbates that since it produces a sense of detachment of patients from the financial cost of these procedures - this mentality that "insurance will pay for it, not me" - removing much of their incentive to seek more affordable medical care. Healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies take advantage of this.

Insurance companies are in a better position to shop around for more cost-effective medical care than the patients themselves are, but they also lack the incentive to do so, since they are required BY LAW to spend at least 80% of their revenue from premiums on healthcare (so profits actually go DOWN if they manage to save their patients money).

Meanwhile, numerous other barriers to competition exist, such as prohibition on shopping for insurance across state lines and restrictions on the importation of pharmaceuticals. We have fuckloads of regulations which push the cost of medical care UP, and to my knowledge, no regulations that do anything to keep costs DOWN.

Now, I'm not saying that healthcare HAS to be entirely handled by the government like so many other countries do. Perhaps there may be a way to employ free-market policies properly in the medical field... maybe. But we certainly are going about it all wrong.

And MORE than 5x the GDP. So... not an excuse.

"Greed" is a fact of life. People are fundamentally self-interested, and to expect otherwise is unreasonable. Blaming "Incessant Greed" solves nothing.

In an ideal free-market, business self-interest/"greed" is countered by consumer self-interest/"greed" and it works out. But health care in the United States is FAR from an ideal free market.

This was always my thinking. If you get rid of private health, yes taxes go up. But you will still be paying less than you would in premiums. Also, if your employer pays your insurance they will be able to give you a raise (trickle down everyone is arguing for). Seems like peoples only aversion is "paying for poor people".

People should be responsible for their own health care costs. If you are healthy, you should pay less. If you are a fat fuck who smokes 3 packs a day, you should pay more.

>per person
Nice reading comprehension.

What about people with genetic diseases?


>People should be responsible for their own health care costs. If you are healthy, you should pay less. If you are a fat fuck who smokes 3 packs a day, you should pay more.

Even if your own cost would drop by 50% you still demand everyone pay for their own costs individually?

Just be clear you want to pay more so that other people can't have any?

How is single payer health care going to reduce costs?

They deal with it, just people how people born in poor families deal with it, or people born in Africa and not the U.S deal with it, or people born to single mothers deal with it.