Wtf is this shit?

Wtf is this shit?

>get hired by a game studio to work on a game
>find out game is a metroidvania, cool, I'm an expert on those games since I played them so much
>find out the game's combat is going to be beat em up style like dragon's crown/shadows of mystara, and similar games

Are you fucking kidding me? You can't have that kind of gameplay in a metroidvania, it ruins the whole point. You're supposed to level up and get bs gear and shit on all the enemies fast as possible. Not have drawn out fights with them blocking attacks and doing combos and shit like that. It's gonna ruin it. Also:

>beat em up style combat on a flat 2d plane instead of a full 3d 2d plane ala proper beat em ups

Also shit, this means you won't be able to move up or down, only left or right, how can you dodge enemy attacks then? How can I get this dev team to scrap this shit and make a real metroidvania?

that sounds retarded as fuck

Try Valdis Story, it sounds a lot like what you're talking about, it's a pretty good game too.

saw vids of it, fundamentally flawed. Combat systems like that ruin what a metroidvania is. They're about fast gameplay and exploring large areas, leveling and gearing up to get stronger. Not fighting tons of enemies with combos and blocking and all that shit.

curb your autism please

It's not autism, that style of gameplay doesn't fit. Why do you think Bloodstained isn't adding combos and all that shit to it? That stuff ruins metroidvania style gameplay.

>Proceeds to post a game that does exactly that
This thread is now devoted to delicious Amazon

The metroidvania part was already a red flag. That and indie platformers with shitty physics are the go-to games for indieshit.

Still, if you want some reference on how a beat-em-up can work, play The Ninja Warriors on snes. It's actually really good.

metroidvania as a genre doesn't say anything about the base combat style m8. You're just being autistic.

*how a beat-em-up can work in 2 planes

yeah, bloodstained is instead going to be ruined by other factors, like a hack developer and ridiculous expectations of its fans

Get plenty of protein, OP has clearly already had his share of it.

Metroidvanias are usually boring anyway, especially the Castlevania ones. You gotta level up but enemy placement is boring and poses no threat so you end up doing some combination of walking forward while mashing attack and just walking past/through things to get it over with. The worst part is that it works. If someone's gonna try something relatively undone with the core idea, then why the fuck not.

worked pretty great in odin sphere

super metroid never had this "level up" thing

Why did the artist make her look so fat ingame? her legs and ass don't look right.

>You can't have that kind of gameplay in a metroidvania
Fuck you, I do what I want.

Who the fuck was telling you this was a metroidvania?

>hack developer

I'm gonna fucking kick your ass now.

Is this a bait thread? This has to be a bait thread.

Good game.

That wasn't a metroidvania, it was a shitty beatem up on a 2d plane

Enemies are supposed to be obstacles and ways to level up and farm gear. They're not supposed to be hard. I don't want some ninja gaiden shit with the enemies fucking me up all game long. Metroidvania means you level and gear up and fucking rekt their shit.

Just convince them to make a reskinned Super Metroid. Can't really go wrong there, as long as you're able to pull off proper atmosphere and exploration. A couple good artists should be able to handle that, tho.

This thread is eerily reminiscent of the old limb-based fighting game threads. Takes me back. Have I been here too long?

yeah, he is a hack developer, didn't even have anything to do with sotn despite claiming that he created it, kek.

Don't worry though, we will seen this proven when bloodstained comes out and ends up complete dog shit, despite being developed by the "godfather" of metroidvanias

Super Metroid isn't Metroidvania. It's just Metroid. No vania pollution.

its inafune all over again...

wtf did iga actually do then for sotn?

He likes butts

>super skinny stomach with abs
>big ass and hips
Go fuck a 2x4.

but the way it sticks out looks wrong, like some shit from a rap video

The way what sticks out? her thighs? Yes, its an exaggeration. But its not making her overweight. You do get that it's a depiction of a fantasy race, right? It's like complaining some elves have long ears because the artist took liberties.

She's a She's mighty mighty.

how the hell is a woman a fantasy race? and elves look stupid with long ears, look at any anime, Japanese game, Korean mmo, or blizzard game. Tolkien specifically stated elves had leaf shaped ears, same shape as humans but with a slight pointy tip.

>Odin Sphere

Maybe if you have shit taste.

>how the hell is a woman a fantasy race?
You're on Sup Forums and you're asking why we would think of women as a fantasy race?

>how the hell is a woman a fantasy race?
Look up what an Amazon is.

>Tolkien specifically stated elves had leaf shaped ears, same shape as humans but with a slight pointy tip.
Tolkien didn't invent elves. There are depictions of elves before and after the Lord of the Rings with long, pointed ears. As well as short elves (like the typical Christmas elf). Tolkien himself created an idealized version of elves.

Long ears is a post Tolkien creation inspired from Japanese anime and blizzard. I highly doubt there were Nordic or Irish tales of elves with longass ears.

make your own game then

>How can I get this dev team to scrap this shit and make a real metroidvania?

Write a report where you go into detail (with examples) why X won't work while offering solution Y and explain why your solution will result in stronger gameplay.
Have them read it.
Then if they're still not convinced have *them* argue for having the beat-em-up style combat and tell them that this is about making the best game they can make, not ego.

If they still won't listen then keep working on the game, later add it to your resume when it's finished and leave for another company. Or leave right now.
Working with unreasonable people in game development seldom works out.

>anime and blizzard invented long ears
There are fantasy books and drawing made around Tolkines time that depict elves with long ears, as a mistranslation of what Tolkien meant by 'leaf shaped ears'. But also influences from other mythical beings such as pixies and faries, who often are depicted with long ears even befor Tolkiens time.

Blizzard's design took heavy inspiration from the covers of cheap fantasy literature, which were alterations of Tolkien style designs. Anime took inspiration from the these same sources and went in a new direction with it.

>If it's not a Metrovania, it's shit
Vanillaware has actually innovated on 2D games where Konami and Nintendo are stuck in the year 1997.