>this is the top """""""news""""""""" on CNN
how the fuck is this blatant propaganda alowed
>this is the top """""""news""""""""" on CNN
how the fuck is this blatant propaganda alowed
Other urls found in this thread:
>here is our objective
>here are the conditions
>the conditions are reached
Anyone who honestly still watches CNN to formulate their opinion on the news needs to be killed.
Surely even the most leftist person must see how biased these types of headlines are? Or do they have their heads so far up their asses they fail to recognize it?
Yeah they've gone full HuffPo
They want to believe she won.
This sort of news just reinforces their view that the election results are flawed.
Ultimately, its just giving them false hope and setting them up for a second big defeat come 19 December.
oy vey, why not 6 million?
>1.82 million illegals, dead people, and people who voted twice
Its not going to work
Remember they are a fake news network. They're irrelevant.
They wouldn't even exist if they didn't have the contract to play in airports and hotels around the world. That's what props them up financially.
I wouldn't be surprised if the fold within the next 5 years. But on the way to closing they'll get hard core left, all in a bid to stay relevant. So expect more 'we wuz robbed, trump is literally hit ler, safe spaces for all bullshit.'
>Or do they have their heads so far up their asses they fail to recognize it?
Maybe Trump should shove his thumb up his geriatric ass and tell her now is a time for healing? Stupid fucking turd meme President we elected
What propaganda?
The number is actually 2 million, not 1.821 million.
Also, WI and PA were rigged and Hillary won the election.
Quickest way to a complete civil breakdown. Thrive in chaos anonbros and help make it happen. #ImShillWithHer
Nice thumbnail, bro.
Ironic how we didn't see any election rigging on Nov 8th, but we are sure as hell seeing it now.
Maintaining that Hillary really won is a good thing for us, it means that the Democrats won't reflect on why they lost. Hopefully they'll double-down on identity politics and get massacred in the midterms.
>mfw betting odds are already up
How likely are they to recount?
>Stop whining, no one is rigging the election
Wtf I love obama now
>i need 2 million dollars for a recount
And they'll give it to Stein too. These are the same braindead morons that gave their paychecks to Bernie and didn't give a shit that he pocketed all their donations and shilled for Clinton after he clearly should have won the nomination.
Ya faggot
>I need 2 million for a "recount"
Are they even trying anymore?
>Or do they have their heads so far up their asses they fail to recognize it?
You don't want to know.
>Against Hillary
Back to plebbit with you or voat or whatever the fuck the mainstream faggots use now
Ask Fox News, they've been doing this shit for years.
Did you ever check your phone during the election? Literally EVERY SINGLE DAY was hit pieces against Hillary. Some days every story was like that.
"There is no election rigging, stop whining." - Obama
once a news agency takes the comment section away from articles they are no longer a trusted source of unbiased news.
How are people so easily triggered by CNN?
Its not like they're your public broadcaster, that you're paying for to provide impartial news coverage. They can do what they want.
What doe these people think is going to happen if the electorate declares Hillary the winner? Do they seriously not comprehend the hell that will be brought down upon them?
Why hasn't Hillary come out, like Gore, to put a stop to this? She was the one saying this type of thing was an attack on our democracy.
Actually support this. At some point we're going to have to start killing people.
Remove the illegal immigrants that vote in blue states without voter ID laws and Trump would win the popular vote too.
That's why the electoral college exists. So states with clear voter fraud issues like California and New York can't decide the election through high turnout via fraud.
the popular vote and $4 will get you a cup of coffee
CNN is a fucking joke. Who cares.
What the fuck happened to CNN? I don't remember them being this retarded back in 90's
>Californians are people
>the number keeps going up
>the DNC just keep stuffing the ballot box
I don't care.
If it stays to Trump we get to see America become great again.
If it gets to Hillary, leftist blood will be spilled in the streets, Marxist professors and other promoters of degeneracy will be lynched & hung and the push back from the Right will be even more massive & extreme in the next election than the one we had this election.
In Trump's America the fears of the left are mostly unfounded.
In Hillary's America I will see to it that the fears they had when it was going to be Trump's America are realized tenfold.
So bring it on, you cucks.
You know if we want to take down CNN we have to target Time Warners right?
Calling CNN shills will do nothing. It's pointing at a mid level executive, when you should be focusing on the ceo or largest shareholder.
into the trash it goes
People keep saying this, but no one posts proof. Is it really that hard to believe that a lot of Californians votes for her?
That's a benefit but the electoral college exists for 2 reasons.
1. At the time of it's creation, there was no good national communication and elections were fought by candidates riding around in trains and blatantly lying to whatever town they visited. You needed people "in the know" and those were the electors. Today, everyone has access to the information so that's no longer a valid reason.
2. Without the electoral college, a geographically small population center would decide everything for the entire country. This is exactly the type of shit that led to the American revolution in first place. If they try to do away with it, or act hypocritically with it, you'll have American revolution part 2... or 3 I guess.
Does the Constitution define a mandate? What is this?
California allows illegals to get driver's licenses and all you need to vote in California is a driver's license. Connect the dots
this CA here governor brown gave all the illegals driver licenses the majority voted take them out that would be a couple million votes
Damn Shills are now the news networks
>safe spaces
In a First World Nation, that is the theater for special, delicate snowflake President Pence, and his hugbox of racists and nazis.
Your memory fails you
Yes Goyim. Remember the 1.8 million voters. The will of the 2 million voters Hillary has over Trump should decide this presidency. The 3 million who voted for her deserve to have their voices heard. In fact, a lead as absurd as 5 million is beyond negligible. Almost as bad as the 8 gorillion Jews lost in the Holocaust.
There isn't one, all states have their own recount laws. A lot of people don't realize that Michigan has ALREADY recounted because Trump's margin of victory was below the required number, which is 15k. That's why Michigan took so long to call. It's pure fucking desperation by liberals at this point
it's happened before. trump will still win if they do a recount.
>Trump enters race
>states plainly that he only cares about the popular vote
>leaves the race after the 3rd primary
>everyone laughs even harder then when he entered
explain relevance
>how the fuck is this blatant propaganda alowed
they've always done it, but it's probably more blatant due to the repeal of this
It's like maxing out your character in Dragon Quest and going back to the first area of the game to farm slimes. They give you 1-2 exp each. Hitting one for 768 damage does not net you any more xp. You have to go to tougher areas and battle tougher monsters to get stronger.
Trump farmed Metal King Slimes, Hillary farmed regular slimes.
>CNN just states the truth on an issue of importance (a contentious election cycle)
>Cancer/pol/ gets instantly triggered
Oh my god and did you see their logo? It has one C for caucasian and two N's for nigger! OMG I am so triggered by this!
Honest Hypothetical Question:
If by some bizarre unrealistic event, the electorate gives it to Hillary. Who would be appropriate for the right to attack? I mean it would be counter productive to start attacking local law enforcement. Would you attack Democrat officials, liberal professors... who?
>mexican intellectials
>computer scientists
CNN's gone absolute ratshit since the God Emperor called them out.
The only people you'll need to kill are antifa faggots. Regular people can be convinced to do anything with God and country. Problem is we don't have the Church on our side. Every major denomination has been thoroughly liberalized.
>get recount
>discover Trump won electoral college and popular vote
>leftist double BTFO
>turns out """computer scientists""" were Trump supporters all along
i never would of thought that the blues would take cali.. and Illinois. and when they took new york. fuck i almost spilled my sheckles
>just now figuring that out
I'm scared lads, wtf is happening!?
No sane electorate would give the election to Clinton because they'd immediately lose their job for doing so and probably instigate riots.
Fuck leftists
And soon they will loose that false hope aswell. I am betting that we are going to have the pleasure of witnessing the mass suicide of the liberals.
Do you actually watch US CNN over there or is the horseshit just so overwhelming that you can just smell it all the way in New Zealand?
>how the fuck is this blatant propaganda alowed
>implying the minority didn't vote for a fat, senile, 70 year old man because of propaganda
How is CNN so shit?
They're just throwing the leftist bullshit back at everyone else to prove how ridiculous and cowardly it looks. And it fucking worked too.
It's on satellite TV over here but I don't watch it. It's the media, they're the same everywhere.
Why is literally every single faggot in this thread triggered by CNN simply mentioning how much Hillary won the popular vote by?
>digits before/after the grand digits matter
They were rigged against trump, and Amish turnout specifically carried PA.
Even if they were rigged, trump would have still had 276 EV, so you're spouting bullshit.
>Computer scientists: Challenge it
Lol what
This, normal digits, doubles, and gets are fucking worthless now.
They deny the DNC paying people to incite violence, they deny the e-mails are a problem, they deny voter and election fraud, they deny that the media was essentially a PR firm for Killary, they deny everything that has been proven beyond the faintest shadow of the slightest doubt.
They're beyond reason.
Im sure they did and she won California and NY. She got all their electoral votes...what are these idiots bitching about? You can get every single fucking vote in Commiefornia and Jew York but it means shit if the other states hate you. Fucking liberal retards dont understand she lost some key swing states and the whole south.
Who cares. I'm saying CNN is objectively clickbait.
Ashkenazi jews
If just 1 out of 50 patriots exercises their second amendment right to defend themselves against one single ashkenazi jews, we will kill all the jews in the US. This is a very viable, realistic, and attainable goal
perfect analogy, also nice quads
don't forget about the whole being registered to vote thing
The logic that "if we looked at the popular vote, she won" is inherently flawed. I live in California, the view amongst a bunch of my conservative friends here is "there's no point in conservatives voting here, because it will always be a blue state." If the election was based on the popular vote I know a heck of a lot more red people in the blue states would have voted.
Way more than that, friend.
Double Quads holy fucking shit what the fuck and a dragonquest reference??? Motherfucking 'A'
i like this, here's a (Leaf)
>you're spouting bullshit
>They were rigged against trump
>YOU'RE spouting bullshit
Try again, slut.
Yes, but literally everyone in this thread is whining about CNN reporting an objectively true fact.
You're trusting the state that has no voter ID laws?
Actual repeating d igits> get with a different digit in it
A simple win gives the president all the power that comes from being president. There is no extra power that comes from winning by a lot or having a "mandate." It's a completely made up concept.
The only thing that moderates the amount of power a president has after winning an election is the balance of power in Congress, both houses of which have majorities from the same party as the president.
So in the only way that having a "mandate" is meaningful, Trump has it.
>Pssh, Sup Forums doesn't have downvotes, so it's not a circlejerk
If you take away Commiefornia, Trump wins the popular vote by 2 million. Also, the rights of conservatives in the state are clearly not represented. The state needs to be split apart.
>8 repeating
>8 repeating + 1 card high
Easier said than done as the yids are concentrated where the patriots aren't. It's almost as if they planned it that way....
Let's say the states Electoral votes were divided between candidates like this: [State} has 6 Electoral votes, two thirds of voters in the state vote Killary, the other third Trump. Killary gets 4 Electoral votes, the other 2 go to Trump.
Would Trump have won under this model? Is this model retarded?