Femanon here
Why do you guys think it's ok to say things like this? Why do you pick hate over love?
Femanon here
Why do you guys think it's ok to say things like this? Why do you pick hate over love?
truth does not fear investigation
Because we can't get laid.
>Femanon here
Ok, so bring us your real argument or show us your tits. Your gender is irrelevant here, Sup Forums is androgynous baby!
Read what actually said plox
Get out
That guy looks like a Jew.
is that moot
>Femanon here
Literally Spencer never said anything about Jews in his speech.
I bet you have a penis
Please read the rules.
Tits or get the fuck out
moot has aged like shit
Also, please refer to this massive get
You know the rules femanon
He never said that
Women don't believe in love over hate. They believe in complacency over results.
It just so happens that being nice to one another is one way to bring about complacency.
It is not okay to say things like: "Femanon here" you fucking twat. Tits or GTFO.
>Why do you pick hate over love?
>putting everyone in the same basket yet again
Also wtf is an alt-right founder. Literally never heard of anyone like that, it seriously sounds made up.
show us your mosquito bites
tits or gtfo
Come now
If you were a real woman, you'd know that women are hate filled monsters
Hate and love are both necessary tools for the functioning society.
of course they're not. they are the chosen gods and we are the filthy goy, don't mix it up loser. it's a good thing CNN is there to put you back in your place.
cuz you're an overweight piece of shit negro fetishist that would look good decorating an overpass
bitch please. im a female and i say way worse shit than what i read here in /pol. so toughen the fuck up or get out of 4 chan!
Fuck off, you're making all of us look bad.
lol idk
>prefacing with "femanon here"
Its b8 m8
hmm I dunno, maybe its the fact that these (((people))) are the most manipulative and destructive force once they ingratiate themselves in any society.
>forced feminism on us
>forced miscegenation no one really wants
>forced immigration
>forced world bank on us
>forced the bailout on us
also almost forgot
>forced every civilized society throughout all of time to kick them the fuck out.
gee I wonder why we might consider (((them))) at least someone non human, as they treat everyone else who isn't one of (((them))) .
Because love gets me manipulated. And I have no intention of being manipulated.
Also, show tits.
is down the hall and into the noose.
The term "Alt Right" never existed until the behavioral scientists of Clinton engineered the to discredit young, hip, new republicans.
>1 post by this id
Femanon here too, then, if we're playing that card.
Because they aren't afraid to question society.
That's what I thought.
Jews are not people, but "lizard people".
Why do you feel the need to identify as a female you attention seeking cunt.
Its okay to say whatever you want faggot. words are not a crime.
There is a time and place for everything, and love is not an "all the time, for everyone" thing. Love is for the people you trust and cherish, and everyone else must be speculated against and scrutinized until you are sure of them. The world ultimately subscribes to the hierarchy of nature, where beings fend for themselves and compete for resources. We still live in that world, but somewhere along the way, most people forgot. But we didn't. And we won't forget. To forget that is to falter, and to falter is to cease to exist. There are no real hard feelings here, we are simply looking after our own, in our own people's best interest.
Holy shit, that guy Moot guy looks like Matt Viser.
you dont really love, you're just programmed cattle
love is gay shit
hate is way more useful
to use power coming from love you must genuinely love someone, something, this motivates you and you go
to use power coming from hate you could just say
>I hate this fuckins shit, REEEEE
and now you are focused on hatred and can run 10 miles non stop if you are not fat
Has to say "femanon" so everyone knows it's a woman.
Asks why GUYS think its ok to say things like a CNN banner paraphrasing a man's ideas.
Listen here, buttertits. Answer me THIS. Why do some women like you think it's OK to remain completely uninformed, completely useless to society and always on the hunt to pick a fight with a man?
Show us your tits
leftists are the ones who hate
you HYPOCRITES slander anybody who disagrees with you
fuck you
>Why do you pic hate over love?
Love is awful, hate energizes and motivates. It was hate that brought us to the modern world. If humans couldn't hate, we'd all be living in in mud huts and eating berries.
>1 post by this id.