White vote by county

What does this map tell you about the state of division within the white vote in 2016?

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This map tells me that Vermont and Masachusetts are beyond saving and should be purged with fire

There's hope for Maryland

Holy fuck Massachusetts is basically our Sweden

>that one blue county in SD

What's with those giant blue counties in Arizona?

>Austin, TX


For the love of god, please nuke Austin.

What is the source of this image?

Also, just curious what was. Already know what was.

No clue. 'Most likely Reddit.
Here'S 2012 if anyone was curious.

I hate Travis county

that people in the new england area should be castrated and exiled and that the California secession will never succeed

seattle first, right after I leave.

It tells me that New York is mega-cucked.

Literally 3 blue counties in the Red Wall of Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Kansas, North and South Dakota lmao.

At least Maine and New Hamsphire are slowly going red. There's hope there.

That American working males do not want a corrupt white female leading our country.


>tfw MA

and hawaii

All those white race traitors need to be purged.

Absolutely disgusting pockets of blue.

The news is saying Hillary had 2 million more votes than Trump

So I guess you can take your little map, roll it up, lick the end of it, turn it sideways

And shove it up your candy ass

Gosh, why is new england so cucked?

So by my count 12 states didn't have a single county go blue and probably a half dozen or more just had one county with its most cucked city/college town go blue.

Andrew Jackson must be spinning in his grave knowing the party he created has turned into the Shitskin Party

all 3 are college counties too

butcher whites millenials by the millions for a better world and future

Vermont is the most cucked state in the union

>Crackers in Orange County voting GOP


I really fucking hate our cities, someone just nuke us

Those blue AZ counties are sparsely populated with at least half if not majority Native American and Mexican populations.


I bet they count the spics here in MA as "white"
also every single one of our counties has some fucking massive city that decides everything, no joke
not to mention the Republicans here don't vote because the leftists here just shout us down

This map is missing Louisville and Lexington ky.

Strong Island putting it up

Votes by illegal aliens don't count.

It tells me that Canadian influence is cancer.

It tells me that Chinese influence is cancer.

It tells me what I already know - that Mexican influence is cancer.

It tells me that true Yankees are cancer. The same fucks that were mostly Loyalists to King George are still up to their evil sellout shenanigans.

>The news is saying Hillary had 2 million more votes than Trump
The news does say that. The news and/or your 7th grade teachers may have forgotten the part where total votes don't matter. The contest was about States won, not voters. This is a basic part of the Constitutional Republic (NOT A DEMOCRACY) that we live in. You can deny it all you want, but it is true.

Other news sources state that there were over 3 million illegal votes cast for Hillary, but I don't see that being discussed either. Until a recount/review this will not be fully divulged.


Please don't nuke Austin. There are lots of well informed members of society here. I voted for Trump at least.

It's only fucked because of all the people moving here from mostly CA bringing their liberal politics and business perks with them.

It's just always been a liberal town, h


Top is Injuns and cucks the bottom is Tucson, spics and cucks.

I'll wheel you and Greg Abbot out of there before nuking it.


It got deleted?

Moly has an entire presentation about voter demographics

Stacking city centres with the scum of the earth doesn't affect nations with representative voting systems. It just causes Melbourne's all over the place.

nah senpai

t. MoCo

>Hillary only won 54 out of 3144 counties


I heard it was 14 out of 7564 counties.

tells me the media'd better shut up and keep its head down for the next 16 years

he added another 9


it tells me, Where the fuck are you getting information on the ethnicity of voters without just pulling shit out of your ass?

Every voting place I have ever been to has absolutely 0 exit polling. there wasn't any in san fran, or in Palm beach county when bush #2 got elected, or any other city i have lived in in any election.

I've never been polled and your vote is on a secret ballot with no way to identify who you voted for ot what your ethnicity is.

No verification method makes all of these maps completely useless.

Blame Worcester and Boston.


Looks like white people who actually meet non white people tend to stop being conservative


>travis county is the only blue county in texas
send help

>what is a Red Florida.
>What is a Red Texas.

It's like you're just baiting to bait.


>what does the word "tend" mean?

lets see the white male vote

I was actually thinking of moving there since I was born in TX but grew up in the north east. Watched a few YouTube videos about Austin. Nope.

that whites still love their slaves.


that RICH whites still love their slaves

Tells me that urbaners need to fuck off because they contribute almost nothing to the economy, industry and wellbeing of the country, but consume most of it at the same time. They're like leeches that produce poverty, misery and crime as a byproduct. All the biggest cities anywhere on the planet are crime ridden, third worlder riddled shitholes that are barely tolerable if you know to avoid the bad zones and downright predatory if you don't.

Project Veritas also objectively proved that hillary was cheating and bussing in illegals to vote.
You can take the idea that she won the pop vote and kill yourself.

Do millennials next

How did Trump lose White Voters, but win fucking IOWA by 9%?

I think this map has to be from 2012.

that I'm ashamed to live in Milwaukee

Good thing white males progressed to allowing women and minorties to vote :^)

look at it this way: you're the vanguard against the red menace

Thanks for reminding me those shitholes exist.

T. Kentuckian

The White vote there went for Trump.

That is because we have intelligence, economy, academia, and high-tech industry here in massachusetts.
Even our niggers spend 60 hours a week working while attending community college while you middle american fags lost your menial labor jobs decades ago and haven't stopped crying about it. Every intelligent / competent white left your podunk backwaters for cities, so of course you need the equivalent of electoral affirmitive action.
Our values are derived from the age of reason, yours from nativism for its own sake and abrahamic faith.

Austinite here
we need to have a purge of the Californians from our beautiful city, build a wall if we fucking have to