Realistically how would america achieve a pure 100% white ethnosate with its 60% and shrinking white population?

Realistically how would america achieve a pure 100% white ethnosate with its 60% and shrinking white population?

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Give the blacks New York and Southern California and pay them to go there.

Cut immigration from everywhere, increase immigration from Europe.

Call it "cultural compatibility"

accept refugees from south africa. and then do more flint mihcigans in da hooddawg

There are only 4 million of us

Wouldnt you just end up with a bunch of slavs who dont speak english and act like niggers?

>Realistically, how can we manifest our destiny when there are naked Indian savages everywhere?

Disintegration of the federal government followed by massive deportation/ethnic cleansing programs in the rocky mountain states is the only realistic scenario, and I do mean realistic. I could see it happening by the end of this century.

Stop shilling this guy.

they want some sort of retarded partition like Pakistan/India

The alt-right isn't about achieving an ethnically pure 100% white ethnostate.

It's about white identity and advancing white interests. Every racial group in America has groups advocating on their behalf, but when whites do the same, they're labeled "white supremacist neo-nazis".

You can't. Dickie Spencer and others like him are leading you down a DEAD END ROAD.

lots and lots of inbreeding

America needs to balkanize, this is our only hope. Let the liberal, immigrant friendly states go to shit and create conservative, traditional white nation states. Remember that the US still has more white people than any other nation in history.

The blacks couldn't run NY or cali because there is not enough of them that could pull it of alone

First priority is to get white people having kids again.

>stop importing bbc and pajeets by the boat/plane full
>take that money to push and encourage family building, providing support and infrastructure according to how big/small you plan to grow your brood
>encourage community building

World piss in 15+ years

White people to busy working on their careers to worry about having many kids in order to get more government assistance or simply from being to irresponsible

This is probably the most realistic way. Just be a productive member of society and breed the fuck out of some white women.

Not at all? Even the ethnostate is impossible as barring the frustrated cultural orphans and thrir superhero shit you hardly have real culture.
I mean why do ya think so many of you superficially cling to ancestry? There's a big void in being American and that is mostly culture.
so even theoretically you're never going to be a single stable eyhnicity even if you were to manage the whiteness.

This man is my hero.

> be me
> homosexual
> love BBC
> find out that Richard Spencer, a Nazi, is a coal burner and race mixes
> finally feel accepted by my peers in the alt-right
> :)

expand the definition of white to include everyone in america

>Disintegration of the federal government

By who though? White nationalism isnt very popular among the average normie and by the time the leftist marxism they are taught goes away and white nationalism goes mainstream it will be too late as whites will now be a minority

China has the right idea with the one child law. It's not that white people aren't breeding fast enough it's that Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, East Asians and Jews (yea I said it) tend to multiple more than Caucasians.

Oh, he doesn't stop there. He wants a Pan-European state. Dude is delusional.

They advocate policies that can never be realized on an ideology without broad appeal, call every other right-wing ideology cucked, and then cry when people call them faggots.

Not delusional. Just set up concentration camps and kill all non whites. Then we have our pan nationalist european white state.

I wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them, as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when they begot me; had they duly consider'd how much depended upon what they were then doing;--that not only the production of a rational Being was concerned in it, but that possibly the happy formation and temperature of his body, perhaps his genius and the very cast of his mind;--and, for aught they knew to the contrary, even the fortunes of his whole house might take their turn from the humours and dispositions which were then uppermost;--Had they duly weighed and considered all this, and proceeded accordingly,--I am verily persuaded I should have made a quite different figure in the world, from that in which the reader is likely to see me.--Believe me, good folks, this is not so inconsiderable a thing as many of you may think it;--you have all, I dare say, heard of the animal spirits, as how they are transfused from father to son, &c. &c.--and a great deal to that purpose:--Well, you may take my word, that nine parts in ten of a man's sense or his nonsense, his successes and miscarriages in this world depend upon their motions and activity, and the different tracks and trains you put them into, so that when they are once set a-going, whether right or wrong, 'tis not a half- penny matter,--away they go cluttering like hey-go mad; and by treading the same steps over and over again, they presently make a road of it, as plain and as smooth as a garden-walk, which, when they are once used to, the Devil himself sometimes shall not be able to drive them off it.

Pray my Dear, quoth my mother, have you not forgot to wind up the clock?-- Good G..! cried my father, making an exclamation, but taking care to moderate his voice at the same time,--Did ever woman, since the creation of the world, interrupt a man with such a silly question? Pray, what was your father saying?--Nothing.

America is ripe for fascism. It could be beautiful, but these faggots would say Napoleon or Mussolini isn't enough like Hitler for them.

Yes, this will totally happen. These faggots can't even use their real names at their 150 person meetings. If you want to advance white interests, do it implicitly through policies that benefit you. Otherwise, you are larping.

>it will be too late as whites will now be a minority
No, that's when we rise up

I genuinely, 100% sincerely believe irish and continental european immigration was the first and ultimately the deadly sin of the United States. All the unwashed masses of Europe fleeing their war-torn shitholes settling into a heterogeneous majority incapable of truly grasping the philosophical underpinnings of the United States because they were primarily traditions of Englishmen distilled into reasoned proofs of their value.

And so, 150 years later, after the unrefined patchwork of Europe were done rationalizing their ghettoized identities as 'american culture', retarded relations of theirs still living in the old country can come on the interent and write in English about how the United States has 'no culture', and never has had one.

In that the retarded beliefs of non-english immigrants to the United States post-independence are not representative of America or inhabited by any salient cultural traits we agree, but you are fundamentally misunderstanding the crisis the United States faces in the 21st century with your ahistorical conjecture about why there seems to be so much philistine rabble rousing coming out of this country.

The diversification of the population is not happening in a uniform way. Also, because you have conditioned yourself to seek out the dankest greentext fragment of any post you read you missed the part where I said exactly who would be doing the disintegrating.

The 'how' would be capitalizing on a breakdown in federal power projection caused by widespread civil conflict in the coastal states.

The leftist marxist teachings are too ingrained in people for you to get much support, even if you did rise up you would be seen as some crazies and be used as an excuse to further anti-white sentiments like dylan roof

The damage is done. Nice digits. The solution is the State. France's most important institutions were either abolished or fundamentally contorted into unrecognizable failures by the French Revolution.

Napoleon solved it.

Literally all except for Jew York City is red, though we're only a blue state because of the sheer overbearing size of the city.

You can't

It's what happens when you import hundreds of thousands of slaves from another continent.

But yeah blame the Jews or something.

by supporting sieg heil larpers and Ukrainian Dr duke any thing else is cuck jewery

Only realistic answer


>Yfw coming from the parts of NYC that went red

Ya'll niggers upstate don't realize that NYC has massive conservative/nativist strongholds that are gerrymander to shit in order to hand the electoral votes over to the democrats and keep them in charge.

Artificial genocide


Sorry whites are on the way out no matter what you do.
Trump isn't going to go full Hitler and literally create political suicide for himself and everyone he knows to save a shriveling minority.
Just sit back and relax it's over enjoy your white neighbor while you can.

70-75% and stable would be ok

>stable population

That's a contradiction.

Trump keeps talking about being the law and order president. Genetic testing is done on a massive scale at the moment. Between that and his want to crack down on libel laws (censoring the internet) a national registry of non white Americans is only a couple of years out. Think about what Putin has done with gay citizens. Big government Trump already has a plan.

No. Just keep the birth rates up and filter migration

> Think about what Putin has done with gay citizens.

Mexican Americans are the fastest growing population in the US. Catholics ya know.

stabilize the economy and tax credits for working families who have children. filter out migration, kick out any illegal immigrants or people overstaying their visas

Why don't the 100,000,000+ whites in brazil and argentina all come here? Maybe we could also take white Afrikaners as refugees


nice meme

No shit, Mexico is huge af and sending a shitton of people over daily

Nah, for one, they speak Portuguese and spanish and not english. Second, They need to fight for their land, same as us.
Third, not all whites are the same.

pre-65 immigration act levels are fine

Censored and monitored internet traffic identifies homosexuals. They disappear and are often targeted by hate groups because of it. Facebook already identifies many races merely by clever search algorithms.


It can't.

Stormfags are literally fucking retarded.


very asymmetrical face

There's no fucking way. We are just grasping at straws. By 2100 the world will be a resource depleted, boiling nigger warzone. I am a white nationalist. But hey you know what we are fucked so let's just enjoy this fucking shitshow how we can

>fight for their land
Argentina is still salvagable if they can into economics but Brazil is a lost cause. Once the nigs start moving South it'll be the end of them

Sorry I'm never having kids senpai

We make Mexico wealthy and then they won't want to come here.

FUCK the earth. We didn't choose this and no one here voted for this nigger onslaught. This world deserves this death haha atleast we are born at a time where we can watch

OP, someone would have to engineer a virus that kills anyone with a certain percentage of melanin in their system.

1. build wall
2. deport illegals
3. cut immigration to 200,000 per year, all from europe
4. build abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods, and make abortion free
5. provide free birth control to minorities (this will be a cost saver in the long run)
6. bring back good paying jobs to rural areas so whites can afford children
7. reform welfare so we don't pay single women to have more kids

BONUS: we won't need to control the asian population, because we all know asian dudes don't get laid anyway

Balkanization. Increased state rights. Removing social housing (aka nigs) from northern cities.

As a spic, I'll take your role and impregnate dem white womins


Ok Step 1)

National socialists coordinate like the jews to extract billions from the economy. Create identity politics which can achieve this.

Step 2) Use said billions on buying politicians, intelligence agencies, and raising our own personal trusted army to combat any agency which defies our rise.

Step 3) Scientific research on potential viral technology to exterminate all non whites, in particular jews. (estimated timeline 20-40 years of development)

Step 4) Use our resources to expose the pizzagate scandal, imploding the perception of US power as evil and corrupt. Normies will demand a change of hands in power, and we will point a finger (subtly) at the jews.

Step 5) (This is probably 40 years in the project)

Use resources to buyout media companies all over the civilized world. Drill anti semitic propaganda into everyone's minds. 5-10 years later we have a populace of nat soc plebeians to utilize.

Step 6) Unleash the virus, blame the jews themselves for attempting to develop a virus which kills exclusively whites (remember we've programmed the populace to think jews have been responsible for the pedo ring+all injustices against whites). The virus backfired since our genetics are so similar to ashkenazi genetics. The public believes it, and the jewish race is exterminated.

Step 7) We use our newfound infiltration/influence in politics to pass laws against race mixing, non segregated areas, and dissent in public to our national socialist ideology.

Step 8) We move the non whites back to their nations, and ensure strict border controls to keep them inside said nations.

Step 9) We only do trade and deal with east asians, as every other race is too primitive.

Step 10) Genetic engineering and rapid advances in nanotechnology invested in over artificial intelligence. We enhance whites until we become eons more advanced relatively than other races. From here I can only guess what we might do.
The end.

Unless every non white suddenly gets cancer and dies off, its not. Whites need to seriously have at least 5 kids each, and breed out the other races to maintain majority, otherwise guess what spics are the majority thanks to dumbass whitey not fucking enough. Europe also really needs to stop believing jew bullshit and deport every non white they find

It can't how it is now, but what do you think will happen when whites become the minority in america? When our careers are given to others and we no longer have mortgages and loans to pay off, when we are seriously oppressed and and attacked outright? Because it will happen. When whites no longer enjoy privelege and luxury and are the objects of violence and abuse the rest of the nation is going to have to buckle down for a serious war. This will be the war forced on my grandchildren and they will win.

i've honestly thought about a government program to pay hispanics not to have kids

you guys are really the only problem, the nigger and asian birth rates are pretty low

if we stopped immigration, we could probably keep the white majority

Seriously though, I don't think there's a way without going full fascist at this point, which is totally not happening any time soon desu.

Yup. But the hispanic birth rate is stabilizing now. Or that's what I've read. We have to close our borders and immigration for a decade or two

just happy about that low nigger birth rate

planned parenthood is the greatest thing the democrats ever did

Balkanization and ultimately separatism m8. It really is inevitable.

This is not South Africa. The blue-bloods that make up the majority of career positions in the highest chambers of government are not going to simply disassemble the nukes and relinquish command of the nation to the future majority of patchwork savages roaming around the coastal regions of the country.

Realistically, the only way for this to end besides a fracturing of the country into myriad polities along racial lines is absolute atomic annihilation of everything that walks on two legs in North America.
Still too high.

>1.84 – Non-Hispanic white
>2.11 – Non-Hispanic black

The proportion of blacks to whites is increasing.

Cut welfare, enforce border, deport illegals, ban substances.

Those will keep nonwhites in check.

Thank the downfall of the Christian white male being the center piece of western civilization.
I'd be interested in seeing the birth rates of different religions

Hispanic is not a race

Hispanics aren't the problem

Don't blame hispanics as a whole because any race could be hispanic, including whites

Hispanic genes from spain do not make beaners brown


is mexican mestizos


The problem, the enemy, is MEXICAN MESTIZOS

>weak jaw
>turkey neck
>lazy undercut
>crusty just sucked a cock lips
>glazed over MK eyes
Na, fuck off ya opportunistic tard

What does Spencer know about purity? This autist thinks Egyptians are white, said so to Roland Martin. First person I've ever seen lose a We Wuz Kangz Debate.










Why is it Non Hispanic white instead of white

What makes Spanish ancestry non white? What makes white hispanics like Martin Sheen and Cameron Diaz non white?

>ceding land to your enemy

Thanks, but no thanks.

>just looking at the black reproduction rate
>not accounting for the incarceration or mortality rate

In reality, adult specimens found in the wild for blacks is decreasing proportionately to whites.

i don't have as big of a problem with hispanics, mostly want niggers to decline

just want hispanics to have less kids, preferably none but if you have to have them, 1 or 2 at max

And the rest of 6 billion non-1st worlders as well


Westchester here. Can you tell us which parts are nativist? Serious_doubt.jpg

>Why is it Non Hispanic white instead of white
>What makes Spanish ancestry non white? What makes white hispanics like Martin Sheen and Cameron Diaz non white?

It's less ambiguous. Some people who self-identify as white but are from Mexico are some kind of a Amerindian mix. They're not doing genetic tests.


You're doing it again

Quit saying hispanics like it's a race and that all hispanics have poopy brown skin. It's not a race

The correct term is MESTIZO


I wouldn't mind Spaniards having more kids for European genes to strive but when it comes to mestizos....FUCK NO, NO MORE KIDS FROM THOSE BEANS

Conquer Mexico and then force all our nonwhites to move there like Stalin did to Central Asia

Actually egyptians are the only white brown people

>Realistically how would america achieve a pure 100% white ethnosate with its 60% and shrinking white population?
Every white american male on Sup Forums stops being a whining faggot and makes 5 babies.

Problem solved.
No. You are the problem. Fuck off.

Dadpill is the only proper Redpill for a white man.

Spanish ancestry and Hispanic doesn't automatically mean Mestizo injun mutant


Look at the proportion of blacks in the states to the total population. Look at the proportion of (non-hispanic) whites. US population is increasing.

ok mestizo then

but yes as long as we are on the same page, and we are the same race, then i support you having lots of kids brother

spanish are a very honorable people

Who cares?

Once they move there and are walked off they're not our problem anymore


m8, they're the Africans of Europe

I said *some* for fucks sake. Relax, Pedro.


Get your head out of your ass and read his post again. He said that many of those that identify as white in mexico aren't white by a real white's standards. They usually are mixed however dilute.