
100000000th post. A simple "fuck leftists". It may seem like a waste. But this post is the perfect get, the conclusion of the last 99999999 posts. The very essence of Sup Forums stated in two simple words. No post could have been more fitting.

It's been a wild ride. Happy 100,000,000th post, and here's to 100,000,000 more.

Other urls found in this thread:


praise Kek

>we wait for 111,111,111

St. Assange smiles down upon us.


Beautiful to have witnessed and been a part of it. Also fitting it was -=American=-

Couldnt have said it better

Praise Kek

>tfw next big get will take almost a year

Hope Im alive by then


the climax didn't even start yet...there are no breaks on this train

>all those (you)s


i posted in that thread, only 2000 posters will ever experience a get like that until 2028

It brings a tear to mein eye. FUCK LEFTISTS!

Looks like Trump's wall

>2105 replies
fuck me

it was ok

Freedom ain't free :DD

Agreed, thank fucking God that it wasn't some PRAISE KEK SHADILAY LMAO TRUMP GOD EMPEROR bullshit

only 2105 will ever experience that get


>tfw I got the last (You)

>inb4 leftist scum invade this thread

The real question, how do we fix the leftist issue?


ban anime elect jill stein


Same here.

God bless America.

>A simple "fuck leftists". It may seem like a waste. But this post is the perfect get, the conclusion of the last 99999999 posts. The very essence of Sup Forums stated in two simple words. No post could have been more fitting.
needs to repeated
>the very essence of Sup Forums

>fuck leftists
I'm a leftist that wants to get along, why do you guys have to be so mad?

I agree with the anime banning...


Heathen. I smell a leftist.


That one should be a Barron GET.


it was an american, fellow leaf

the true words

It was greentexted, kek meant those ironically. That's why it says Jill Stein 2020.

The Patron Saint of Objective Truth

take a closer look at that meme

i honestly cant think of a more fitting get in all of Sup Forums history. i wont say best as that is a little more subjective. also i only got here in 07

Wait, what the fuck? Images can get filtered now? Testing.





its a damn good feel breh

ah! thank you, mine wasn't very clean



not 4Oc

Sup Forums is a board of Freedom, of Liberty.
Any kind of collectivism is anathema to Freedom and Liberty.
Leftists think they know what's best for everyone, that means "the people".

fuck. butterfingrs again

Don't mind me, just mining for delicious "off-by-one" salt:

>tfw I wasn't here and missed it


>It was greentexted, kek meant those ironically. That's why it says Jill Stein 2020.

value of rightist post well exposed


That's a lot of (You)s

I concur user, it was a great get. One for all time.

fixed. cheers m9


I was at least 3 of those.



u got nothing, so embarrassing


Fuck Leftists

That get is for binary folks only non-binary need not roll and fuck off


youtube.com/watch?v=ggvQdZXMGLw Jean Benoit Ramsey 'pizza' reference at 4:18....


>almost a year
We were at 50000000000 in April, I think.


praise kek

Nice leaf

is that supposed to be a girl or a boy

You're going to hell either way.


just curious m8
not a furry or anything :^)

My God, how did they just delete billions of posts?

We are evolving.

That is an extremely sad unfortunate reality

I also posted above 2000.

Im one of the losers been waitin all day


Fuck leftists, alt-right, and supremacists of any kind.

Holy shit, that's actually true.
Shadilay !

shhhh don't tell anyone our true form. They have to find it themselves,

I was rather pleased desu. Americans are dumb tho.


wtf I love Jill Stein now


Anyone else notice it was changed from an Australian flag to a USA one?

I'm expecting that to happen in a month. Probably on new years.

It's going to be real fucking fitting

>fuck leftists
>massive upboats


>fuck leftists!

Look what kek really wants to tell us
