pol BTFO
Jill Stein will make sure Trump never gets inaugurated.
pol BTFO
Jill Stein will make sure Trump never gets inaugurated.
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Why was it in green text then?
Complete waste of money. More than happy for them to check again and still lose.
>claim Michigan was hacked
>michigan only uses paper ballots
what did they mean by this?
Based Jill is going to give us fresh tears when the recount shows Trump is the winner
The Clinton campaign has millions of dollars, what exactly is this going to do that the campaign can't do on its own?
So you have to pay the government 2,5 mio dollar to recount the votes in 3 states ?
What if this is Jill just scamming all the leftists like Bernie did?
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Five bucks says the bitch will say that complications won't let her do a recount, and then she takes the money and runs
The external party requesting the recount has to pay the state for this action.
usually you can put your own volunteer towards it to.
The last 5-6 elections Greens always ask for a recount to verify integrity but never has there been this level of interest in it.
Trump's fucked, desu
She's already filed in all 3 states
Kek, make it a Billion, it won't change the results.
Fuck I need to get into politics these idiots will give money to anyone. Wonder what they're going to buy with that 2.5 mil. A new yacht perhaps.
Stage 3: Bargaining
Michigan already did a recount. It's why it took 2 weeks for them to go red. Trump won by 10k~ votes instead of the 13k~ projected.
He currently has 306 electoral votes. If, somehow, Pennsylvania (20) and Wisconsin (10) went blue, he'd still have 276.
270 is the requirement.
Nope, Clinton is fucked.
If this would have helped her Team Clinton would never have conceded and would have contested the results two weeks ago.
THEIR fraud will be revealed.
Fuck Leftists
That's all you talk about
It won't be recount, they'll just make numbers they want.
She's just being a jew and taking people's money to fill her own pockets.
They're going to rig the recount.
So it's 2000 all over again but now the salt is spread across three states?
He's really, really not. The more likely of people to have committed voter fraud are the democrats. Even if somehow there were miscounts or some minor voter fraud for Republicans...how the fuck is Clinton going to make up such huge voter gaps? 30,000 in Wisconsin, 70,000 in Pennsylvania, and 11,000 in Michigan. Even if Michigan were miraculously swung the other way and somehow off by over 11k votes, she still needs Pennsylvania just to tie. Which is essentially impossible. Wisconsin isn't even relevant.
There is seriously zero chance that she takes it which is why she hasn't spoken up.
it was also already recounted and trump won
In related news, Michigan has the official final vote numbers, which will be set in stone on Monday. Trump wins by 10K votes.
There will be no Michigan recount.
In all seriousness, what will raising money do? Pay off whoever counts the votes?
you can file as much as you want
but they aren't going to do shit
ahhhhhhhhh yess!!!!
no because florida was literally sub 1000 votes
this is 10k, 30k and 70k respectively
This is a false flag. Jill shills for Trump. In the unlikely case this results in anything, it will reveal massive fraud by democrats.
>tfw based jill pockets 2.5mil because they already recounted them
Hillary does not want a recount for obvious reasons
This is the Clintons' corruption machine in motion. I knew it was coming.
Look at all that money going down the drain to try to stump the Trump.
Jill Stein gets more MSM coverage today than the whole last year.
Not even close. Gore had an actual reason to be extremely picky and demand several recounts. Florida was the literal tipping point of the election and less than 1,000 people were responsible for Bush being elected. For millions of voters that is an insanely close margin. It really was that close and Gore was 100% justified in pushing as much as he did.
Clinton is nowhere close to this. She knows this which is why she isn't agreeing to this recount bullshit. If she had an avenue to ask for a recount, she would have done so the day after the election instead of conceding.
The democrats would have made more use of their 2.5 million if they had just literally burned it to keep some homeless people warm.
she would need to flip those three states
one has 10k the other 30k and the last 70k
the only way that's possible is massive fucking voter fraud
>MI already recounted
>claims machine rigging despite MI using paper ballots
>"Of course the elections will not be 'rigged'. What does that mean?" -t. obama
I thought it was treason to question the integrity of the electoral process?
This. Trump has indirectly stated that he will not prosecute Clinton. If she moves for a recount he may not be so kind.
>Gore had an actual reason to be extremely picky and demand several recounts.
Never forget how picky he was. He demanded recounts only in counties where he thought he'd pick up votes and sued to prevent recounts in counties where he'd lose ground.
So, she wants to do a recount in States that trump won by landslide, even without those states trump will still win; can someone explain me what the fuck are they trying to achieve? I'm genuinely confused.
I just want to know one fucking thing
why in the fuck do you need to raise money for a recount? Isn't this just a thing you petition the state to do? Where the hell is that money going? I'm starting to think jill stein is just controlled opposition and/or making money off of gullible internet retards. Watch her pocket all those millions and run
i swear shes trolling
shes asking for 6-7 million now or something, its gotta be bait
Trump doesn't want to be President anyway
>Trump turning away intelligence briefers since election win
You have to pay for a recount.
>"intelligence briefers"
more likely they are trying to bargain with him before they have to snipe him
Leftists making fools of themselves.
What's the point of this? He won the electoral college by a lot, how the fuck is recounting in 3 states gonna change shit?
It's pretty fuckin smart bait if you ask me; how come that now, after decades of using the same method for choosing the president, now they want to change it? Drain the fucking swamp, now, gasssss'em
Lol wasting two million only to get BTFO again. I'm still not tired of winning yet.
She's doing this because she knows trump won and this will legitimize him.
>Claim anywhere was hacked
>machines not connected to the internet
>causing a civil war
The jews really want to die huh?
this omg finally someone who has a IQ above 120
Trump is done
>He won the electoral college by a lot
Uh no.
She knows she can cut corners on paying when it's obvious that Trump won legitimately and then she can pocket the rest of the money
>why in the fuck do you need to raise money for a recount?
Because it costs a lot of effort to manually recount hundreds of thousands or millions of votes, dummy. You need to pay people to do it, they don't do it for free. As these people need to spend actual time manually counting and must be paid, the states discourage people from abusing this by demanding a whole shitload of recounts. They do this in one of many ways(no recount possible unless results is within .5%, recount is mandatory if .5% and nobody has to pay but after that they do(Michigan uses this and already recounted once and Trump still won), recount within 1% but someone must pay for it etc etc). So some combination of that kind of shit.
If they did it for free it would burden the state needlessly and politicians would just keep making them recount like 10 times any time it was close, wasting government resources.
clinton voters are the dumbest people on the planet, donating to someone that has stood by the anti-establishment candidates like trump and bernie, and thinking that she'll purposefully help clinton
jills doing a good job if shes truly jewing the liberals out of their gibs me dat money
Uh yes.
>Trump's fucked, they're going to find out the Russians hacked the voting machines in MI
This is the (((computer scientist)))
Yes. Winning by over 300 is not considered a close electoral college race. That is a moderate victory. Betting websites hold specific bets for breaking 300 electoral college votes because the only way to do that is if you win by a substantial amount.
If they recounted and she won both Michigan and PA, they would be tied. If she also won Wisconsin, she would win the presidency. None of this has any chance whatsoever of happening, though.
Read this. It's all a fraud. They're completely misrepresenting what the (((computer scientist))) said. They have no case.
lol, this will only uncover the mass fraud committed for the witch
Trump is just fine, desu
the left is done
Jill has been anti-everyone this election. I don't think this is intended to get Clinton elected, but I also don't think she's trying to jew anyone.
>but muh m-m-majority vote
fuck leftists
Never give money to a Jew
(((Stein))) is doing it for the donations. The green party even admitted raising the money won't guarantee a recount.
Michigan received a mandatory recount already. Fucking hell.
we're getting closer pol
Still not late to repent.
MI was already recounted and Trump won. Even if this stupid ass thing actually met its goal he wins either way.
Did Jill talk about how Hillary was going to start WW3 and that Trump was the better candidate? What is she trying to do?
B-b-b-b-but Briana Wu said they were hacked over bluetooth and USB on twitter!
I mean, if the "Lead technical software engineer" over at Giant SpaceKat said so, it must be true.
Scam the most easily gullible group of utter fucking morons on the planet for their shekels.
>What is she trying to do?
>Jill Stein
>raising money
>Bernie Sanders
>raising money
Could I make it any more obvious?
We can't and here's why
Scam retards out of their money
No seriously, even the Green Party said that money doesn't guarantee recount, but the liberals are desperate to stop Trump so they'll support a half assed recount until it ends up not doing shit
Stein is gonna keep rising the goal to make sure her bank account is nice and fat when this shitshow is over
"You're going to win so much your head will spin."
Haha. That is what I was thinking but another thing crossed my mind. Maybe she is trying to do a recount to show people how the Clinton camp tried to rig the vote.
How much have you contributed? If you really believe she has a chance you should give the most you can otherwise you're just a loud mouth.
It's hilarious. She's asking for 7 million and these desperate libs are going to give her that in hopes that a recount will somehow flip over 55k votes from Hillary to Trump.
These people are delusional. I wonder how many children are not going to be eating this weekend because their single mother donated.
shes doin it so clinton gets busted.
shes gonna give no choice about prosecuting her, since he his stance has been so soft post election
Holy shit. I havent laughed that hard in a long time.
That's one fortunate possible side effect.
I like to think as well that he is just biding time until the deal is sealed... but it's also a very real possibility that doing her would cause a nuclear shit storm and thus, politics prevails and he has to simply shut her out of Washington by other means. Watch for her retirement in this case and the shuttering of her foundation.
This. And even if they manage to convince enough electorates to be disloyal (they won't), the absolute best case scenario for them is for the decision to go to the house of reps which at this point will definitely go for Trump, zero questions. All of this grasping at straws really jsut shows how desperate they are.