
Shills been saying this shit for months. Still waiting.


>rich white women complaining about racism

When will they learn?

> meaningless cartoon
> meaningless picture

You don't have the numbers.

You white people keep dying.

someone post that poll that shows gen z is the most conservative since the greatest generation

By that logic, maybe if you got a bucket of chicken for every job application a black person filled out, literally all of their problems would disappear.

the one on the right is such a gluttonous fucking ugly bitch

Saw this earlier. She makes a lot of completely baseless accusations, like "voter suppression sure worked great for the RETHUGLIKKKANS this time!" The rest of the analysis is very superficial and uninteresting.

Shit video made by and for idiots.

Wish dey add fried chicken ta klan meetins so ah botha showin' up

"Maybe we should write a racist sign about White women, so they'll realize we're the real racists."



How is it that every single Cubs fan os a ragingcuck or a numale? Even outside of Chicago they're like that.

>vi hart
Some of the cringiest "le science!!!1!!11!!" shit out there.
>Hay guys here is some super basic statistical analysis, but I'm drawing it on my notebook with sharpie isn't that so cool?? also i'm a girl did u kno?

Its not a strawman.

If large portion of white women like pumpkin spice and using it as a tool to make them care about a political issue is not racist, consider the following statement.

Maybe we should add watermelon to fatherhood so black men will care.

If the watermelon statement is racist so is the pumpkin spice. They both hing on food being used to trigger action.

Go to bed left side.

the majority of white women voted for a spicy pumpkin


Well you could have also gone with stereotypes are not racism, where as you compared watermelons to niggers, as pumpkin spice to white supremacist women. These are just generalizations of favored outcomes. Majority like X, therefore all like X.

Racism stands on the fact of superiority and inferiority, in which both cases stated showed neither. A black man liking watermelon doesn't mean he's inferior as a race, just that he has a biased preference on fruit. Likewise with white women liking pumpkin spice, where as it doesn't mean they are inferior for liking a spice as a race, but just have stereotyped spice preferences.

Doesn't look like anyone in the thread actually watched the video.

It has nothing to do with the image in the OP.

By definition its racist you fucking retarded nigger.

>start video
>woman starts talking

And into the garbage it goes

I watched the first 5 minutes, got bored and clicked through the rest. I heard her crying about "neo-nazi Trump supporters" and lamenting the fact that Trump voters and our elected representatives are all old people who don't even have twitter accounts and are hopelessly disconnected from the reality of the world we live in etc etc. Not worth watching.


Gen Z is very conservative.




>Comments are disabled


>You white people keep dying.

and then the world will be ruined by brown people and there will be nothing to rule anymore

>implying the parasite wants to KILL its host, not just placate it

All I got out of that is all the feminist coloring books managed to give that idiot something resembling a skill.

So they get to define what racism is?

Why is it always, always women that do this shit?

Someone give me a straight up answer. It blows my fucking mind. Is it a lack of (dare I say) PATRIARCHY?

Gen Z turns 18 in 2020.

It was typical democrat drivel.

Some self-important pseudo-intellectual libshit rambles about how old people are out of date and don't actually understand why leftism is the right side of history, and should be ''educated'' about it. Trump won because he fear mongered foolish old people, suppressed black voters, and young people were lazy.

Or maybe Hillary was the shittiest candidate dems could've chosen, but that's just me.

About 10 minutes in and she's your typical leftist race traitor whore.

>Republicans won't work with Trump
>This election wasn't about nationalism vs. globalism

Does this bitch believe the shit coming out of her mouth?

Jesus, that's some top tier passive aggressiveness coming from that bitch.

Yeah. It's not like your granny has actually witnessed and considered 2-3 other waves of regressive shits like you trying to virtue signal the world into oblivion.

Gotta love those asshats grasping at straws with their "b-b-but the future will be ours !" as the western world is rapidly rejecting their regressive cancer that caused nothing but stagnation in the last 2 decades.

if Trump really fucks up, the "future" may very well be "theirs" and given the bullshit we've already received under their benevolent reign I think it's safe to say we're fucked.

they're bandwagoners user. mentally weak people who expect things to go their way all the time. logically they support whatever team happens to be winning right now