Why is Richard Spencer being vilified and atby Sup Forums all of a sudden? Have we been completely subverted? Richard Spencer has always been our guy and has been fighting for our movement and our people for more than a decade. Stop falling for media lies. The (((media))) wants you to hate him, the alt-right and NPI.
Why is Richard Spencer being vilified and atby Sup Forums all of a sudden? Have we been completely subverted...
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was Hitler gay?
He's 100% right though.
>all of a sudden
we have to know who literally who is before we can make fun of him
Have you heard his speech that everyone was outraged about? It's pure fucking cringe. Dude was cosplaying as Hitler and I guarantee you his jewtube history has twenty hitler speeches he saved and practiced in the mirror to get the voice and hand motions right. He makes the alt-right look like a fucking JOKE.
I'm here everyday and have been since you were in elementary school. Never heard of this kike stooge faggot before yesterday
>for more than a decade
holy fuck you shills are just insane
Sup rich, you look like a massive fag.
>practiced in the mirror to get the voice and hand motions right
He should have practiced more. He looked up from the paper he was reading from like two times. Shit was weak.
Sage richard spencer threats. He might not be as extreme as people make him out to be but he's an idiot larper that doesn't have any common social sense
He's the first person in history to lose a 'We Wuz Kangz' debate, by claiming the Egyptians were and are white (as opposed to brown Semites).
Never heard of him until this fake controversy.
He seems like an idiot who should have been slapped hard in the head instead of making himself and everybody whose names he mentions look bad.
Okay faggots, lets keep this a clean fight. Do not divide ourselves. The alt right movement isn't your special snowflake contest. Everyone in this movement has their own fucking agenda.
He is riding on our tide, let him, as long as he is useful. Do no judge him from his silly rhetorics.
Judge him by his intentions and actions.
we populist now rick, so keep quiet in your TRS ghost board and we promise not to mock u anymore k?
If people want to be Alt-Right, that is their deal.
Like any other political ideology, its going through exposure to the public.
If Richard believes he is living by his values who is anyone to judge him?
I think cernovitch is being a bitch boy and he wishes that he had the notoriety that Richard is getting.
the speech and roland martin interview were cringy as fuck
>implying anyone even knew who this fucking autist was before he got recent attention
leave this board if you associate yourself with this autist
He's a fucking retard, and anybody who eats that shit from his hand is even more fucking retarded and autistic.
you too m8, go back to the TRS we
It's sad what happened to Conrad Schumann.
Im not a German Nationalist. Trump is not a Nazi, so Im not going to give him a seig heil.
I admire the German movement that occured in the 20th century, but Im not a German nationalist so I wont roleplay as one.
Everyone needs to understand, we can debate the best way to grow the right, but you have to understand two things:
>NEVER publicly attack the right
>The VAST majority of people are convinced solely on the opinions of a small, dominant minority of about 10%
That is all.
Fully agree, dude is a massive joke, trying to ride the conservative wave by pretending to be hitler. The pussy doesnt even come close
In other words, as soon as you get a to the point where enough people hold a hardcore belief, the rest of society mindlessly adopts it. No one believes you can convince everybody, and that's fine because most people just hold whatever opinion is popular anyway. And here's a friendly tip: if this whole "everyone I don't like is a Nazi" thing scares you, it's because of the credibility that it's a deeply held belief of the dominant group, ie. you are being a plebian too. When and if the right becomes dominant again, then everyone will come around to that, because that's what they do. The "masses" are fucking dumb and it's not worth it to worry about them. We are already to the point where the "masses" don't believe the media. You shouldn't fall for it either. Stop attacking the right.
Because I had no idea who this faggot was until the media declared him the leader of the ((((alt-right))))
well meme'd my friend, well meme'd
Not many people agree 100% with Spencer, but he hits home on enough points and is at least making the effort to get the movement organized and focused on mainstream appeal (Roman salute LARPing aside).
Let me explain TRS friend
>90% of Sup Forums has no idea who Richard Spencer is
>80% of Sup Forums doesn't even understand what the alt-right is
>All of a sudden, this guy called Richard Spencer comes out of the blue, calling himself "alt-right" throwing up nazi salutes
>This is happening at the same time as Soros shills are brigading
>Sup Forums becomes an absolute shitstorm rainforest of delusion for 2 days
>Everyone is disavowing Spencer, calling him a shill, an FBI agent, a faggot, a literally who
That's basically what happened here
David Duke as the go-to boogeyman got old, so (((they))) had to go find a different one.
His views are being twisted and inflated, all in an attempt to paint the whole right of the political spectrum as Nazis.
The dude is hijacking the movement for personal gain and making everyone look like nazis.
Fuck him.
>implying we're not nazis
fuck off shlomo
The basic premise of TRS is you should just openly admit to being a Nazi. Instead of throwing up denials and justifications, you can actually move forward to discussing real arguments
It's like, you're never going to beat the left by pretending to be anti-racist. Jeb Bush was never going to win the Hispanic vote by marrying a shrunken latino homunculus
Aren't we not?
This is the average political opinion on Sup Forums:
Guy is a like a living strawman and if he really believes that shit he's saying he is hurting his own cause. How fucking stupid do you have to be to do a "roman salute" on a public conference in front of video cameras?
If anything this seems a little too good to be true from a propaganda standpoint, because all those holier than thou liberals now can say "see, I told you so - just nazis doing nazi things" in order to dismiss any argument that goes against their narrative.
Wherever I am, I must bantz.
Not even your standard conservative is this dumb. Wake up! No one believes the lugenpresse unless they're a butthurt leftist.
nobody here even knew who he was until this week. he is a media plant. fuck you
I've seen a lot of shooped twatter posts in my day
This one is real
>How fucking stupid do you have to be to do a "roman salute" on a public conference in front of video cameras?
Did you miss the part where he didn't do it, some random people in the audience did?
>Richard Spencer has always been our guy
Straya, put down the can of petrol.
Because dumb shits on Sup Forums let their guard down and fell for a shill raid.
Remember: Spencer never heiled it up, he made a toast to Trump and two Jews and Tila-attentionwhore-Tequila heiled back.
What a faggot
so are you implying that he's legit, even if larping? That's what I think. He truly believes what he says, but is too busy trying to do it "just right" like a fucking larper
He probably wouldn't have been vilified if (((someone))) hadn't created 1000 threads about him in the last 2 days. If the source is TRS you guys need to lay the fuck off.
Neither do you you fucking autistic sack of pig shit
Don't play those silly tricks man. If you're stupid enough to do it at least be honest. All that shit about, hey I just was trying to show the audience how big my nephew has grown, or some bullshit like that is just sad. He raised his fucking drink after he said "hail trump". It like when people use 1488 and think it's both subtle and clever. Dude, I bet you need the engima to crack that code...
It's like when some guy walks around with a swastika and when you ask him about it hey says some shit like, it's an ancient symbol of peace. Maybe, but that's not why you're wearing it. Own it ya dumb cunt.
Abandon the term """"Alt-Right"""""
The name has been marked.
The name is rotten.
You are being categorized.
Oldest trick in the book.
I read the Lügenpresse today, even here it's used as an analogy to White-supremism already.
>Hide Alt-Right threads
>Hide Spencer threads
>Sage if you have to post
Nah, the media don't want you to hate him. They want to make him the face of the Alt Right (Read: Disenfranchised Right). They literally want this to be the argument: "The Alt Right isn't made up of disenfranchised, unsatisfied voters, who have lost faith in their political system. The Alt Right is made up of racists and degenerates, who are of lower moral standards than us Liberals." Meanwhile the left all cheer and pat themselves on the back, while denouncing the entirety of the Right, including the ones who are psychotic like Richard Spencer.
Both the Left and the Right Old Guards know that the whole of the disenfranchised, dissatisfied population, both from the Left and the Right, severely outnumber those who want to keep shit status-quo. They are dividing and conquering like they always do.
Sad thing is, no one from the Left or the Right are meeting in the middle to discuss this. We are all kinda pissed about the state our government is in - yet they keep us arguing like children.
Thanks for continuing the trend, OP, you cuck mongrel.
>1 post by this ID
How often was the term used on Sup Forums for instance anyhow? Only one I remember using it was a couple of those youtube entertainers like Milo and Gavin in order brandish themselves as spokespersons of a movement that didn't exist like that. The most organized form was gamergate probably and it was still a chaotic mess.
They're trying to bait us into defending him
Not that any of his views don't necessarily align with ours, but he's just so damn cringe, as are his followers we'd (I seal for myself and my friends who use Sup Forums) rather not associate with him.
I mean fuck did you see that little gathering he spoke at? He and everyone in the room turned their power levels on full blast and they nazi saluted him.. how autistic can you be?
he's literally a fkin meme that nobody knew about before the media coined the term "alt right" and tried slapping it onto Sup Forums.
when will people stop this whole alt right thing holy fuck.
why does he have the same haircut as harry potter villains
Amen. Best post I've read all week
>Abandon the term """Alt-Right"""
I still hate having to alter our lives AGAIN for the media and their SJW lives
After I saw the interview with the kang I can't not support him, that would be like abandoning a random Sup Forumsack in favor of increasingly obvious jewish shills
>all of a sudden?
if you don't realize alt-right is a leftist meme you are late to the party and either simply ignorant or a malicious kike propagandist
Because he's an autist trying to LARP Amon Goethe
Out of curiosity are you actually aware of the American right wing scene? And I don't mean fucking Sup Forums.
Fuck off shills pretending to be stormfags to damage Sup Forums's reputation
I've been on here since /new/ and I've never heard of this person until this week.
I seem to remember that he used to crop up briefly back around the time of the primary debates. Some of us mocked him as a thinly-disguised attempt at building a kind of backup Milo for the false alt-right label, then he got buried between the meme candidates.
This. Spencer is a LARPy sperglord version of Hitler. He gives Nazis a bad name.
Roland martin was sperging out non stop tho but you read comments and all dindu thinks he's an afrointellectuals
Sup Forums getting upset about him is the second part of the jew's plan, don't you see that you stupid goyim?
Spencer is the definition of jumping the gun. To many on Sup Forums this means he is either an idiot or a plant. There is a growing nationalist movement, but we do not have a sociopolitical climate sympathetic enough to our reactionary modernist tendencies to be so blatant in their presentation, or to invoke a historical figure or regime that no one is willing to associate themselves with in a serious way. This sort of hitler/nazi banter can stay on the internet, as it has a strong conversion effect for those willing to go down the rabbit hole, but on the actual political stage these matters must be handled with far more tact, which means, in order to garner political legitimacy, there must always a few degrees of separation between our figure heads and the nazi meme machine.
It is about strategy. We need political legitimacy.
Anyone acting like Spencer is going to shoot the movement in the foot, drive away anyone sympathetic but not willing to be seen as a nazi, and cause a total rejection from regular conservatives to liberals.
Again, if they really were pro Trump like that they would shut up and try to be credible. Rather than that chuckle fuck got himself a hitler youth haircut, climbed in front of the podium during the white supremecy convention and hailed Trump like he just invaded Poland.
Only thing missing was Spencer saying "Trump is literally Hitler guys. Literally Hitler. Remember that. My name is Richard Spencer, I'm the leader of the alt-right. A L T R I G H T"
It's surprising that they didn't sing some german military march song.
Why don't you go back to the TRS forums where dickie really is your guy.
You're right, it didn't originate here, it never represented us and it never will. This is exactly why we shouldn't walk into the obvious trap of being thrown into a group they already marked as literal nazis.
There is nothing wrong with the alt-right. Stop Spencer posting. Thanks.
I don't know why people are so worked up about it.
>Says "hail Trump" and motions for a toast
>an Asian, a few Jews, and some whites sieg heil
>somehow this all gets connected to Trump for some reason
Who the fuck cares? Why is it important now what the MSM thinks? Even his interview with Roland "Bug Eyed Nigger" Martin wasn't terrible.
>muh sociopolitical climate
>muh we have to be patient
I'd agree with if you wasn't for the little fucking detail that we are literally facing biological and political death as a race - we can't afford playing good little goyim for the next 100 years while being outbred by shitskins. Remember that Trump winning wasn't some kind of final victory, it merely assured us 4 more years of survival before the Dems inevitably amnesty all the illegal beaners and after that point we're fucked. Whites have to act NOW.
we wuz egyptian n sheeet
He is our guy, you guys know it, dont lie now
>Implying Sup Forums is relevant
>It is about strategy. We need political legitimacy.
This. We should work through subtlety subversion and money/power if possible.
Just tell me, why do you even need that label?
Jumping the gun how? He didn't do anything out of the ordinary. He can't control the actions of people who attend NPI. Take it up with those that actually did the roman salute, because Spencer sure as hell didn't.
But regardless of that, he and many others in the "altright" have been on Red Ice a countless amount of times. Is that jumping the gun?
Really, where the fuck have you niggers been that THIS is what shocks you?
>say you're leader of alt-right
>invite press to watch you say a bunch of nazi shit
>act bamboozled when the "alt-right" label is immediately destroyed
>act bewildered when people are upset
This guy is so god damn autistic, he had no business speaking to the public
You know what's less smart than throwing a roman salute in front of cameras?
Being a tool of the lugenpresse by punching to your right.
I don't.
When found out that TRS literally shills for this faggot larper I stopped listening 2bh
I love that Richard did that "Hail Trump" Nazi thing.
It has separated the true fucking idiots from the rest of us.
Rot away on The Daily Stormer, listening to the same William Pierce shit over and over, till ya die, whimpering "da jooez" as you fade away
% of Sup Forums has no idea who Richard Spencer is
let me guess those 90% are all reddit newfags. kys faggot
>It's like when some guy walks around with a swastika and when you ask him about it hey says some shit like, it's an ancient symbol of peace.
If it isn't angled at a 45 degree angle, then it probably is an acient symbol of peace, you dumb fucking sperg.
i came to Sup Forums tonight for my first time because I had been reading up the guy and when i saw the pepe memes on radix.
i knew this dude would be here.
Hello Spencer.
Guy is either a retarded sperg or Plant/controlled-opposition.
Richard pls...
Take the criticism and consider your actions. You're embarrassing real nationalists. The kind with degrees.
>we have do act like cliche jews
Seems like it would be smarter to just make good arguments that a logically sound and drop the hitler salutes altogether. If manage to point out that limitless migration doesn't even work out for the third world because of the brain drain it causes for example, this would help more than acting sneaky hence proving your untrustworthyness.
Not an argument.
Spencer is the real nationalist. What are the rest of you "nationalists" doing while he's out and actually fighting for the white race? Fucking nothing.
Looks like someone's in for a shock.
>say you're leader of alt-right
Jesus fuck, get out shills.
What really makes me laugh is the people that say spencer is a plant but Alex jones pjw and cernobitch are completely legit
Claiming he did nothing out of the ordinary, while he yells HAIL TRUMP HAIL VICTORY. You don't need to be that bright to understand how this hurts the legitimacy of our movement. If you want my argument it is in my first post