You can take 2 leaders currently in power from any countries you want and pair them to be rules of the world
Who do you choose
Who is the Second in Command
You can take 2 leaders currently in power from any countries you want and pair them to be rules of the world
Who do you choose
Who is the Second in Command
>currently in power
Come on lads read.
hitler and genghis khan
fuck the rules
This is basically the future, so this
honestly the way President Trump is working right now he might as well just be sworn into office two months early
Trudeau and Merkel.
2nd in command maybe Obama although he's going to be out of office soon.
I second this.
And before you say >fucking leaf, this is a power combination that would ensure world security, prosperity, and cooperation via internationalization. We need to look forward.
Putin and Merkel
That would be disastrous for most of the world, fucked up right wing fantasies aside.
Globalist shill please GTFO
Merkel yes Putin no.
Putin is an insane, megalomaniacal tyrant.
Absolutely reprehensible.
End thread
Nice buzzword. For people who ramble on about the left using buzzwords, you sure resort to your own share of buzzwords.
Anyways, the world is rapidly globalizing and this is a phenomenon that no amount of Draconian political legislation will stop. Just accept it. To work against it is to start conflict.
Trump Abe
Who cares about most of the world? Russia and the US will do what it has always done. Carve up the world between the two of them and rule it. Just feel lucky Canada is our prison bitch and we look out for you.
Juncker and J.Trudeau
>Putin is an insane, megalomaniacal tyrant.
trump and putin
Insane is a court term, faggot. Means he's acting irrationally with little/no control over his actions. I'm pretty sure Putin isn't insane.
>World Security
>A man willing to take insults left and right, and name call himself willy nilly in hopes of appearing cool.
No. That would show weakness. I'd pray for a swift death from cultural differences and everyone trying to out gender identity each-other.
Now we're talking.
Nice buzzword ad hominem attacks. See That is immoral. Countries like Ukraine, Georgia and the Central American republics have the right to self-determination and sovereignty.
He assassinates his political opponents, suppresses LGBTQ2+ rights, and starts wars in neighbouring nations. Tyrant. Despot. Dictator.
Please check the sticky. Picking apart the appropriateness of a word in this context is a moot point and shows that you have no real argument to counter my own.
Dear Leader Kim
Ali Khamenei
It'll be a blast.
This is not bad. Juncker would be a good Minister of Commerce in my opinion for a world govt.
Trump 1st in command
Marine Le Pen 2nd in command
Fat Kim
Absolute insanity. Two of the most sociopathic egomaniacs roaming the face of this Earth. Both reckless demagogues. Crowd pleasers. Very problematic precedent to be setting.
>to be rules of the world
Please jump off a cliff
kek also wills this
Well, when you only used buzzwords, what am I supposed to do? A tyrant is subjective, he is liked by some, not by others. Megalomaniac is a mental illness, one in which Putin is not diagnosed with. And Insanity is just wrong in this scenario. Your entire argument is flawed, as it is based on three things he does not have. If you want to talk flawed arguments, you're using a genetic fallacy, denying the idea of Putin simply because he is Putin, not because of what he'd bring to the table.
>Anyways, the world is rapidly globalizing and this is a phenomenon that no amount of Draconian political legislation will stop. Just accept it. To work against it is to start conflict.
That is immoral. Countries like Ukraine, Georgia and the Central American republics have the right to self-determination and sovereignty.
So we should embrace globalization and the massive governments (EU, Eurasian Union, SAU, African Union, ASEAN and the UN) that go with it and threaten national sovereignty because?
Trudeau and Putin would be a hilarious duo
John F. Kennedy
Franklin D. Roosevelt
everything else ITT is inferior
>currently in power
Soros isn't a leader tho
Obama merkel
and Hillary Clinton