LETS RAID Sup Forums and tell them how degen anime is and how they are such faggots and weebo scum
In honour of kek
We can even include shitty Western hentai.
Anime has some credit in red-pilling me. I don't see why you consider it degenerate. It's just art in motion, taken in moderation there is nothing wrong with it. It's just a hobby, and how much that hobby is their life is a personal choice.
Kek's words were
>jill stein 2020
>ban all anime
fuck leftist
Kek is mad at the future outcome. We must SAVE anime.
yes we can leaf bro death to weebo's scum and degenrate hentai
anime redpilled me kys anime fag watching cartoons grow up
You just posted a cartoon
You have no idea what degeneracy actually is
it's shit
>arms are shit
>face is detached from head
>one shoulder blade longer than the other
absolute trash eugh
>Sup Forums
No such board faggot.
shoot your mother
heretic heretic burn the heretic disobeying kek's will fuck anime it's for sissies women and traps or kids
yes fetishize cute little kids liking over dramatic femine story's
>Sup Forums
>degen anime
>weebo scum
Where do you think you are, fuckboy? You have no power here.
you did not read the prophecy correctly.
"jill stein 2020" and "ban all anime" were greentexted i.e. kek was quoting
"fuck leftists" was not greentexted i.e. kek was not quoting, and these are the words of kek itmself.
A hammer is fine until somebody shoves the handle up their own ass, then that hammer is degenerate, wait wait wait, isn't the person who did it suppose to be the degenerate? Oh yeah, that's how it works
t. Kekologist
Go to bed you british fuck, at least we'll be able to watch normal porn
Alternately you could do something more constructive like drinking a Draino martini.
I want to lick Saber's feet.
i posted the varg meme
animie fag this is what i think stein shall win and ban anime for being sexist or some shit and then rightwing nationalists shall revolt and bring the day of rope to leftists scum
i dont watch porn have gf
>says anime is degenerate
>has anime girls dressed as nazis saved on comp
If it werent for anime I bet 80% of this board wouldnt be here.
Good idea, brother
this,fucking wierdo
Sup Forums needs repilled. Theyre one of the boards that wants Sup Forums deleted. Theyve had it coming for a looong time
Kek sees the outcome of the 2020 election and the decision made by stein to ban anime, and he is not pleased. Thus he issued a call to arms: "fuck leftist"
And so we went to war.