>"o vey goyim this goyim is white"
Is Jazz Jennings white Sup Forums
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It clearly has brown skin
but "it" has white parents that say they birthed it.
bump to discover the degeneracy propagated in the MSM
She's cute
> Has a penis
>She's cute
white is right so kikes will might :)
he's gay which means he's Canadian some I'm going to say he is 100% Chinese.
seriously is it white or was it the catalyst to that made our youth in to trans-gendered degenerate scum.
were destine to have faggots sons no matter how hard we try...
She was cute before she aged
a true rachel maddow in the making
This just so wrong. Jew boy with crazy mom who dressed him girls' clothes and let him grow long hair. Then jazz was given pills to suppress male puberty! And given female hormones.
It's a very sad thing what they did to this kid.
>Schnoz Jennings
It's like a cake made with all the worst facial features in the human race.
What percentage of Norway is Jewish, user?
Is this a trick question?
I was actually unsure.
>it's .002%
Look at that antisemitism on display.
there is nothing gay about liking traps. if you (like me) are attracted to the feminine features, it is completely heterosexual. yes, they have penises, but who doesnt? you can relate to what they are feeling better when they masturbate because you can do it the same way, thus, its more enjoyable to watch. a lot of people think theyre men in makeup and wigs, but they're not, theyre women with penises and the perfect feminine features that i am attracted to. obviously no one that likes traps is not turned on by the actual penis, but what is around it.
>yes, they have penises, but who doesnt?
>replying to obvious bait
>replying to obvious bait
whoops, .02%
daily reminder that if you say anything other than "he" to describe HIM, you're letting the Jews win.
off to the gas chambers
Didn't his dad go apeshit when he realized an older boy was grooming his son to be a boipuss cumdump?
I said "it" it's a male you fucking idiot
"she" looks like a typical nigger from Somalia.