When will the United States annex the rest of North America?
When will the United States annex the rest of North America?
Mexico would hurt us.
Soon brother, soon
Around the same time 99% of fucking leafs and 99% of tacos are removed from the equation.
Not soon enough. Please save me.
mate, you are literally retarded
we can just treat them like the natives and force them south.
trust me, we want mexico, we'll save a fortune on a smaller border fence.
why would we want mexico
fucking this
mate you are retarded, we want the land, trust me, we'll fuck all the bitches and get them pregnant anyways.
Because they offer lots of cheap labor and a smaller more manageable border on the south.
We can put the mexicans to good use.
Only a cold death awaits you, leaf. We want your land, not you.
Unless we annex you first, you bigoted fascists.
And Canada.
please, give us a proper reason to conquer your ass
pol neckbeards are hilarious
just because you saw it on fallout doesn't mean it will actually happen. america will literally NEVER annex canada
Any time we feel like it. But then we'd have to listen to all the whining. No thanks. Build 2 walls.
Breed with Canadian whites, use Mexicans for labor. We will make North America Great Again
Don't make me spit out my syrup
Because that's working so well right now.
No, you can't outbreed brown hordes. And you won't turn them white. that you're even thinking with your dick means you shouldn't be commenting on the situation.
lol cute but we dont fight with our fists. we have guns
I don't want em. The land might be nice but we would have to drive the natives into the sea
We are better off annexing Mexico and making them get abortions and pay us taxes then letting them breed uncontrollably and making a run for our border.
face it, i'm right faggot.
>they couldn't even annex Vietnam
thats how the subhumans talk. we dont breen with subhumans
They would have to be relegated to commonwealth because otherwise it's just giving Democrats millions of new voters
If they kill you, you win
you don't, normies do, so maybe you should make more babies instead of bitching at the niggers?
and yeah, we still want to control mexico rather then let them do whatever the fuck they've been doing
This. We would become a leftist nation or quickly Balkanize if this happened.
It would be incredibly easy in theory but with the amount of SJWs today it is near impossible and we would have sanctions put on us as well as possible attackers from the UN
>Annexing beaners unable to keep a state going without beheadings and cartel violence.
>Annexing the sad excuses for humans that elected Justin "if you kill your enemies they win" Trudeau.
As long as the population is still there, annexing either is a stupid idea.
They'll be territories for a few decades before becoming states.
And we'll eventually swing right after an initial leftist surge because they suck balls at governing.
mate, we've literally been shot at little rock protestors to build a pipeline and no one gave a fuck. We just elected Donald Build a Wall Trump who said we should ban muslims and bomb the fuck out of them. Give us a little more credit.
you have to go back
you need to learn to empire build
wait a minute... what state are you in?
maybe you should secede cali and new york while you are at it, great strategy cuck
You forgot Greenland, Carribean, and Iceland
They are North American as well
You can't force them to have abortions. That would create more friction and resistance than actually killing them, because then you'd be violating their shitty catholic god's impotent will.
Literally the only way to have a successful Mexico is to have no Mexicans.
shooting at*
>When will the United States annex the rest of North America?
when there's about 50,000 mexicans left in the planet
Also if a North American Union happens, it should be mandatory that white men can breed any buxomness brown beauty they please
do you want democrat rule for the next 500years?
Implying America won't start a civil war to kill all liberals as soon as you try to take our guns
if you kill us, we win. What than american?
then you become truly american clay : )
I agree, shorter wall, prime beachfront real estate.. we are annexing the land, but who the fuck mentioned naturalizing the citizens LOL.
Hope yall mestizo (half kike) niggers can swim.
>annex Canada
>have to share a president with fucking leafs
>annex Mexico
>have nowhere to deport mexicans
I'm good.
build wall paco mexishit
This is New Zealand's rightful clay
South America, the containment zone.
Of course.
Annex does not mean sharing shit, it means might makes right.
Your business in shady sands might be?
This. Only low test betas would complain about bleaching full figured beauties to improve their descendants iq
We should have just done that after the Mexcian-American war. I actually would have been okay with just taking Baja California.
Speaking of taking territory, after we embarrassed Spain why did we give up Cuba? If we're going to annex North America can we take Cuba back?
>the guy watching starts laughing
the day of the rake will be glorious
For a while, yes, but ultimately the "soft power" neoliberal interventionist perfidy routine of "we didn't really do it, get confused and apathetic" is failing to cause the levels of cognitive dissonance it once did.
We must become a full fledged empire to fullfill the prophecy now, half killing slaves and sedating our neighbors is not good enough.
The rules of empire go as follows:
1. First are the fighters, paid first and honored first.
Without following the rules of empire, the empire will fall.
E Pluribus Unum.
Here's what you do. Annex Mexico and Canada. Send every single person that has any Metizos feature (ie looks like a spic) to southern Mexico and make them work for peanuts. Then start the trials in Canada: enslave canadians under terrible conditions and make sure only the strongest survive. If those survivors have predominent cognitive functions which favor leftism, then kill them. If it's the opposite, make sure those Canadian ultra-men work in breeding factories
Or the simple non-autistic way: breed the voluptuous spic qts with white men
kek wills it
honestly, at this point we can only benefit from a civil war, libs don't even have guns.
annex Mexico, Canada, start a civil war, kill libs, profit???
Taking advantage of international currency rates means Mexicans can earn more money here in a month than they'd make in mexico over a year AND America gets slave labor.
Everyone wins.
Except law abiding people, of course.
yeah but we can also collect taxes from them...
and make them abort babies if they are breeding too much
kek wills it
Holy shit that looks exactly like a dragon!
Anybody know any biblical references involving dragons?
The great dragon devours all. The supermassive blackhole at the center of our universe, the black sun. The mouth of the dragon... and the nebula star factories we see in the distance (both distant time and space from our perspective) are its multitude of assholes, spewing out reality as we know it.