>W-We're n-n-not f-fascist
W-We're n-n-not f-fascist
Other urls found in this thread:
You're projecting
It is a common trait of cucks
I am tho
>identifying alt-right as existing
Self determination is fascism?
>that description
Apply yourself, nigger.
Who got it?
These pre-prepared memes don't work at pol, faggot
There is literally nothing wrong with fascism.
Thanks for correcting the record
>(((in general use)))
You ruined it. Good job retard.
Fuck off shill, do they not pay you enough to make a gif? Honestly pathetic.
>Lefties call all white people racist and evil
>Lefties force the gay agenda on children under penalty of law
>Lefties violently oppose anyone who disagrees with their opinion
>Lefties riot and destroy things when they don't get their way
It's obvious who is really the fascist in this scenario
see those constitutional amendments
authoritarian means getting rid of them
not "take my guns over my cold dead body"
yes this means the left has been pushing for an authoritarian regime
yes this means if they just happen to treat black people like herds of chicken only useful during election season they'd be as close to fascism (closer really) than the alt-right
I'm a confederate.
I keked
>le alt-right exists meme
delete your posts Hillary.
Not an argument.
Why would you post this? It's not like we're trying to hide that we're white nationalists
So in keeping with this train of thought. Black panthers are leftists, as well as black supremacists. That would mean they are non-traditional liberal progressives and members of the alt-left. Great now we can say all progressive liberals are communist black supremacists. Liberal progressive extremists are a threat to america and as such must be denounced.
Which shitty left wing """"""""meme"""""""" Facebook circlejerk did you pull this gem from?
We're not alt right but we are fascists. now kill yourself
>alt right meme at all
>Implying Sup Forums is one person
>implying alt right isn't media created
if you want to go make fun of people who support the """"""alt right"""""" go to /r/the_donald faggot
Fascism is just an ultranationalist authoritarian movement. Race has nothing to do with it. You could, in theory, have a diverse in ethnicity fascist nation.
commies stealing our memes again and failing again. Christ you guys suckalso not the definition of fascism
Post it all together, dammit.
We are fascists and most of us want all non whites and Jews to disappear off the earth. Hitler did nothing wrong, exc pt not actually gassing the Jews. I hope Trump puts Muslims in camps and deports every Mexican.
>calling your enemies fash
Thanks for the compliment shitlib.
Horribly meme'd
I'm literally shaking right now this post is frightening.
your suppose to make a gif user kun
>Liberal memes
I'm ready to be done with Molynsky
how intolerant
Decent meme except for one big hole: Fascism=/=White nationalism. Should be "White Nationalists" instead of "fascists".
>it's a /leftypol/ rips off another Sup Forums meme episode
Then again, I guess knockoffs are the only thing communiggers truly excel at aside for mass murder and starvation.
>Haha look at these repeating numbers, i'm the enlightened one here
TOP KEK those pics are literally Sup Forums in a nutshell
/leftypol/ why are your memes so much less funny than the racist Nazi memes?
are you aware of the fact that your memes are not funny? you shoehorn the preaching in so hard you must be using a crowbar, like for instance this image it's clearly meant to not work with people's preconceived notions of what fascism is, it's just a transparent attempt at controlling the narrative by telling people to subscribe to your exact definition of the derogatory term so that you can apply it to your opponents. you may as well watermark every image with a hammer and sickle and the words "THIS IS A PRO-COMMUNIST IMAGE IN CASE YOU COULD NOT TELL"
that's not how a meme works. memes need to have legs and they need to walk on their own. you can't just push them onto people, or they will wither and die. pic related is a powerful meme because it's insidious. people are going to share it for reasons other than "I want to further my agenda". it's funny. it's clever. it's persuasive despite not calling upon the viewer to trust its judgment or making any preachy statements. and I could have picked any one of my Trump memes or racism memes out of my huge bag and these qualities would still be present, not just this one Rubot image.
it's not just "oh, let's take something that's already a meme and make it into a message about fascism!" that's the kind of logic that leads to Gangnam Style commercials running on the Super Bowl, NOT the kind of thinking that produces powerful, persuasive memes. only the strongest ideas survive and reproduce.
>Using logic
>on Sup Forums
You're wasting your time
>implying i'm going to read your poorly crafted barney comics
It was worth a shot I suppose.
>People will unironically take the gets from today as the word of a god for years.
Please leave. I hate neatly can't handle you retards on here. I have never once seen a leaf contribute meaningfully to a thread ever. You are a fucking leaf, you export fucking syrup and have a literal cuck as president. Please, rake yourself, you worthless syrupnigger.
Lefty memes just do not work. I've LITERALLY never seen one work.
>implying the alt-right exists
This is pretty much reptilians tier at this point.
fascism has nothing to do with race you illiterate (((alt right)))
If you're (((alt-right))) go back to TRS. Sup Forums never adopted that label.
Baitposter BTFO
SRS tranny catladies BTFO
Lugenpresse BTFO
>implying there is anything wrong with fascism
>implying Sup Forums has ever shy'd away from being called fascist
you must be thinking of /r/le_donald
We are fascist and proud. It is the best way to run a nation.
There is literally nothing wrong with fascism.
uh oh, did some drop their smuggies?
This thread is dildos
this one will result in a get
>It's a nationalist movement that discriminates against non-whites with the goal of an ethno-centric authoritarian government.
No, it isn't. Into the trash it goes.
National Socialism doesnt require a fascist government
who got it?
Hey SRS!
How many of you trannies killed yourselves on election night?
How does it feel that all your attempts at subversion and disruption of your opponents was all for nothing? SAD!
I hope more of you off yourselves in the next 4 years!
The alt-right is just the first redpill in the line of many, it's just a moral justification for the disgruntled liberal that's starting to realize the world but without the moral stigma attached to fascism.
and that's all folks
Yup, but being a leftist requires one.
Because as a leftist you hate freedom and liberty
The media literally want this to be the argument: "The Alt Right isn't made up of disenfranchised, unsatisfied voters, who have lost faith in their political system. The Alt Right is made up of racists and degenerates, who are of lower moral standards than us Liberals." Meanwhile the left all cheer and pat themselves on the back, while denouncing the entirety of the Right, including the ones who are psychotic like Richard Spencer.
Both the Left and the Right Old Guards know that the whole of the disenfranchised, dissatisfied population, both from the Left and the Right, severely outnumber those who want to keep shit status-quo. They are dividing and conquering like they always do.
Sad thing is, no one from the Left or the Right are meeting in the middle to discuss this. We are all kinda pissed about the state our government is in - yet they keep us arguing like children.
>W-We're n-n-not f-fascist
But we are.
The definition of fascism is the idea that democracy is outdated and that a strong military leader should be given complete control of the economy, the military and the legislature.
"Das wayyyycist" isn't fascism
Now you know what it means being right in Germany only we have it 100x worse here. Also Sup Forums is not and never was alt right. It's as false flag by leftist to discredit every right one just like NPD.
Stay mad leftist
Just like lefties then.
>Only leftists use logic
Glad we got that covered, even though i'm not a leftist. I have zero to be mad about
Austrofascism best fascism
Kek. Nice OP.
Fascism isn't against non-whites you fucking retard
>I'm triggered because he's right, I can't come up with any argument of my own so I just say LEAF
>Implying anyone is contributing on Sup Forums
>anything wrong with law and order
How can someone from a first world country be so stupi- oh wait he's a liberal
But the alt-right ISN'T made up of disenfranchised, unsatisfied voters who have lost faith in their political system, it is literally a white nationalist movement who want white countries to be for white people. There's nothing wrong with that, the fact you're running away from it at full speed is just hilarious.
Spencer isn't psychotic the entire thing was taken out of context. Not only didn't he do a nazi salute, he raised his glass, but at least 2 of the 10/300 people who did it are confirmed jewish. And aside from that, people on here literally talk about gassing kikes race war now and even tell jewish reporters that, this is nothing new.
God damn, when did Sup Forums fall for the (((media's))) tricks hook line and sinker?
no thanks, I brought my own
For the most part Sup Forums represents part of the New Right - the term "Alt Right" might have been appropriate, but it's still a nebulous nondescript term, and now the Neo Lib owned Media want to convince everyone that the disenfranchised Right are merely a group of fanatical White Nationalists.
The portion of the New Right that Sup Forums represents is the young conservatives, who for the most part are anti-establishment, just like the surge of New Left (Largely, the group who voted for Sanders).
What the we have in common is we are disenfranchised, disillusioned, and we have grown to dislike the corruption we see in the Establishment. That is the shit they don't want us to realize - because that means a toppling of the entire structure they've built their secure, cozy lives around.
Then why so assblasted over a get that you felt the need to post a snarky comment to prove you're above the plebs even though you apparently don't care? Its not like leftist politics was taken seriously up till now on Sup Forums.
I'm not fascist just because I agree with a lot of things hitler said and did. founding an economy based on the labour of their people (old-timey bitcoin)
No it doesn't it represents a bunch of wanna be edgy kids who secretly like cock, fail at life and school and should stop trying to act cool.
Or, for short, Faggots