23 and Me

Why do people hand over their money for this?

What's the motive? Please tell me its not to boost their ego.

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I'll tell you that you are a junk heap

Some people do it to see if they are genetically prone to any diseases


To make sure we're white

just to make sure that they don't have any negroid genes in their bloodline for the past 500 years. remember - it only reports past 500 years.

Does this website give data on that? I thought it just gave you an ancestral breakdown.

I'm seriously about to do this.

I want to know how much jewish and native american ancestry I have.

I want to verify my whiteness but I don't trust this company (CEO was Google co-founder's wife, which means she likely wants to create a huge genetic catalog and perform tests on it and co-operate with NSA on its experimental genetic tracking programs)

Is there an alternative?

Working on family history, curious about diseases/carrier related genes

Do people actually hand over their cold hard cash to confirm they're white????

Seems kinda pathetic.

Also what happens to their DNA data? Do they destroy it?

I think you have to pay extra but yeah it does

the fda forbids them from a lot of the health stuff

BUT they give you the raw data and you can use other tools to analyze it.

There's a sucker born every minute user.

(I would bet most of the people doing this don't realize what bullshit it is. They suffer from trust of authority and learned helplessness, sure 20 minutes with a genetics text would enlighten them, but they won't question what they are told.)

If I send a sample in twice, a month apart, will the results be 100% identical?

How is that pathetic. Knowing if I'm 1 or 6% native american is a big fucking deal. Same with knowing if I'm 1 or 25% jewish.

Considering their genetic strengths, knowing this will help me figure out my own personal strengths.

show me a picture and i'll give you a breakdown for free. some things are common sense.

Only one way to find out, give them your money TWICE :)

>Do they destroy it?
There is a checkbox to destroy afterward. They've offered free re-test when they updated their hardware though.

There is a small chance of not being able to read certain SNPs due to poor sample or reliability. So there is chance of very minor .1% differences. If it's a vital, rare snp that is very specific to one population I guess it could sway up to .2-.3% but no more.

>Knowing if I'm 1 or 6% native american is a big fucking deal.

In what fucking universe?

Step aside cucks, I am the captain now.

Good evening Elliot

It's literally a Jew trick of the century. They are handing over their databases to the feds on request, look it up. Basically you're going all YES MR. GOLDSTEIN LET ME GIVE YOU MY DNA I'LL EVEN PAY FOR IT, BUT AT LEAST I CAN SHITPOST ABOUT MY HURRTAGE ON Sup Forums NOW! All for a lousy fucking chart.

>handing over their databases to the feds on request
All of the testing websites have stated they turn down requests every time. Only when they are requested in criminal trial did they say they would.

How much does it cost to give them my genetic blueprint?

Except that they can't actually determine that.

I know, that's their whole ad campaign. Like most ad campaigns, it's a lie.

The only part of the DNA that can reliably be associated with 'ancestry' is the ydna and the mtdna. If you're interested in ancestry you should get those specific tests done by a reputable lab.

The rest of their report, the vast majority of it, is pretty close to pure bullshit. The somatic dna can tell us a lot but the one thing it definitely cannot give us any reliable info on is deep ancestry. Nonetheless, that's exactly the kind of information they'll claim to derive from it. They'll send you this nice visually impressive report that purports to break down your deep ancestry to a fraction of a percent, based primarily on data that is known to be completely unreliable for that task.

This is the new astrology.

Yes, and Hillary confirms that she didn't break the law.

R1b-U106 desu though lad and I'm 2.9% Neanderthal.

Anyway, you should make hapas. Fuck a jap today my dude.

Nah, I'm a Hispanic getting married to a Filipina next year m8

They do get it right though, pretty much. I got 96 % Scandinavian and 4 % finnish which fits well with what I expected.

the overlords are actually using it to find certain types of "humans"

reee stop shitposting.

While I agree that YDNA is the best at tracing ancestry, you're losing site of the genes associated with many traits and blood disorders have population associations. sickle cell, malaria resistance.

Its true, not a shitpost.

>websites have stated

Right user. Where did I hear that one before? "We at Facebook would never compromise our users' privacy by sharing their data with government agencies" or something like that.


Oh and user, just by the way, this is the 23andme CEO


Nothing to fear here goy, your DNA is safe.

They obviously give the data when it's seriously needed. You give that right away when you agree to their terms. This isn't a conspiracy. I'm just saying they came out and admitted they have had requests, and turned them down.

So you can find out you're a jew, convert, and leverage your chosen status into a share of the shekels

(((seriously needed)))

ree spic go back 2 mexico

Their tests aren't even accurate

anyone recall all those blood samples taken in china during the 80's and 90's, then SARs

I've had that page linked to me more times then I've seen the word kike by now.

Don't you have some shitty subreddit to troll?

What the heck!!! I'm 100% Germanic master race


No but seriously nothing wrong with Eurasians.

If I marry Asian my kids will pass as Asian and if I marry white my kids will pass as white, I can choose what I like tbqh famalam.

$5 says they just call everyone part jewish or black to make people think they're diverse mongrels

>if you think handing your DNA over to the Jews is a bad idea you belong to reddit!

Could've fooled me Chaim




I know our Saxon genes give us the urge to colonize the wombs of conquered tribes, but it is a ruse.

Find a thiqq French-Canadian girl and bear good children.

Because I want to

Saged and hidden for viral marketing.


>le happy merchant

"guerilla marketing" you uneducated savage

viral marketing is what your grandma does when she shares a Kraft fucking recipe commercial on facefuck

Then take your data and run it through dozens of other programs, compare it against the data of thousands of people that studies have been done on.
>handing over
I hope you weren't born at a hospital, burn cups after you use them. Don't do anything in public. Why would the government or some organization run by jews planning on cloning you or creating biochemical weapons try and go through all the bullshit regulations, and hassle of corporate oversight. Why not just have a dude follow you and dig in your trash?

Also, you used newfag ((())) memes

> expecting me to smell my own urine

Its owned by a jewess and her sister is the ceo at youtube

>questioning the legitimacy of a website as well as critiquing it is somehow viral marketing

> Sup Forums is right every time

That's actually why I'm R1b-U106, because some Norman-French guy came to Canada in the 17th century.

Pretty mixed away at this point since I'm only 1/16 Norman French but I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a French qt.

this is my mix
My ancestors loved miscegenation wew

>What's the motive?
For some people it is. I mean if $100 is all it takes to lift your frail ego you might as well take it. I personally took it because I'm mixed as all hell and was curious about lesser known sides of my family. Turns out I've got a bit of every race outside of Oceanian (denotes abbos in 23andme) in my blood, which I found sorta interesting. Also was good to know I didn't have any genetic disorders.

>The only part of the DNA that can reliably be associated with 'ancestry' is the ydna and the mtdna.
You seem knowledgable on the subject so how do I go about getting my ydna or my mtdna tested?

>Then take your data and run it through dozens of other programs, compare it against the data of thousands of people that studies have been done on.

name a program that accomplishes this for the same price point

>didn't have any genetic disorders



GEDmatch is decent website.

It gives a more accurate representation of your ancestry given your raw data and helps you locate others who may be related to you.

Plus they have a little eye colour predictor meme.

I really wanna see where I come from. I only have 1 grandparent that knows anything about where they came from so I only know about 25% of what I'm made of genetically. And this this is the perfect answer to my problem.

Is that a legitimate reason, oh based shiro poster?

>The only part of the DNA that can reliably be associated with 'ancestry' is the ydna and the mtdna. If you're interested in ancestry you should get those specific tests done by a reputable lab.

23andme gives you both of those.

>The rest of their report, the vast majority of it, is pretty close to pure bullshit.

im a mix of east and west european and it guessed it pretty accurately.

Yup, carry on

genographic 2.0 and ancestrydna.

very subtle. i like it

'cause it's simply fun.

I liked seeing my ancestry geographically. I learned that I'm 93% white European
and frankly it did make me feel better about myself.
Plus, learning about the medical stuff was pretty useful. Now I know what to look out for.

my ancestors have been in the new world since god knows when, only way to find out where I was actually from

now this is a fucking waste of money.

I don't know about this one, but every ad for Ancestry.com has the actor finding out they are Native American. What a coincidence they just happen to be part of the race that gets free shit.

Yeah making a $100 dollar profit is fun

It's interesting.

I found out I have the warrior gene.

My Y-haplogroup is R1b-L21
(Royal Scotts & Guinness brewing family)

>german refugee.png

23andme says im 0.1% ashkenazi. where are my shekels. please give shekels now.

>Plus they have a little eye colour predictor meme.

DNA.LAND has an eye colour predictor that's far more accurate.

>.1% Sub Saharan African
You have 5 seconds to explain why you haven't killed yourself yet?


your genome cannot be depersonalized

Central American jungle goblin tier.

>.3% Ashkenazi

this is the only explanation

>Dad was adopted, didn't know ancestor or disease weakness

>did this and found out i'm half slav with a possibility of Kidney disease

Was worth it for the $100 to know.

spot on negro


you are 99% european but Sup Forums will consider you a jew because of the 0.3%.

That's an odd mix, post a pic of your face?


I'm getting one for Christmas, but my gramps on my dad side is a fresh-off-the-boat Norwegian and my gramps on my mom side is a racist Virginian with a Confederacy museum so I don't expect to be 23% West African. Still, should be cool to see the exact numbers.

>My Y-haplogroup is R1b-L21

same. my fathers fathers line is from ireland where its a healthy majority.

>0.1% sub saharan african

You know the rules, one drop means you're a nigger.

Am I white?

>I don't expect to be 23% West African.

some people, especially americans, get surprising results. dont be shocked at 1 to 5% native american or nignog.

Looks like one of your ancestors was a fucking wagon burner.

>posting an einstein quote

The height of pseudo-intellectualism, here is your (you)

Please don't scare me Aussie bro.

my mother had parkinsons and they tested both her, myself and extended family to try and find trends with her and other patients.

Also, there is a lot of info in there (I'm almost 3% Neanderthal bitches) that pretty cool.