They never fucking learn, they just double down.
Lets make the democrats even more antiwhite.
They've already begun demonizing white women, the best thing we can do is encourage this. If we get white women back it's over for them.
My God that bitch looks mean
what do you expect
leftards are all fucking stupid
We don't need to - they're already tearing themselves apart like rabid animals after losing the presidency. They're gonna keep doing the same shit that lost them so many sane voters and electorates until they crumble.
>D-didn't you hear me you fucking Conserva-shits?!?!?
>I don't get it... why isn't it working anymore??
>How can I be losing my powers???
You uses that spell too many times on us. Diminishing returns is a bitch, huh?
This needs to be memed hard
“My wife’s boyfriend (open relationship) heard it from the news first and so he and my wife’s son were both scared silly for a few days before everything was explained. I also got a call from my rabbi frantically trying to talk me out of doing anything more violent until finally I managed to explain to him that it was a hoax.”
is this real or banter?
At this point, I don't think the Democrats are going to do so good in 2018 elections.
Ted Cruz looks pretty good in uniform.
She looks like her mother beat the shit out of her as a child because she was jealous her father kept sleeping with her.
Wtf? Is this how retards say "spokesperson" now?
wow. they wish to become irrelevant at light speed.
AMEN SISTA *clap emoticon* *clap emoticon* *clap emoticon* *clap emoticon* *clap emoticon* *clap emoticon* *clap emoticon*
So trendy :^)
Probably the same retards who literally use the word POTUS when speaking
We have some retarded fetish for shortening everything now. It drives me crazy - I used to see ads in my old rural town where they shortened chicken to chix.
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 true % #sisterhood bix nood #jacub #thirdeye
>Democrats ragequit white people
It's like they're trying to lose.
But they're right though you alt right racist.
What are niggers going to do when they push all Whites out and they become the bitch in the relation to the Spics? Spics have higher IQ and will outnumber them.
Same. I fucking despise it.
Oh god that shit makes me cringe hard.
can we just gas them yet
It's sad how real this is.
There is a time and a place for that wisdom, user. And it is exactly when you shared it with us. Good form.
We've had white women this whole time. In 2012, too. You know why Democrats say they get the female vote? Black women vote for them 95%+, no exaggeration. Hispanics aren't far behind.
The majority of whites were always on the same page, the issue was just the sheer number of shitskins and keeping white turnout high when so many are apathetic.
They're not wrong.
White Children are a minority.
Unless the Republicans can use these next 2 to 4 years to drastically lower the amount of latinos, and drastically encourage whites to reproduce (this largely means somehow breathing life into many Rural Communities that, for all intents and purposes, died in 08) then this election was basically one last big hurrah for White People.
One sylb words are the fute of comm, my man.
Fit a thought in a line.
Oh please make all the visible Democrat leaders black. That will do wonders with Latinos, Indians, and asians.
If they ever push whites out the same thing that happened to South Africa will happen to the US; they'll push out the people who were literally running everything for them and now that no one's left to run anything, everything goes to hell. The entire country would become Detroit in a matter of years.
Yay twitter! Honestly, trump should be executed just for encouraging people to use twitter and text speak more.
Africa's got a lot of black people. They should move there and make it their paradise.
I guess there's just nothing more progressive than encouraging greater and greater amounts of racism.
This. I'm on my fake twitter account with thousands of followers pretending to be a black guy who hates whites. I just egg them on and they fall for it hook line and sinker. They are gullible as fuck.
One helpful thing I learned about the retarded Spencer shilling that's been going is that they're right, the left doesn't punch to the left. They are much more susceptible to extremism than the right, in the end scaring moderates over to our cause.
Dis gud I hope they keep this shit up for another four years kek
Just give them more rope to hang themselves and let them dig their own graves.
Nothing to do but sit back and laugh lads
Reminder to signal boost this shit as much as you can
Pretend to be an SJW and tell white people to fuck themselves
Spam these links on Facebook
she (?) is right though. they need the best people for the job, they may or may not be white :^)
Why should a black woman head up the DNC? Hispanic men have contributed far more to this country.
This, get it trending now
The best part is that if the democrats had nominated a white male, it would've been a landslide against Trump.
Soros wants to spend 10 million dollars on false flag attacks?
Little does he know that we do it for free.
>the best thing we can do is encourage this
Signal boost this
Do you think this will make younger whites more or less likely to vote Democrat in the future?
>the majority of young whites voting in their best interest
Got a little emotional there. I forget just how loud the left is sometimes
Doing keks work
>Former Sanders Spox
The fuck is a Spox?
And yes Dems PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put nothing but nogs/spics/trannies in charge of your party. Dear Kek PLEASE DO IT!!!
das it mane
I'm just glad whites banded together and realized that Hillary and the left had absolutely nothing to offer them and voted accordingly. It gives me some hope that the media brainwashing in this country isn't as pervasive as it feels.
The book should be titled
>How to make the Democratic Party useless in 4 years
I pray to KEK, that they put that islamic nigger as the head of the DNC, please KEK.
This right here. Just have a beer and watch em' burn it all down.
>The fuck is a Spox?
Degenerate nigger-hipster babble that is used unironically in the area around the DC beltway, primarily by staffers and reporters.
These soulless, culturally devoid lemmings have successfully butchered the Anglo-Saxon tongue.
The greatest law Trump can pass is one making it permissible to brand the opening lines of Beowulf on the foreheads of these mystery-meat cucks.
Always makes me think of that weird scene in boogie nights
I like the jessie's girl part
Oh how beautiful would it be.
Imagine LBJ spinning in his grave, that " those niggers voting Democratic for 200 years." end up doing just that, because the party itself is exclusivly black. The black voter base rendered totally worthless forever.
Pure banter and it was hilarious
friendly reminder that this nigger excuses crimes against elderly white people
This, this landslide was our first action in a new ethnic consciousness.
I hope they go full anti-White instead of these dog-whistles. Just give Trump his second term already. Why would any White person want to vote for them?
>tfw Trump destroyed the Democratic party
Although they did it to themselves as well.
if anything we should encourage antiwhite propoganda
It was a joint effort really. The left needed to broadcast that they hated whites and Trump needed to prove it and provide a better option for them. Without somewhere else for us to put our votes we'd be stuck with Hillary right now.
wait, didn't a bunch of white people make donald trump president in key states?
communists are not male. they are not even human. sop bernie doesnt count.
She's not wrong
How do we meme them into just starting a 3rd party black nationalist movement?
We are the bargain bin Jew.
The problem with these blacks and half black peoples who always say this kind of shit is in their minds its whites can non white, when in reality non whites aren't united at all. Asians fucking hate blacks and Latinos have a very clear hierarchy when it comes to races and mixes with whites at the top and full blacks at the bottom.
Most whites, Asians and Latinos seem to have an understanding that while they don't like each other much, they don't have enough of a reason to hate each other to unite against one another either.
Trolling the left into a permanent triggering where all they can say is "That's racist" was likely the single biggest factor in Trump winning the election. It began well before the election cycle, but even Trump was on board with the anti-PC movement that really got boosted into the mainstream 2013-2014 when SJWs got power hungry.
They can't figure it out because because they are unwilling to see beyond the doctrine we have pushed them to defend and completely identify with. They've built their entire social structure around their shitty politics and most of them don't feel they can change their opinion even if they wanted to.
As long as they cling to extremist views and adhere to their hugbox social circles, they will never stand a chance at stopping us from reaching the moons of Jupiter.
Trump REEEElection confirmered, ahead of schedule and under budget, thanks democraps!
The democrats are going all in on a demographic shift in the US.
I'm not saying vote Republican, but any white American who votes democrat is a literal race traitor and should be treated accordingly.
>I'm not saying vote Republican,
>But dont vote democrat
Third party is a meme
It'll stay that way if people keep thinking that way.
America really needs preferential voting.
They are dooming there chances at winning in four years, unless trump is a truly awful president.
Its so fucking funny.
Even Bill Maher tried to make a point that all the Dems did for the last 4 years was ignore the plight of white men because they were white and to check their privilege, to which some bitch from Mtv got mad and said
>Are you seriously saying democrats should pander to white men?!!!!!
They just don't learn.
Even more hilarious is they think they'll win in 2 years. Their getting antsy in their pantsy screaming about
They seriously think the Republicans, the conservatives, the white men, the racists, are just gonna be satisfied with Trump and the Republicans winning this round and go home never to be heard from again.
They really think that we're not gonna come back just as hard in 2 years, in 4 years, in 8 years. They really think that Trump was enough, that we're not gonna start going after sjw's, the biased media, and this gender retardation.
They just don't learn, they still don't realize calling all non-liberals and white racist, stupid, and fat is not helping them.
They think their celebrity support is changing peoples minds.
We can't stop. We have to hit them even harder in 2 years.
I'm trans-racist.
Stop being so raciphobic jewlord.
Niggers when will they learn
Does anybody honestly see a way for Democrats to get out of this spiral?
>My suggestion: the only long-term option for the Republicans, the de facto white party, is to rebrand the Democrats as the de facto black party.
>Hispanics and Asians certainly will never be terribly happy with the idea of being junior partners in the white party. (Indeed, lots of white people have an allergy to belonging to the white party.) Hence, the alternative must be framed that if Hispanics and Asians don`t want to be junior partners in the white party, they get be junior partners in the black party.
>Black or white: choose one.
>Or they can not choose and stay home on Election Day.
>The subtle cunning of the tactic of rebranding the Democrats as the black party is not to criticize the Democrats for being the vehicle of African-American political activism, but to praise them for it, over and over, in the most offhand “everybody-knows” ways.
>Republicans can hurry along the coming Democratic train wreck by, for example, lauding blacks as the “moral core” of the Democratic Party. Respectfully point out that the Democratic Party is the rightful agent for the assertion of African-American racial interests, and that advancing black interests is central to the nature of the Democratic Party. Note that, while individual blacks wishing to vote for the good of the country are more than welcome in the GOP, black racial activists have their natural home in the Democratic Party. That`s what the Democrats are there for.
Yes, keep going like this, double down until there's no turning back, let 2016 become this century turning point.
I have so many facebook friends saying they're getting stronger and the "dinosaurs" will die out.
They honestly believe they will win. They don't grasp that hispanics are conservative too, and once Trump makes immigration easier for non-criminals and kicks out the criminals and moochers they'll have nothing. Democratic Party is dead.
End identity politics. Talk about trade, industrial growth, regulations, and foreign policy.
Democrats typically have terrible midterm performance, and so long as they possess no intention of redistributing gains from trade into the interior they aren't going to get shit. No one needs two Republican parties.
>Keith Ellison
That's about the only other person in the entire Democratic party, if not entire American political system, that I'd be as opposed to the election of as I was Hillary Clinton
oh I kind of like a few policies as temporary boosters. Like free education to boost numbers of medical staff and maintain a distribution of trained individuals. Shame that might not happen now. I hope the libertarians get together with some [ distributists ] and blow the Dems out of the water.
Worlds gone nuts.
>hispanics are conservative
there's that meme again.
"hispanics" are genetically predisposed to socialism. They vote for socialism in Mexico. They vote for socialism in Venezuela. They vote for socialism in Ecuador. They vote for socialism in Nicaragua. They vote for socialism in Colombia. And they vote for socialism in America. Whichever politician is promising the most gibs will always be the one who receives a "hispanics" vote. The only hope for America's future is if Trump follows through on his promise to build a wall and flushes the third world shit back to the cesspool they came from. Otherwise their numbers will grow and we'll devolve into another Latin American style one-party socialist corrupt system.
We don't really have to...
They are doing this to themselves.
>They've already begun demonizing white women
>implying this will hurt them
you're forgetting how masochistic urban whites are.