WTF i hate trump now!
The alt-right attacks a transgirl's face driving her to suicide
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Is there a problem
nice LG phone
I need to see a pic of the trans person in question
If it was a fucking ugly fat piece of shit than he/she deserved to fucking die.
But if it was a qt trap than those ppl need an ass whoopin
Good fuck the mentally ill
>trump then swastika then kkk
this flag seems kinda flase to me desu famalamamma
Being trans drives people to suicide.
that's one way to lose lose waite
No such thing.
Glad it an hero'd
>linking neofag
>this implying at Neogaf
Trans people killing themselves is normal
Deal with it.
Maybe if we treated this like a fucking mental disorder that creates emotional instability instead of parading transgenderism off as some "perfectly normal, and ok and you're such a special snowflake" thing then this shit wouldn't be fucking happening.
Can I get a pic of the suicide not pls?
Good stuff.
And not of value was lost
heil trump for making the world a better place
What are those buzzwords?
Anyway the world is a better place now, and not because a mentally ill killed itself, but because a mentally ill crybaby genetic failure killed itself.
the best treatment available for transsexualism is transitioning. but everybody seems to glorify having a disorder. why i dont know.
couple that with the fact you have confused coddled children that want to be "special" and you have the whole tranny degeneracy thing
t. mtf transsexual
>animu profile pic
explain yourselves, weebs
>the best treatment available for transsexualism is transitioning
see a therapist regularly instead of cutting pieces off
t. in therapy for other reasons
>the best treatment available for transsexualism is crucifixion
The best treatment is a trip to Uncle Mike's garage
the problem is Jewish therapists telling kids to take chemicals and lop their dicks off
i don't accept any meds, though they do try
talking about your problems is the best way.
>This was hands-down the most terrible thing I have seen in all my years on the internet.
kek, its far below an average day on pol. Sometimes I forget that what im used to see here everyday isnt 'normal'
why the suicide rate remain the same then ?
It's medical professionals who are normalizing this shit. Absolutely do not take a delusional tranny kid to a therapist/psychologist
Bye, degenerate.
this fucking hilarious
i saw a therapist for several months before starting hormones and i continued with it for the first 2 years of transitioning.
becuase being a tranny fucking sucks, and many give up and check out. guess im just stubborn. transitioning, in my case at least, has helped me a great deal.
>why the suicide rate remain the same then ?
it doesnt.
>expecting sympathy from Sup Forums for degenerates
You do realize we're national socialists right?
You know, the people who killed homosexuals and other forms of degenerates?
>becuase being a tranny fucking sucks
Yes im sure that being mentally ill enough to believe youre something youre factually and scientifically not must be hard. Esp. since society decided to pretend that everything is normal instead of trying to find a cure
>Cute animu picture
>Ugly old fat cow
Since when are nazi's the alt-right?
everything you dont like is altright now. thats usually how it works
>Full space automated gay luxury communism is mankind's only hope
Famous last words.
>the best treatment available for transsexualism is transitioning.
No, no it isn't. The best treatment for this and w hole other range of disorders including MDP and autism, always was and still is low to medium yield ECT treatmens.
But hey, those are barbaric because that movie with Jack Nicholson and mister pharma jew wouldn't make any shekels.
better cut off your penis then! be sure to restock your some 20 odd prescriptions!
Statistically speaking, he would have done it eventually, anyway. With the way they are, if you wanna start beating up on tranny haters, then start imprisoning all mirrors, it's their biggest enemy.
thats some autistic tier polack comments right there. Except that I can see their faces. But seriously tho, how does one person get cyber bullied? I never fully understood the concept
idk the left lost touch with reality. im sure they will find a way to blame christians for this and white men specifically
we didnt tell any one to cut their dick off but we are the bad guy
we don't have to answer to you
Let me tell you about trannys my senpaitachi. I am friends with one, and they are legitimately mentally ill.
The only way a tranny would ever be 100% happy and not kill themselves would be if they magically woke up one morning as a biological female. No matter how much hormones and surgery, they still cant have babies. and for the ones that cant afford the surgeries or hormones, they will live all their (short) lives longing to be better. every imperfection, every male feature nagging them in the brain. Even if they are 100% passable, its only gonna last until their lat 20s at best. theyre all ticking timebombs
it's almost like there's a button on the computer that.. i don't know, cuts off power to the computer? I think I've seen it somewhere..
You guys should organize a newer national holiday, just like february 14, but instead of sending love letters and commiting to each other you gonna send nazi images and copypastas to liberal and transes, forcing their commitment to tge suicide.
i agree other treatment methods should be researched.
transitioning can work for some cases but it is not a extremely successful treatment
fuck off mike
>The alt-right attacks a transgirl's face driving her to suicide
Send our condolences, good thing we ain't alt-right so it's not our problem.
that is one ugly tranny
this is the one who posted the OP of the gaf thread, not the one who died
>get one(1) shot at life
>look like that
I feel so bad
For anonymous posters people here really love to say that they're not something. Who cares? Just shrug it off lmao
like half of us would send nazi images back
>all those Sup Forums memes on Facebook
that's fucking awesome. they're absorbing and reposting our message without shitting up Sup Forums itself.
So you probably should take that up with the parents of the child that didnt get her the doctors she needed or the internet control she needed or if you feel lucky you can even blame the alt right (even though you have to have mental issues to kill yourself over internet comments) but in the end the question remains Why you spamming on pol?
what did she do?
Hey rabbi, watcha doin.
does anyone have the original ?
More dead trannies and sexual deviants pls
i've never found it
Can't make a claim without an unbiased source, ya dipshit
I don't know why, I was expecting a cute girl or something, I guess it was the name Kate that made me think that it would be that.
Then I saw that photo, LOOOL
No Harold message. what the hell is wrong with you people?
""""""""Cute""""""" trannies are just as messed up and repulsive as gross fat ugly trannies
Blaire white still has a dick and I dont mind in the slightest
>Random people do something on the Internet
>Blame Trump
>Cry about it like a pussy to some random board.
>Take Dildo in ass
>Lay on floor
>Try not to cry
>Cry a lot
That's because you are some gross fat faggot neckbeard who spends all day on Sup Forums masturbating to tranny pics. Get help this is not normal there is something wrong with you
>Sup Forums
>not carrying half of the DSM book disorders
Fucking top kek, God damn lol, that things' face makes me laugh pretty hard.
Whatever you say, bud, I'm sure you're an upstanding guy who's comfortable with what he likes
>Sometimes I forget that what im used to see here everyday isnt 'normal'
normal 4me
Indict well catter
I am just saying that you have been brainwashed. It's amazing how easily you can influence the autistic NEETs. Spam faggot pics on Sup Forums for a few years and now every single ugly neckbeard NEET is a faggot who wants to suck cock. Go get help.
I feel sorry for the doctors having to look at that corpse.
>he feel for the homosex meme
The only part of this I don't approve of are all those sweet image macros being sized for ants. Does anyone have higher-quality versions of them? I particularly want the one of Mike "Hooking Degenerates up to Generators" Pence calling for his battery, and the "Liquor, Guns, Bacon, and Tits" one for my collection.
Is that a future version of a liberal?
if he'd have 1/3 of the chin he has, he'd look like a passable woman lol
NO its not. Suicide rate for normal humans is under 2% of the population. Suicide rate for trannies is 20%. Before transitioning. AND longterm after transitioning.
Transitioning ONLY helps short term, as there are changes and it gives the trans person something to focus on and look forward to. The suicide rate drops after transitioning. But the longer time goes on, the suicide rate climbs right back up to where it was before transitions.
you know that 'landmark' study that shows trans brains are different that every tranny cites? The very reason that that Swedish study was done? It was done on 6 MtF transpeople who had fully transitioned, and they were autopsied post-mortem after they had killed themselves. It was to try to figure out why the 6 trans people, who had fully transitioned, who had the support of friends and family in Sweden, a fully progressive nation..why they had STILL all killed themselves. To see if there was a physical reason for it that might be resident in their brain to explain why transitioning had not helped them.
anyone has the screenshot of the suicide note? i read he advocated for violence measure against trump supporters
whatcha doin rabbi?
How about an archive faggot.
>Trolls are alt-right now
So were they always alt-right or is this a new and faggoty idea? Seems like a new and faggoty idea to me.
>Won't accept elected president
>Kills self
I'll be reading my children this story for years
You're going with that? Okay.
Neofaggots must be destroyed, by any means necessary.
Its probably because they are delusional and think they look like a princess after the transition , then when they keep looking like a freak they kill them self
Only every tranny cites that even though they can't read the swedish, to show 'oh the male and female brains are different'.
Male hypothalami (a gland in the brain) are larger and more dense than the hypothalamus in females. These poor 6 swedish suicides who were autopsied, found that their hypothalami were slightly less dense and slightly smaller...they had not gotten as small as or less dense as females, but they could be seen to be a BIT smaller and less dense than males.
BECAUSE THEY HAD BEEN ON HRT FOR YEARS. Just like hormones grow boobs and get rid of hair, it changed the hypothalamus glands slightly.
Also, the autopsies and brain sections were taken without the consent of the families and that went into litigation.
But every tranny cites that study, which was done to see why even transitioned trannies kill themselves, as some kind of benchmark.
The depression when these poor people figure out that they will never be the sex they want to be, and that their new bodies are frankenstein approximations, sends them deeper into despression.
Please take a peek at the poor people on that site and their stories before you ever would think of going under a knife. It helps SO FEW that its not even worth it. 20% still kill themselves. it doesn't help except short term. There will always be doctors who will take your money, but its not worth it when they still take their lives.
Thank you.
No problem man.
My friend gave me this perspective.
So, a dude in a dress with low impulse controls and a lack of discipline thinks he can escape the prison of his own making by changing his sex. Finds out that blaming the world for not accepting him, without trying to improve himself, is not working. Elects to end his life rather than effect change in the world of the living.
It's a sad story, and the letter is sad and pitiable, but the bit at the end about gay space communism ruined the tone completely.
Quality post.
Apparently this thing took two shots.