Fucking BOOM.
Never thought of it like this. Amazing.
Fucking BOOM.
Never thought of it like this. Amazing.
synapses... firing
This type sanctimonious pandering from "cool" old people started with Obama and is only getting worse.
Heil the Empire
Fuck this oldfag
fuck that hippy - low test old fag
If kek is real, I hope all the cancer in the world gets transferred from sick people to the Soros family and the CTR nerd virgins
how will Drumpf ever recover from this?
What the fuck happened to James Hetfield?
Heretic scum.
For the Emperor!
Was I the only kid who wanted to be a stormtrooper, not some pussy ass rebel?
Holy shit. Some leftist faggot is holding a sign. THE END IS NEAR! ITS ALL OVER FOR US! I'M WITH HER!
We're going to make America Great again, faggots. Choke on it.
Ja, und was noch?
Get fucked, Rebel scum.
He looks like the kind of guy you could walk right up to, punch in the face, kick inthe balls, curb stomp...
and he'd stay down.
I wanted to be a force user. Didn't really care about the politics.
What is it about that face that always shows up on leftist faggots?
That dopey glassy eyed look desperate for approval, like they're putting on a performance hoping for a treat.
What the fuck is the Mockingjay? Is it anything like To Kill a Mockingbird?
That dudes suffering from a bad case of arrested development. grow up, old cunt
This, the Empire did nothing wrong
You are an astronomical faggot.
I really need you to kys.
He's just an old white man who needs to die, amirite?
Literally manchildren who cannot find their way out of their delusions.
this is super fucking gay. but i'd fight for the empire. fuck the retard rebel alliance
Again with this cringey as fuck photo.
Sucks that the best they can do is march in the streets brandishing guns they think they can use effectively.
Leftists would suck in overwhelming portions for a civil war.
If only the left wasn't low T then there might be a proper conflict.
I always ended up on the darkside in the games.
Never happened in any other RPG only the jedi knight games and KOTOR
>3 pop culture references
>expecting any more resistance than a few millennials in denial
get a gun hippie
Fucking BOOM.
Never thought of it like this. Amazing.
The empire did nothing wrong.
What are a bunch of loser nerds who read mainstream "whoa dude, magic and fairies!" books going to do? Whine and throw weak-ass punches?
Please fight back, nerds.
Why would I fight back against the empire when jedi were pretty much shown as being intensely incompetent?
A bunch of pretentious old men trying to play at ruling the world.
Why can't these faggots separate reality from fiction?
the empire literally did nothing wrong
all rebels should be executed
They imagine great moral teachings in their novels
It makes them feel like reading fiction is important and not entertainment.
>old man uses modern cultural memes to raise awareness about political issues
>Gets made fun of on the internet
Top kek
t. avid anime watcher
You fucking moron these are all populist movements against a corrupt establishment.
So yes, pretty sure everyone on Sup Forums is down for this.
I sexually identified as an AT-AT and all I wanted to do was walk on Hoth while firing my hot glowing load on some rebel scum without tripping.
The Empire was right though.
It brought peace to that fucked up galaxy, but of course that faggot whiny Luke had to ruin it.
The Empire did nothing wrong.
>This type sanctimonious pandering from "cool" old people started with Obama and is only getting worse.
Baby boomers should be put in areas and made fight to the death using budda statues as weapons while genx members of the crowd get to stone the winner to death with copies of maos little red book
The empire did nothing wrong.
>implying anyone is US politics is more like Palpatine than Hillary Clinton
>If you'd fight back against the Empire
TIE Fighter was my first redpill
>implying anyone in US politics more like JarJar then Donald Trump.
or president snow
or delores umbridge
Voldemort did nothing wrong. The Empire did nothing wrong. Have no idea who the fuck are the bad guys in Hunger Games, but I'm sure they did nothing wrong either.
It was acknowledged several times over that the Empire was a necessity to galactic peace and stability. It was great when in one of the novels Han returns home expecting to find his planet even better than when he grew up, and it has all gone to shit due to infighting and apathy. He then realised that the only reason things were the way they were originally was because the Empire enforced peace in his system.
There was nothing more satisfying than blowing up rebel transports and shuttles.
Yes, the deep state changes hands after an election, good goy.
Voldemort, the hunger games guy, and the Empire are all badass. I'd much rather side with them to kill old fags like this
It's just their facial expression, but 2016 has been a pretty bad year for cucks, and liberals are simply much more emotional and worse sore losers, so you're more likely to see them in a bad mood,
I hate ya fiction.
George Soros is definitely a defiant, righteous underdog.
When this thread was made last night I was the first post and I likened this guy to the ll the varg spam
I got no replies but later on in the thread someone did the same exact thing and some faggot replied to him with "my sides"
I swear to fucking god he did it to torture me
>not wanting to be the empire or sith
>wanting to be a blue pilled faggy jedi that gets genocided every couple of centuries because their force powers fucking suck and they can't handle anything that even slightly refutes their world view
When this thread was made last night I was the first post and I likened this guy to the ll the varg spam
I got no replies but later on in the thread someone did the same exact thing and some faggot replied to him with "my sides"
I swear to fucking god he did it to torture me
Jar Jar is the key to all this
Saved for my posture gains.
Holy fuck that is some wild gay shit right there.
Don't do it for you's. 90% of people lurk
Wait wait wait, hold the fuck up. Are you assuming I wouldn't be sith?
wtf i hate luke skywalker now!
He needs a MAGA hat
I agree. If we're going to be on the side of the Empire, then fuck yeah! The Empire rocks.
Inb4 he expects someone else to do the killing and dying for his ideals
Sup Forums i am disappoint - that sign is just screaming for new words
I'd do it now but it's bedtime.
LOL at these genetic trash nerds thinking they can go to war.
Good luck fags, I would gladly go against you on the battlefield, it would be the greatest purge.
hahahah btfo how will we ever recover omg im ded
u got me partner
Remote control droideka 2.0 please.
Pew pew pew
Hunger Games is one of those faggy, pre-teen GRRRRL POWER!! book series
>ironically Mary Sue main character winds up being the pawn of a corrupt bitch to kill the old corrupt dictator
>she kills both, fucks off with her boytoy, and the system remains fucked
But other than that it's a lazy Battle Royale ripoff
>If you ever said you would fight with the 300 at Thermopylae
>If you'd follow Emperor Constantine XI into battle
>If you'd fight back against Bog brother (because you are patrician and prefer literature to movies)
Now's the time