Why are you still a slave to the vaginal jew?

Benefits of being with a trap:
>Have the same interests as you
>Can play video games with
>Far less likely to be a feminist cunt
>They keep their body shaved and smooth
>Give 10/10 blowjobs because they're familiar with the tools
>Is willing to go much further in exploring things with you in bed
>Tight holes
>No periods, ever
>Can cum inside and they can't get pregnant
>Will never divorce you and force you to pay child support
>Shy, timid, loyal
>Would love to dress up in sexy clothing for you
>Smell good (if they're on hormones)

>Mentally ill
But then again name one woman who isn't
>People might think you're a fag
Who gives a shit what they think?
>Can't have kids
Plenty of alternatives

eh most of them aren't very attractive irl

it's easy to hide man hands and stuff with angles.

Not opposed to traps, but anal is gross. Frottage is okay. Sage.

most traps are ugly tho

and look like shit later in life

I came here to say this.
The con of traps is that buttholes are disgusting.
They will always smell like shit.



youre all faggots, stop fooling yourselves. Day of the rope, degenerates...

Even if you bleach the entrance and give it an enema with an aromatic fluid or something?

If you don't put in the work, of course it'll smell like shit. It's an asshole.

Unfortunately, your assumption that you might find some degenerates on this board to validate your faggotry is not far off. I hope you find what satisfies your sick desires you subhuman.

>citation needed
>butthole syrup all over your dick
>STD's more likely
>manly voice/features
>ugly as fuck 90% of the time
>i can't impregnate them with my white seed

>come into thread
>look at image
fuck you op. fukc you for tricking me

>literally mentally ill
>degenerate as fuck
>fake and GAY

faggotry is a sin
do not fall for traps


>not feminist

Alt-right here.

I wear panties every day just praying that one day some cute boy sees them creeping over my waistband. I look great in makeup but I'm too afraid to show anyone.

Is anyone here looking for a trap gf? I can do long distance I just need someone to fuck me without degenerating me. Do you know how hard it is to find people who like me with the same political beliefs as me?

Am i kawaii?



This and sage.

You have to go back to Sup Forums OP.


Too hot, user. I wish I had a sister. I'd have such easier access to make up and panties. I literally just steal what I can from my dorm's laundry room.

Are there really right wing men who desire traps but keep it to themselves for religious or social reasons?

Fucking hot. Fuck i want this to jappen to me.