What does "Wog" means in Australian?
>Does it means Arab or South Europeans?
What does "Wog" means in Australian?
>Does it means Arab or South Europeans?
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I love foreign racism kek
someone from Greece or Italy
its not really a racial epithet here any more, kind of endearing like pom. the italian kids at my high school referred to themselves as wogs
Some people will say it means southern european, others will say it means arabs as well
Everyone do the wog!
Italians and Greeks mainly. But also Maltese.
Lebs being labelled wogs is an insult to Italians and Greeks. I'm 100% Anglo btw
Are Southern European descent Australians good?
Did they integrate into Anglo-Saxon culture?
I was told wogs were niggers.
Wog here. I was born in Australia and it's a term for Italians and Greeks. Italians call each other wogs kind of like how Niggers call themselves niggas. The only difference is that it isn't a taboo among them. In Australia you can have a movie called "wog boy," in burger land, if you had a movie called "nigger boy" mass chimp outs would ensue.
When my mother was growing up she and her friend Nancy would get bullied and beaten up for being wogs. Mostly Nancy though, she had dark hair and eyes so she was targeted more often. My mother on the other hand, had blonde hair and hazel eyes so she wasn't bullied as much. Feels bad man.
People who lives alongside the Mediterranean.
They must be really bad if Australians consider them niggers, considering Australians are nigger-tier themselves.
That's the British/Canadian definition and comes from golliwog, which were little black dolls kids used to have.
do you call Italians wops
gollywogs maybe
only the Aboriginals. The British that came here hundreds of years ago built some pretty decent cities, and we all know niggers don't build cities
Yeah, their cultures are accepted here. My girl is a wog and the food man, they eat like kings. I grew up on meat and veg, at a wog table you have options on the same table on the same night and then there's dessert, and wog pussy tastes very nice.
Can Southern Europeans be considered Aussies?
I think that's more of an American thing. I prefer wog desu, it just sounds better.
You are all wogs.
They live like dogs,
Some eat bananas and some wear clogs
But their all the fuckin' same because i haye wogs
Southern Europeans- Greeks, Italians and Yugoslavs
i like wogs, even lebs/turks are ok once they reach their 30s and stop being so rude and aggressive
my nan used to say wog as an old timey way of saying sick/unwell, ie. got a bit of a wog
Fully sick wog brah
That's kullah brah
Italians and Greeks did. There was a culture clash at first. But that only lasted for the first generation. They got involved in the wider community, but still kept their own cultural practices to some extent.
Get out. Only accepted wogs are in their 60's/70's and their decendants Your president was a litteral nigger, burger
I still hear wog used for the flu. But not as much though
Lived in sydney for a few months, looks like niggers in paris. Lebs are not ok
wogs = gollywogs, fuck the aussies
Also, we call fly maggots used for fishing wogs as well. pretty sure that's were the name came from
Ay faggot, play better league
Greeks, spaniads, italians serbs, croats, turks etc.
They are not considered white in australia.
rodney rude explains it in this clip
I always understood it to mean Southern European.
t. Last name ending with a vowel
I want to coin 'bomb-wog' for a certain sub section
>be southern European
>last name ends in an S
Greek? A lot of Greek surnames end with "os"
>Does it means Arab or South Europeans?
What's the difference?
Western Oriental Gentleman ie a poo-in-loo.
We were so white when they showed up they were equated to niggers.
We had the white australia policy remember.
Portuguese but I always get mistaken for Greek.
I'm fairly certain there's no Portuguese diaspora to speak of in Australia, anyway.
it's only italians and greeks
lebos like to think they're wogs
rodney's just a kike
Love Australia. You can call your mates cunts, fuckwits, dickheads, shit cunts, queer cunts, dropkicks, black cunt, maori cunt, Ethiopian cunt.
And they don't care.
One of my kiwi mates used to call me a "pasty tea bag" and "white dog" in high school. I'd just reply with "you dumb black cunt" and we never got in trouble.
kek, that's why we call them all wogs
My understanding was it started after WW2. WOG - was a generic term that started as Worker Of Greece. When a lot of migrants came out to help build infrastructure in Aus.
Its a green tide thing
Pfft what are you 12? Why don't you try ask your parents what a wog is. Wogs are Mediterranean
All the fobs at my school were coconuts.
Beat me to it
Old British Empire, saying "look at those Wogs" Western Oriental Gentlmen
i think back in Queen Victoria times it meant Darkies
>its an arab calls himself a wog cause he wishes he wasnt an arab episode
wogs are european
just cause youre brown doesnt make you a wog ahmed
she tried so hard
if you play soccer you're an honorary wog even if you're not a wog
Greek/italian/Turkish/Serbian - south Balkans.
Lebs are lebs.
Arabs/Egyptians/persians are muslims
Western Oriental Gentleman
It was a term for Asians who acted like Westerners originally.
Subject to debate, but it basically means anyone olive-skinned. Italians, Arabs or Greeks.
its wop you dumb cunts
>In Australia you can have a movie called "wog boy," in burger land, if you had a movie called "nigger boy" mass chimp outs would ensue.
Check mate, looks pretty entertaining.
I don't know about Australia, but in the US Navy it means someone who has not crossed the equator.
are you even trying Sup Forums?
Its a broad term, generally Italians and Greeks. Some include Yugoslavs and others.
Im a Serb and never got called a wog so far, its not really a big deal even if I was. Ethnic banter is normal here, I regularly call Pakis Indians and Indians Pakis. Indians get really butthurt about it.
Or call Aussies poms, most hate it since majority is Irish descendants. If not then you call them Irish, all fun
2 thirds of our terrorists are Lebs, despite them being only 20% of the Muzzie population
Fucking vermin the lot of them (except the Christian ones, but even still, fuck off we're full etc)
No. Only people from the British Isles without aboriginal ancestry can be
Pic related.
>Does it means Arab or South Europeans?
Both. Originally Italians and Greeks, but then Arabs and shitskins when they started arriving in larger numbers.
People of italian and balkan descent.
Levant and arab people are just arabs.
Skip here, couldn't have explained it better.
anyone from somewhere other than australia, the americas, east asia, or west europe