Israel's on fire, literally

I thought you guys might find it interesting.
>in the last days, fires been starting all over Israel, nobody know why
>Dozens of small fires.. Controllable, yet dangerous.
>it's probably because of the strong winds
>Kind of annoying trying to extinguish that much fires
>some countries already sent planes that will help extingushing the fires: Russia, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, etc..
>The hashtag #Israel'sBurning (translated to english) started in the arab world.

I saw 2 small fires so far. And man it fucking stinks here. Theres a fire smell fucking everywhere.

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Trump is not only making America great again.

Make Ashkenazi Jews Ash Again.

Because it is hell

>I saw 2 small fires so far. And man it fucking stinks here
Imagine how the guards at auschwitz must have felt.

Bad goy. Don't make me buy your bank.

*plants a c4 inside the bank*
*sells the bank to you*
*blows up the c4 with you inside*

What if its an attack? I always thought that the best way to fuck up california would be to starts fires everywhere and burn that bitch to the ground. Israel is a lot smaller and they have no where to flee too.

Nah. It isn't that hard to handle the fires.
Do you even know what it would do the the economy?

It's Sodom and Gomorrah all over again. G-d's burning you fags down because Israel as it is now is a disgrace.


This, Jews need to convert, Israel is holy land for God's Chosen aka Christians.

Gods wrath punishing the jews for their evil ways. Probably not.

you realize the plants in California burn themselves up on purpose through some evolutionary thing.

Even plants don't want to live in commieformia

post pics

>Theres a fire smell fucking everywhere.
be more descriptive. is it like burning paper or tires? does it smell like a bbq or burning hair?

can you taste the soot or is it a mild haze you can only smell

>I always thought that the best way to fuck up california would be to starts fires everywhere and burn that bitch to the ground.


heres one

Hmmm, the smell of wood burning, but much stronger

Kinda like the pop-bottle "missile rockets" which torment you so? Fuck off kike

Please come to Israel in a time of war.
Have you ever seen a rocket coming straight at you? No? Well I did.

>in the last days, fires been starting all over Israel, nobody know why

Aussie at it yet again.

annaha shoah?

a prelude of whats to come for the zionist filth, perhaps.

Could it be?

Someone just lightened up a forest 2 minutes away from house :/

no, he doesn't. the goyim aren't intelligent enough.

this sounds like some nigger/Arab sabotage thing.

>He seriously thinks all those countries send (((help)))
Oy vey

So you be saying...

palestinians could have beaten your fucking country like 60 years ago?
All they needed was a fucking box of matches?
That is mind blowing.